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Victory Park In Dallas

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Why I keep hearing Dallas is the Manhattan of the Southwest. Dallas is long ways to reach that point. If any city in texas to rep manhattan is houston. Well first houston is bigger. It has more buildings, and they still building downtown. But I guess that's y'all opinion about that. But to me I don't see dallas a manhattan, that's just outrages.

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Why I keep hearing Dallas is the Manhattan of the Southwest. Dallas is long ways to reach that point. If any city in texas to rep manhattan is houston. Well first houston is bigger. It has more buildings, and they still building downtown. But I guess that's y'all opinion about that. But to me I don't see dallas a manhattan, that's just outrages.

Well, here we go with the prejudice again.

Neither city is Manhattan! There can only be one! We are Houston and Dallas, okay?!

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Have you noticed that the only people saying that "Dallas is the Manhattan of the Southwest" are people from HOUSTON.

Developers from Dallas are putting billboards up that are giant TV screens. There are advertisements like this in New York City, Tokyo, and London. So Tokyo and London were just "trying to be like New York City?"

Dallas developers and advertisers are making something that Texas has never seen before. Let's not be jackasses about it.

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Have you noticed that the only people saying that "Dallas is the Manhattan of the Southwest" are people from HOUSTON.

Developers from Dallas are putting billboards up that are giant TV screens. There are advertisements like this in New York City, Tokyo, and London. So Tokyo and London were just "trying to be like New York City?"

Dallas developers and advertisers are making something that Texas has never seen before. Let's not be jackasses about it.

But its FUN being jackasses :D


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Have you noticed that the only people saying that "Dallas is the Manhattan of the Southwest" are people from HOUSTON.

Developers from Dallas are putting billboards up that are giant TV screens. There are advertisements like this in New York City, Tokyo, and London. So Tokyo and London were just "trying to be like New York City?"

Dallas developers and advertisers are making something that Texas has never seen before. Let's not be jackasses about it.

But Dallas is a little late in the game for making a "Times Square"... and its not a major, world wide trade center, and internationally known... as say, London, Paris, Tokyo, NYC... there all "super cities", and "world class"...

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So a city has to be "world class" before it can have tv-screen billboards?

Dallas is trying to become "world class." Developers are modeling their plans after other "world class cities." Dallas is not NYC. It's Dallas. But they're trying to make their downtown similar to the most successful of all downtowns in the United States. There's nothing wrong with shooting for the top.

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The rest of the Victory project is ok, but the try-too-hard-and -do-worse "Times square" project does not cut it.

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Wait a second.

Doesn't HOUSTON have a apartment complex called the MANHATTAN?

Oh my GOSH! Houston IS SOOOOOOOOOO trying to be like NYC. Why can't they think of anything original?

Oh those stupid Houstonians. They think they're so Manhattan, when in fact they're just Cleveland.


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Wait a second.

Doesn't HOUSTON have a apartment complex called the MANHATTAN?

Oh my GOSH! Houston IS SOOOOOOOOOO trying to be like NYC. Why can't they think of anything original?

Oh those stupid Houstonians. They think they're so Manhattan, when in fact they're just Cleveland.


It's all about not going crazy with it. Sure, Houston does some of that too. But Dallas seems to be obsessed with it.

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So a city has to be "world class" before it can have tv-screen billboards?

Dallas is trying to become "world class." Developers are modeling their plans after other "world class cities." Dallas is not NYC. It's Dallas. But they're trying to make their downtown similar to the most successful of all downtowns in the United States. There's nothing wrong with shooting for the top.

I was talking about the post in my quote, about London and Tokyo "trying to be like NYC"

I was simply defending Tokyo and London!

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But Houston wouldn't copy anybody. London must have stolen the idea from us. Lousy Blokes.

Hmm, well, we all totally stole the skyscraper idea from Chicago... Damned us all!

Dallas is trying to be like NYC, so what? nothing is original these days... But the simple fact is, the screens offer nothing. Like someone said in a post before (I will Paraphrase), "Hey! for vacation, lets go to Dallas, to see the big video screens!" It doesn't make sence to have them, as for nothing...

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I am sure it will be a local attraction. There is nothing wrong with being a skeptic here. Given the 80's real estate bust in Texas, all projects should be approached wth caution.

I interpret Spacecity's comments like this: If this project was being built in Houston (downtown or near the Galleria somewhere) with the huge LCDs and all...how would you respond then? Would this be a killer project to hush all the Houston naysayers? Or would it still be just another lame city trying to copy NYC?

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I still don't see what is so "world class" about advertisements projected on a huge screen in a public place??? Who cares if NYC does it... I think it's tacky in Times Square and it will be just as tacky in Dallas. And if we did it here in Houston it would be tacky here too.

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For anyone who is critical of what the Victory Project is all about, including the giant electronic billboards in front of the AAC, I would recommend visiting the site 1st at www.victorydallas.com . The site provides a lot of information for anyone with questions. And btw another piece in the Victory Development will be comming "on-line" this weekend when DART opens its brand new "Victory" light rail station. There is more information about this at www.dart.org.

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I may be going out on a limb here, but if Houston received continuous proclamations of being "the Manhattan of the Southwest", this would be a source civic pride - especially among those in the Houston pep squad who are secretly glad a presidential assassination clouds Dallas with somber and meloncholy.

Anyway, much of the label attached to Dallas as the Southwest's sophisticated version of Manhattan is a direct result from the labels of Neiman Marcus.  Even pre-depression, Dallas was building a reputation as a fashion capitol, but the fancy department store brought all the attention to Dallas.  Dallas as a fashion scene is likely to become even more prominent within the industry in America, so probably, Dallas will continue to be considered a more sophisticated city. 

Didnt Weiners get started in Houston?

Dallas, Fashion? Scene?


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Oh, I think it would be kinda tragic, but way more funny if that Christmas tree is bald by the end of December. All it will take is a nice warm holiday season and oops!! What's up with tree from NY anyway?!?!

Regarding the Victory location - this is the former brownfield location of a power plant, and has been a void in the neighborhood fabric of central Dallas for decades. Essentially, the development will become the southern extent of Dallas' uptown, bounded by I-35.

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I say good for Dallas. They are doing something unique for Texas and that's more than I can say for Houston right now. I have said before and I still say, Houston always seems to be a step behind.

Personally, I would love to see a pedestrian area with Giant digital billboards that show videos near the Galleria (Post Oak and Westheimer) or in Downtown Houston (on Main). It would give the areas more life IMO. Add a few outdoor cafes, a fountain, a couple of shops and boom, you've got a gem.

I think some here are blowing the whole New York thing out of proportion. IMO fewer people than some realize, are going to see this thing and instantly say, "Oh Dallas is just trying to be like New York". It's a cool technology that many cities would kill to have in a outdoor pedestrian area. Also, not to mention it's next to a rail station at the AA Arena. And as Los Angeles builds theirs, and Dallas builds theirs, and New York, and Vegas, and Tokyo continue to enjoy theirs, we can drive down I-45 looking at our billboards and tractor rental businesses proudly with the comfort of knowing that we aren't trying to look like New York.

This is going to be a fantastic project as a whole, that will draw many. Again, I say congrats to Dallas and don't loose that forward vision.

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