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Decision 2008: McCain/Obama


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Oh my, look at what the mouth breathers are up to on the internets.

However, I have been inspired. I'n changing my name to Crunch Badass Tastic.

There's more gold on that page. One of her quotes said that "lying is the most fun a girl can have with her clothes on". It was interesting that as the story was breaking overnight, Fox News and Michelle Malkin had doubts almost immediately. Talk radio largely took it as a chance to brand Obama and Blacks as violent. I could have saved them the embarrassment, assuming they are capable of being embarrassed. Criminals by and large are apolitical. Your basic robbing street thug is looking to finance his next crack hit. They do not vote. They do not care.

I suppose this poor wretched excuse for a college student from Blinndergarten could have used my advice too. I guess since John Murtha said western PA was racist, she figured no one would question her too much.

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There's more gold on that page. One of her quotes said that "lying is the most fun a girl can have with her clothes on". It was interesting that as the story was breaking overnight, Fox News and Michelle Malkin had doubts almost immediately. Talk radio largely took it as a chance to brand Obama and Blacks as violent. I could have saved them the embarrassment, assuming they are capable of being embarrassed. Criminals by and large are apolitical. Your basic robbing street thug is looking to finance his next crack hit. They do not vote. They do not care.

I suppose this poor wretched excuse for a college student from Blinndergarten could have used my advice too. I guess since John Murtha said western PA was racist, she figured no one would question her too much.

That rag of a blog on the Chron, "Texas Sparkle," was all ready to believe it. She just L-O-V-E-D that story. Hope this teaches her a lesson.

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There's more gold on that page. One of her quotes said that "lying is the most fun a girl can have with her clothes on". It was interesting that as the story was breaking overnight, Fox News and Michelle Malkin had doubts almost immediately. Talk radio largely took it as a chance to brand Obama and Blacks as violent. I could have saved them the embarrassment, assuming they are capable of being embarrassed. Criminals by and large are apolitical. Your basic robbing street thug is looking to finance his next crack hit. They do not vote. They do not care.

I suppose this poor wretched excuse for a college student from Blinndergarten could have used my advice too. I guess since John Murtha said western PA was racist, she figured no one would question her too much.

The quote is a name of a song by

. I like the song though.
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That rag of a blog on the Chron, "Texas Sparkle," was all ready to believe it. She just L-O-V-E-D that story. Hope this teaches her a lesson.

I read the comments for that blog. The best one was (paraphrase). "Why a B? Why not an O? At least she wouldn't have screwed that up in the mirror"

Edit: It turns out Ashley Todd was a Ron Paul volunteer before she worked for McCain. Well that just goes to show what kind of nuts support Ron Paul.....errrr.....except for you TJones, of course..... :lol:

Edited by west20th
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A former Blinn College student may face criminal charges in Pittsburgh after police said she falsely reported to them that a robber carved a "B" in her face because she was a supporter of John McCain.

Ashley Todd, 20, last attended Blinn in the spring of 2007, according to a spokesperson for the college. Her current address is listed in College Station but her permanent address is in Richmond, according to Blinn's records.


She's not even attending college, I assume she dropped out, or flunked out, and parents mut have cut off the funds for college. She definately has a strange look about her. Possible MHMR issue there. Well she can get some free treatment while she's locked up.

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As sick and twisted as this Ashley Todd thing is you have to admit the stupidity of it all is a bit funny. Maybe it's my warped sense of humor but it has seemed to lighten the tone of this thread a bit. Here is another funny one from: http://mediamatters.org/items/200810160022?f=h_latest

On the October 15 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Bob Grant said: "[W]hat is that flag that Obama's been standing in front of that looks like an American flag, but instead of having the field of 50 stars representing the 50 states, there's a circle?" He then said: "Is the circle the 'O' for Obama? Is that what it is?" Grant later said: "[D]id you notice Obama is not content with just having several American flags, plain old American flags with the 50 states represented by 50 stars? He has the 'O' flag. And that's what that 'O' is. That's what that 'O' is. Just like he did with the plane he was using. He had the flag painted over, and the 'O' for Obama. Now, these are symptom -- these things are symptomatic of a person who would like to be a potentate -- a dictator." '

Grant did not further elaborate on what he meant by the " 'O' flag." However, conservative blogger Michelle Malkin stated on October 13 that she had "received several e-mails today from readers complaining about Barack Obama's backdrop in Toledo today. Apparently, some talk show hosts have also gone ballistic over what they think is an 'Obama flag.' " But, as Malkin noted, the flag appearing behind Obama during his October 13 speech was actually the Ohio state flag.

