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Election Night 2008


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If Obama looses will Blacks riot? Not here in Houston. I don't think blacks here are as angry or have anyone here to incite them like maybe Chicago, Oakland or Detroit. Not trying to be unpoliticaly correct but sadly it is a concern in parts of the nation.

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Per Editor's request, my reply is found here..

Sarahiki Posted this:

This is the biggest load of bull that being shoveled out there. Nobody is giving money from the rich to the poor. What do you think is going to happen? Poor people are going to line up to get checks, made out to them, care of the rich? What's going to happen is that the middle class is going to get a tax break, just like the rich have gotten for the past 8 years. The rich will likely lose that tax break. Hey, they had their chance at it, and guess what, the economy fell apart, in case you haven't heard. So much for the rest of your economic theory.

Nobody is giving money out to the poor. It's not spread the wealth, it's spread the opportunity to achieve wealth. But of course, I'm wasting my time here; you haven't listened yet, why would you listen now.


My reply: Yes, Obama will be giving money taxed from the rich, to the poor. Every spring, millions that earned little to no money will get a income tax refund under Obama's tax plan, even though they paid no taxes. In other words, they are getting money for nothing. And where did that money come from? Part of it comes from the new revenue from increased taxes the rich will pay.

So yes, once a year, poor people will get in lines to get a check from the government. And no, its not spreading opportunity. Its spreading wealth. Its taking the wealth of the rich, and using it to give to the poor. That is re-distribution of wealth. That is socialism.

Spreading opportunity would be to not tax those who make the most money, those who have their own businesses, those who spend the most money, those who hire poor people to work - but instead give them more ways and incentive to keep more money, so they can spend more, keep their workforce, and to hire more.

As for our economy being in the crapper, I sure don't see it. All I see is a "reset" from the ARM's & sub-prime mortgages, as well as a "reset" from inflated car sales from years of under-speculated gas prices.. Now that we are using less gas, demand has gone down, as has the price. Thus car sales will ultimately return - but unlike the stock market, it doesn't happen on the minute.

Edited by Jeebus
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I will be consuming mass quantities of beer, since I will be taking Chris Rock's advice and celebrating the new holiday, Nov. 5th, instead of going to work, like alot of my brothers of another color have told me they will be rejoicing in.

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So, what happens when it is proven by Berg that Obama was indeed born in Kenya, and is not actually a "Natural-born Citizen" ? Are all bets off at that point ?


Your desperation is showing. The suit was dismissed. You don't think Clinton or McCain would have used this if it was true?

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Obama/Biden hold all blue states from 2004 and add Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, Iowa, Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia.

Florida and Ohio could go to McCain/Palin if enough votes are surpressed and the Dems simply don't care to fight because they'll win regardless. It was a VERY smart strategy for Obama's camp to move away from having to rely on Ohio and/or Florida to win the electoral college.

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Worst case... Obama under 300, McCain takes the rest...

Good God... McCain wins Kentucky. Maybe he's on his way to an upset victory...

If he wins, it will NOT be an upset. It will be seen as an upset for two reasons: 1. The media has been enamored with Obama, and has been reflected in the way they report on him, and the volume of said reports, and 2. Most conservatives don't fill out exit polls.

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Worst case... Obama under 300, McCain takes the rest...

Good God... McCain wins Kentucky. Maybe he's on his way to an upset victory...

Man, what the hell is wrong with you bro? Kentucky has almost always been a Republican stronghold. This time is no different.

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If Obama looses will Blacks riot? Not here in Houston. I don't think blacks here are as angry or have anyone here to incite them like maybe Chicago, Oakland or Detroit. Not trying to be unpoliticaly correct but sadly it is a concern in parts of the nation.



I guess on the flip side, nursing homes could riot if McCain looses. :P

If McCain wins will whites riot?

That is the real question you need to be asking.

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Man, what the hell is wrong with you bro? Kentucky has almost always been a Republican stronghold. This time is no different.

Sarcasm, Trae. Sarcasm.

CNN projects that Dole will lose her Senate seat... GOOD. Her "godless" commercials backfired. One positive development for the evening...

Good to see my home state of North Carolina unceremoniously dump the author of the WORST election ad of the 2008 campaign. Good riddance, Sen. Dole. I know you are originally from North Carolina, but I wouldn't mind seeing you return to Kansas in retirement.

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In the spirit of bi-partisanship, I'm watching the returns on Fox. I find bottom of the screen graphics superior to the other networks. Who's this guy they have, named Shepherd something? Proper old-style southern accent, but gives off a strong leather-bar gay vibe. Or is it just me?

In local races, I'm surprised at how well Rick Noriega is doing so far. Go Rick! The latest numbers had him at only a 2- point deficit.

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Sarcasm, Trae. Sarcasm.

I couldn't tell. Sorry. ;)

But interesting that Texas hasn't been called yet. By 2012, Texas will be a battleground state. Also, with the states out west, Obama has this thing won basically.

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In the spirit of bi-partisanship, I'm watching the returns on Fox. I find bottom of the screen graphics superior to the other networks. Who's this guy they have, named Shepherd something? Proper old-style southern accent, but gives off a strong leather-bar gay vibe. Or is it just me?

It ain't just you, Crunch. Shep used to look much more wholesome, shall we say, but in the last few weeks I've started to notice that tannin whiff and glassy gaze.

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In the spirit of bi-partisanship, I'm watching the returns on Fox. I find bottom of the screen graphics superior to the other networks. Who's this guy they have, named Shepherd something? Proper old-style southern accent, but gives off a strong leather-bar gay vibe. Or is it just me?

In local races, I'm surprised at how well Rick Noriega is doing so far. Go Rick! The latest numbers had him at only a 2- point deficit.

Good eye. First impressions are rarely wrong. Link.

Smith has repeatedly dodged the question of his sexuality, but in 2005 he was outed in a column in the Washington Blade. Kevin Naff, the managing editor of the gay weekly, said that Smith "chatted me up in a New York City gay piano bar, bought me drinks, and invited me back to his place." He lives in a two-bedroom West Village loft that he purchased for $1.87 million in 2004. Fashion designer (and fellow gay) Michael Kors lives in the same building.

...now back to the election results...

Edited by BryanS
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