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Decision 2008: McCain/Obama


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Hmmmmm, seems like all the ATF did is stop a couple of knuckleheads from hurting themselves and actually saved a few highschool kids' lives in the process, but they give Obama the headline ??? Typical.

Why shouldn't it be a headline when a couple of crazies plot to kill a Presidential candidate? I am so sick of people whining about the media everytime the media doesn't say exactly what they happen to think.

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This is really funny...


"I'm a maverick!!!"

I saw that last week - took me a while to find everything, and they add something new every day ^_^

Keep clicking on the door - it's hilarious!

You might not want to watch this at work if laughter is discouraged.

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Why shouldn't it be a headline when a couple of crazies plot to kill a Presidential candidate? I am so sick of people whining about the media everytime the media doesn't say exactly what they happen to think.

No, I find it sad that the media thinks Obama is more important than the other 102 kids these two whackos were planning on killing. This is exactly what is WRONG with the Demorats party, they put the needs of the ONE over the needs of the many. Thanks for proving my point sara and htownboy.

Edited by TJones
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No, I find it sad that the media thinks Obama is more important than the other 102 kids these two whackos were planning on killing. This is exactly what is WRONG with the Demorats party, they put the needs of the ONE over the needs of the many. Thanks for proving my point sara and htownboy.

wow, you're right. I DO think that the lives of a bunch of kids aren't important! What a bad person I am. And what bad people all Democrats are. Here we are, not caring if anyone kills children. Thanks TJ for setting me straight, and providing that depth of insight.

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No, I find it sad that the media thinks Obama is more important than the other 102 kids these two whackos were planning on killing. This is exactly what is WRONG with the Demorats party, they put the needs of the ONE over the needs of the many. Thanks for proving my point sara and htownboy.

Of the many factors that go into news reporting, two stands out here: Being factual and being catchy. They reported about the 102 kids and that's how you know about it, but Obama in the headline will be more appealing probably so they trumped that up. Moreso they did plan to kill him, albeit a sketchy plan, but the media didn't lie.

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No, I find it sad that the media thinks Obama is more important than the other 102 kids these two whackos were planning on killing. This is exactly what is WRONG with the Demorats party, they put the needs of the ONE over the needs of the many. Thanks for proving my point sara and htownboy.

I have it on good authority that the Democratic party did not write those headlines, but if you have insider info that the DNC is secretly feeding headlines to copy editors, I'd love to see it.

BTW, it wasn't 102 kids. The skinheads planned to decapitate 14 of the 88 they shot. If it had been 102 kids, I am quite sure that the media would have given them equal billing. Oh, and since we are talking kids here, do you happen to know who the 102, or 88 kids are? Do you know what school it was? What, they had not picked a school? There are no kids? Only Obama is named? I doubt that matters.

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Obama within 2 points in ARIZONA.

The 2 point deficit is within the 4.9 point margin of error, meaning the race is statistically tied in Arizona.

There's an interesting article in the Telegraph on the future of the Republican party. Interesting foreign commentary. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics...-the-party.html

The Arizona numbers made me go back and look at Texas, a solid Red state. But in 92 and 96, Clinton lost Texas only by 5 and 4%, respectively (according to the Rasmussin data on electoral vote).

Makes me wonder if the Obama numbers will end up closer. Right now he's at a 9% deficit.

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So Joe the Plumber is now an expert on foreign policy and Israel? Good God, how much more can McCain screw up his own campaign?

I'm so ready for this to all be over with.

And for the record, I stood in line just over two hours Friday afternoon to vote. Early voting in Texas is so much easier than in Georgia, where you have to fill out a stupid application that asks for the same information two or three times on the same piece of paper, to justify why you're voting early. And until this week, there was only one location per county for early voting. Anyway, it's done now and I was glad to be able to cast my vote.

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So Joe the Plumber is now an expert on foreign policy and Israel? Good God, how much more can McCain screw up his own campaign?

OMG RIGHT! I almost fell off the couch yesterday when I heard "joe the plumber" explain how sure he was Obama would not help Israel. So let's see... Joe the Plumber who isn't really a plumber and who, in the past, hasn't paid his taxes, is an expert on Obama's foreign policy.

Hey Joe... enjoy the spotlight b/c the RNC is going to drop you like yesterday's newspaper come November 5th. ^_^

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It hasn't swayed my vote, but just to stir the pot...

This morning on the local TV news they were talking about how the Los Angeles Times has a video of Obama and Ayres and this other guy all paling around at a party. The third guy is well known as a very hard-core anti-Israel/pro-Palestine guy.

