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The election and the media

Mark F. Barnes

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Well there was a time when blacks and women couldn't vote... would you like to return to those times? I like allowing everyone to vote... I know some people don't know who or what they are voting for but most do.

...you sure about that? Have you seen Jaywalking on Leno? :lol:

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You know what i like to see in restaurants all around the country. I think it would be fun though unscientific. Maybe they should do it in Houston though it would probably be a clear choice for McCain. I would like to see popular restaurants rename their popular dishes called 'McCain.....' or 'Obama....' for the next week or so. Each restaurant would post their results of how many ordered the 'McCain' or 'Obama' at the end of the week. I want to see something other than polls from the media.

Edited by sifuwong
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Well there was a time when blacks and women couldn't vote... would you like to return to those times?

Where did you get that? A basic test of knowledge of current events and issues wouldn't exclude anyone by race or gender.

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Where did you get that? A basic test of knowledge of current events and issues wouldn't exclude anyone by race or gender.

Just to be fair. If Murtha had his way, people in the Western half of Pennsylvania wouldn't be able to vote, as they are apparently "Rednecks" and Obama would stand a better chance. ;)dn't work o

I would agree with you 100%, but they tried to have a litmus test back in the 50's. Somebody here posted it before. The test didn't work out to well.

Edited by TJones
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You know what i like to see in restaurants all around the country. I think it would be fun though unscientific. Maybe they should do it in Houston though it would probably be a clear choice for McCain. I would like to see popular restaurants rename their popular dishes called 'McCain.....' or 'Obama....' for the next week or so. Each restaurant would post their results of how many ordered the 'McCain' or 'Obama' at the end of the week. I want to see something other than polls from the media.

I never order because of names. If there's an ingredient I don't like, I skip it.

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You know what i like to see in restaurants all around the country. I think it would be fun though unscientific. Maybe they should do it in Houston though it would probably be a clear choice for McCain. I would like to see popular restaurants rename their popular dishes called 'McCain.....' or 'Obama....' for the next week or so. Each restaurant would post their results of how many ordered the 'McCain' or 'Obama' at the end of the week. I want to see something other than polls from the media.

Still won't work. For example some people will order a candidate to show their support, some will order to show their disapproval. You know like 'I just chewed Obama up'.

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I never order because of names. If there's an ingredient I don't like, I skip it.

What if that 'McCain...' or 'Obama...' dish was one of your favorite dishes you typically order when you frequent that restaurant ?

Still won't work. For example some people will order a candidate to show their support, some will order to show their disapproval. You know like 'I just chewed Obama up'.

I guess the restaurant will have to put up something like show your approval of candidate by ordering his dish of the week.

Edited by sifuwong
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There's little doubt the mainstream media is very biased. I think that's evident just in the fact that they have spent more time investigating Joe the Plumber than they have William Ayers or ACORN. Not a suprise since everything comes from NYC and California.

Then how come Joe the Plumber's gender reassignment surgery hasn't been more widely reported?


Talk about installing pipe....

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There's little doubt the mainstream media is very biased.

This whole business about biased media kills me. I have politically extreme friends on both the left and right who moan endlessly about bias, although of course about bias in opposite directions. It is just so bogus. They talk like

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There's little doubt the mainstream media is very biased. I think that's evident just in the fact that they have spent more time investigating Joe the Plumber than they have William Ayers or ACORN.

I disagree. I see MSNBC as highly liberal, and Fox News to be highly conservative, and I consider both to be mainstream. CNN is closer to bi-partisanship than the other two.

Then there's ABC, NBC, and CBS evening news. They're not partisan like cable news; they're just more sugar-coated and condensed, thus more people are turning to cable anyway. And Face The Nation, This Week, and Meet The Press are pretty good at asking the tough questions to everyone that goes on their shows because their gimmick is just to try to raise hell with "gotcha" questions to whoever's in power because they want to be known as the show that made that moment possible.

Then there's talk-radio. I see that as heavily conservative than liberal. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, etc. get mad play there. Then when you turn to satelite radio, perhaps you may hear a liberal channel or two added to the mix.

Long-story short, there's enough liberal and conservative media out there for anyone and everyone to flip the channel like I do and hear both sides of the story. To turn my television from a partisan to a bipartisan media outlet, I simply use my remote control.

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