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Decision 2008: McCain/Obama


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Thanks for the idea... I might combine voting with a brief tour of Eastwood. Any suggestions for an interesting drive route from Eastenders?

These are just general boundaries to create a google map....S. Lockwood b/w Harrisburg and Leeland is roughly the central street that runs through Eastwood. You can use that as a guide. Most of the nicest homes are on the west side of Lockwood. Driving down Harrisburg, Canal and Navigation also gives a feel for the near east end. The industrial areas and railyards closest to downtown are also neat, you'll see the rapid growth in townhomes. It's a pretty compact area. Cullen and Scott are easy access points from 45. Polk is a major east-west street in the hood, and McKinney and Walker are nice for checking out the houses.

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The line at the West Gray community center was insane. I waited for an hour as the line creeped along. Having finally reached the head of the line, I was presented with the straight blue or red vote. Nope. Skipped that one.

It's always long there... that's where I go to vote. I think I may instead go to the voting place at Moody Park just north of Downtown... it's close to me, also... probably shorter lines there.

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I have voted early there the past few times and it was practically empty, plus it's extremely easy to get to by rail.

Not if you live in the Heights. ha ha ha :lol: I miss my condo in the Med Center... was 2 blocks from rail... selling current house and planning on moving back there.

Edited by HtownWxBoy
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Grim news for McCain supporters.


Chuck Todd is one of the few numbers guys I listen to. McCain's big problem appears to be the same one he has had all along. His campaign is poorly run. And Obama's is well run. If the volunteers in these tight states are not performing, it can have a devestating effect on the electoral vote.

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These are just general boundaries to create a google map....S. Lockwood b/w Harrisburg and Leeland is roughly the central street that runs through Eastwood. You can use that as a guide. Most of the nicest homes are on the west side of Lockwood. Driving down Harrisburg, Canal and Navigation also gives a feel for the near east end. The industrial areas and railyards closest to downtown are also neat, you'll see the rapid growth in townhomes. It's a pretty compact area. Cullen and Scott are easy access points from 45. Polk is a major east-west street in the hood, and McKinney and Walker are nice for checking out the houses.

merci... I will try to tour this week!

Edited by sarahiki
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Grim news for McCain supporters.


Chuck Todd is one of the few numbers guys I listen to. McCain's big problem appears to be the same one he has had all along. His campaign is poorly run. And Obama's is well run. If the volunteers in these tight states are not performing, it can have a devestating effect on the electoral vote.

Chuck Todd is good.

He knows what he is talking about. The truth is, and the latest NBC poll points it out, McCain supporters are a lot less excited about McCain than Obama supporters are about Obama. You're seeing it with record fundraising (by dollars and donors) and you're seeing it with campaign volunteers. I have friends heading out from Boston to go to New Hampshire, Indiana, Virginia, and North Carolina to get out the vote. I am heading to Virginia to meet a friend from high school who lives in DC. We're then heading to Richmond to volunteer there for the 4 days prior to election day.

I have about 8 friends who are voting for McCain. They aren't giving him money. They aren't giving him time. And, none of them are even bothering to vote early.

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Palin's Kids Travel On Government Dime

That Sarah Palin, she sure is a reformer all right.

RNC Spends Over $150,000 on Palin's clothes In One Month

Anyone remember the brouhaha over John Edwards' $400 haircut? Well, the people that claimed $400 haircuts proved Edwards was out of touch with mainstream America have just spent $150,000 on clothes for Sarah Six-Pack. That's right....4 years salary for Joe the Plumber for a little over one month's worth of clothes for our beloved hockey mom. But, don't worry, it's Barack Obama who is the elitist. ;)

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Hey, you don't want your next VP looking shabby do you? ^_^

Not at all. Alaskan governor only needs to do that from her allowances; and admit that shopping at high end fashion stores in New York is elitist, Joe the plumber her hero can't afford it. Is that asking for too mucho?

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PuroAztlan is bored with this election already.

I agree, this is boring, but probably not for the same reasons you think so.

You could make it more interesting by explaining why you support Obama. I understand that you apparently don't think the president should get chilly in the grocery store, but that seems like a rather scurrilous reason for your vote.

Please don't just say, "Obama is not Bush/a neocon/mean" or just use the words "hope" and "change". I could say the same things about McCain, but that's not why I am voting for him.

What POLICIES of Obama's do you support and why? Be specific.

I would be happy to respond in kind and perhaps this wouldn't be so boring, no?

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I agree, this is boring, but probably not for the same reasons you think so. You could make it more interesting by explaining why you support Obama. I understand that you apparently don't think the president should get chilly in the grocery store, but that seems like a rather scurrilous reason for your vote. Please don't just say, "Obama is not Bush/a neocon/mean"; or just use the words "hope" and "change".

Hope and change.

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Yeah, I'd believe anything I heard from an Al-Qaida web site. :rolleyes:

I agree, this is boring, but probably not for the same reasons you think so.

You could make it more interesting by explaining why you support Obama. I understand that you apparently don't think the president should get chilly in the grocery store, but that seems like a rather scurrilous reason for your vote.

Please don't just say, "Obama is not Bush/a neocon/mean" or just use the words "hope" and "change". I could say the same things about McCain, but that's not why I am voting for him.

What POLICIES of Obama's do you support and why? Be specific.

I would be happy to respond in kind and perhaps this wouldn't be so boring, no?

Eminem has endorsed Obama. What more do you need?

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If you have time, here is a very interesting investigative piece on how Steve Schmidt and Rick Davis have basically mismanaged McCain '08.

If anyone has found themselves asking "What happened to John McCain?" (like me), you will find some of the answers in the article. Much of the blame, it seems to me, falls on McCain's choice of Steve Schmidt to run his campaign.

Among other poor strategic decisions, the Palin choice seems to have been solely Schmidt's idea. Can you imagine where we would be if it were McCain-Bloomberg?

McCain should have stuck with Mike Murphy, a Republican strategist who seems to be intelligent and have a conscience.

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Palin's Kids Travel On Government Dime

That Sarah Palin, she sure is a reformer all right.

Compared to the billions of tax dollars wasted by Biden over his almost half-century of "service" in congress, I'm OK with that.

I still prefer "Carribou Barbie." The first time I heard it was when she was on SNL.

At first I was disappointed with her appearance. I was hoping for more. But then I read the Times article about it in Monday's arts section and it really put it into perspective. (But I guess that's what newspapers are for.)

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Just in case anyone is wondering. Yes, I can still post here, I have just chosen to let it all slide and prepare for your beatings on Nov.4th. MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!! MUWAHAHAHA*cough*cough*ACK*cough*cough*cough*.......water.......airrrrrrrrrr....

.... !!!! Ron Paul '2012!

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This is so funny I had to post this even though it was undeniably done by a democrat. I however have no problem with poking fun at both parties and I know all you McCain/Palin haters will love this comparison:


:lol: LMAO!!!! :lol:

Cant wait when McCain's 'Stright talk express' derails. He has been going the wrong direction for some time now.

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