For some reason the L.A. Times is sitting on the video.

The Democratic analyst that was on TV said it's just another smear campaign. The Republican analyst said it's a little too late in the campaign to try to define who Obama is.

I'll see if I can find some links so you guys can read up on it and make up your own minds.

Here we go...

McCain Accuses LA Times of Surpressing Video

The original Times article from April

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It hasn't swayed my vote, but just to stir the pot...

This morning on the local TV news they were talking about how the Los Angeles Times has a video of Obama and Ayres and this other guy all paling around at a party. The third guy is well known as a very hard-core anti-Israel/pro-Palestine guy.

For some reason the L.A. Times is sitting on the video.

The Democratic analyst that was on TV said it's just another smear campaign. The Republican analyst said it's a little too late in the campaign to try to define who Obama is.

I'll see if I can find some links so you guys can read up on it and make up your own minds.

Here we go...

McCain Accuses LA Times of Surpressing Video

The original Times article from April

I didn't see any mention of Ayers in either article. I'm not saying he's not in the video, but I don't see it there. I don't find it surprising at all that he has close allies on the Palestinian side. He has said all along that he speaks to people on both sides of an issue and is a "uniter."

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I find it hard to beleive that any American politician who values his career would abandon an Israel-friendly position.

The idea that Obama is a radical Palestininan sympathizer is a bit of a strech to me. His record in Chicago certainly shows a politician who reached out to 'the other side'. I think he understands full well the tightrope he's got to walk on that. OTOH, exactly what is wrong with attempting to understand, and reach out to both sides of the fence, so to speak? There are some pretty radical elements in the Israel lobby, that doesn't mean that taking their campaign money makes you a zionist terrorist. It goes both ways. I think much of this is driven by a desire to paint Obama as a radical terrorist sympathizer, and very little to do with actual Israeli-Palestininan issues, or on a larger scale, the middle eastern balance of power.

Republicans aren't coming out and saying it, but they would like us to connect the dots like as follows: Obama pals aorund with radical Palestinians, therefore he will turn his back on Israel, therefore setting the stage for Iranian dominance in the region, therefore selling out US interests the world over to Islamic fascists. Sorry, I don't buy that as his agenda. I just don't.

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I find it hard to beleive that any American politician who values his career would abandon an Israel-friendly position.

The idea that Obama is a radical Palestininan sympathizer is a bit of a strech to me. His record in Chicago certainly shows a politician who reached out to 'the other side'. I think he understands full well the tightrope he's got to walk on that. OTOH, exactly what is wrong with attempting to understand, and reach out to both sides of the fence, so to speak? There are some pretty radical elements in the Israel lobby, that doesn't mean that taking their campaign money makes you a zionist terrorist. It goes both ways. I think much of this is driven by a desire to paint Obama as a radical terrorist sympathizer, and very little to do with actual Israeli-Palestininan issues, or on a larger scale, the middle eastern balance of power.

Republicans aren't coming out and saying it, but they would like us to connect the dots like as follows: Obama pals aorund with radical Palestinians, therefore he will turn his back on Israel, therefore setting the stage for Iranian dominance in the region, therefore selling out US interests the world over to Islamic fascists. Sorry, I don't buy that as his agenda. I just don't.

It's called scare tactics, something Republicans have mastered in the past... this election it's actually hurting them which rules. B)

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wow, you're right. I DO think that the lives of a bunch of kids aren't important! What a bad person I am. And what bad people all Democrats are. Here we are, not caring if anyone kills children. Thanks TJ for setting me straight, and providing that depth of insight.

Apparently somebody had to think of the kids , AHEAD of your messiah sara, as you obviously don't.

Red, I was speaking of the Libs. on this forum, not the Liberal Biased media, nice try though. You and your "source" need to read a little more concise. BTW, does it MATTER who the 88 to 102 kids are Red ? Is there an acceptable type of child that is less important to you, to be murdered, over your messiah ? The skinheads said that Obama was actually an "afterthought, and would try to take a shot at him." So, was Obama scheduled to be speaking at any schools in these last two weeks ?

For the record, apparently the only REAL part they had planned out already was the renting of two white tuxes with white top hats. I don't think these two morons could actually tie their own shoes let alone plan out a Columbine.

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It's called scare tactics, something Republicans have mastered in the past... this election it's actually hurting them which rules. B)

Htown, would you think the same way if Timothy McVeigh and Obama were paling around together the whole night at a party ?

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