Well pin a ribbon on Michelle Malkin. I've never liked her but she was right about the flag thing and was suspicious of the Todd story from the start. Guess she can be forgiven for that "Rachael Ray terrorist scarf" thing.

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It is times like these that the phrase, "You can't make this stuff up!" seems to come into its own. As for Ms. Malkin, she's two for two on shooting down nutjob rightwing conspiracies. If she keeps this up, she is in danger of having her right wing conspirator credentials revoked.

In keeping with the "You can't make this stuff up!" vein, VP candidate Sarah Palin today decided to talk serious and give a policy speech. She stated that under a McCain/Palin administration, parents of special needs children would get more help from the government, and she would spearhead the campaign. That is laudable and relavent, given her child having autism. Palin then lambasted wasteful government grants, such as "fruit fly research in Paris, France." "I kid you not!". she exclaimed. What the GOP VP candidate apparently failed to realize as she mocked this research is that enzyme research on fruit flies and other organisms is critical to finding a cure for...you guessed it...Autism. Even worse, the research is being conducted at the University of North Carolina...umm...a battleground state.



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Now, ya see ... that just makes me wish I could vote for McCain. Crazy, out-of-control presidential brothers are so much fun.

Here's hoping Obama's brothers will pull some crazy stunts.

Bill was having some fun with this on HBO tonight. He ended up begging Obama to bring his half-brother over from Africa and to "black it up" so comedians would have something to work with. He then suggested putting a shark tank in the White House.

As for Joe McCain, what was he thinkin'? I bet he was surprised when someone actually answered the 911 call in the communist nation of Northern Virginia!

Also, the votes are in in my immediate family (parents, siblings, spouses, significant others) and it breaks down 7-5 in favor of Obama. We split down the middle 6-6 in 2000 and 2004 but a bro-in-law decided to vote Democratic after Powell's endorsement.

Edited by KinkaidAlum
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When Obama said "don't get cocky, remember New Hampshire" I interpreted that as a reference to the fact that in the NH primary Hillary won the e-machines and Obama won the paper votes. ACORN has got nothing on what the Repubs are capable of. This election will be hideous.

EDIT: Here's a link to a story on this topic:


Edited by N Judah
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Obama holds lead over McCain in Harris County


Copyright 2008 Houston Chronicle

Oct. 25, 2008, 12:53AM


Harris County voters are on the verge of favoring a Democratic presidential candidate for the first time in 44 years — putting the area out of step with the rest of Texas, according to a Houston Chronicle poll.

They gave Barack Obama the edge over Republican John McCain by 7 percentage points this week, with very few undecided or backing another contender.


More at the link. Just hypothetically speaking, what an embarrassment it would be for the GOP if Obama took Texas, or even made it close.

And come on Georgia!


Obama 375 McCain 157 Ties 6


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Obama holds lead over McCain in Harris County

I was wondering when Houston and Harris county would become blue. I think it's a sign of Houston's diversity and the fact that it really is a cosmopolitan city. I'm sure some conservatives will see this as a bad thing, but I think it's a natural, positive, and inevitable progression. Other major cities (Chicago, Philadelphia, New York) are similarly diverse and cosmopolitan, and each also tends to vote more progressively then the state at large.

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How sad that she felt some need to do this. False Police reports? Race baiting? Later claims of a possible sexual assault? This young woman is S-I-C-K.

Yeah Kink, she has a history of mental illness according to the news report I saw last night.

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Edit: It turns out Ashley Todd was a Ron Paul volunteer before she worked for McCain. Well that just goes to show what kind of nuts support Ron Paul.....errrr.....except for you TJones, of course..... :lol:

Rather have a few fantasy induced nuts in the Ron Paul group, than a few Domestic Terrorists like Bill Ayers and Co. :lol::lol:

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Obama 375 McCain 157 Ties 6


It's interesting to see West Virginia pink. I bet people there don't know what to do.

In the 18 months I lived there, I'd never seen such a collection of absolutely uneducated, brainwashed people in my life. They are programmed from birth for two thing -- to hate black people (and Yankees) and to vote yellow dog Democrat no matter what. This election has got to be causing mass confusion for thos'uns in the hills and hollars. I bet a lot of them sit this election out.

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Interesting comments coming out of the McCain/Palin camp as things unravel around them.


I found the characterization of Palin as a diva particularly interesting.

From the story:

"She is a diva. She takes no advice from anyone," the McCain source said.

Sounds like she's out-mavericked the maverick.

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