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Why Obama Won In A Landslide


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Interesting article on why the election wasn't even close.


Exit polls showed 62 of voters thought the economy was the most pressing issue in this election. While Obama was consulting economists, McCain was talking taxes. I suppose a guy whose wife is worth $100 million does not think this way, but for those who work for a living, having a job comes first. The taxes owed on the income earned from that job comes in a distant second.

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While a few diehards still cling to it, the 'Dems will raise taxes and crush the economy' argument is by now road hard and put up wet, and more people finally understand that for what it is--a smokescreen. An entire state voted to keep their income tax! When I get home tonight I hope to spend some time digging a little deeper into exit poll data. I heard an interesting tidbit last night on Fox from the Pennsylvania exit polls, which had white people making over $100,000 a year voting over 60% for Obama. I found that very surpising.

As for other arguments that people who are afraid of losing their jobs would never vote for Obama, well, I am, and I did. My company and my livelihood is on the brink not because of high taxes, but because of what happens when arrogance, greed, and deregulation combine to create an unsustainable financial house of cards. In fact it's 'socialism' that's saving my ass right now.

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While a few diehards still cling to it, the 'Dems will raise taxes and crush the economy' argument is by now road hard and put up wet, and more people finally understand that for what it is--a smokescreen. An entire state voted to keep their income tax! When I get home tonight I hope to spend some time digging a little deeper into exit poll data. I heard an interesting tidbit last night on Fox from the Pennsylvania exit polls, which had white people making over $100,000 a year voting over 60% for Obama. I found that very surpising.

As for other arguments that people who are afraid of losing their jobs would never vote for Obama, well, I am, and I did. My company and my livelihood is on the brink not because of high taxes, but because of what happens when arrogance, greed, and deregulation combine to create an unsustainable financial house of cards. In fact it's 'socialism' that's saving my ass right now.

Then you might also be surprised that Wall Street types contributed far more to the Obama campaign than to the McCain campaign. For the group whose entire industry is supposed to disappear under Obama rule to give most of their money to him instead of McCain suggests that even Wall Street recognizes that Obama's plans for the economy are better than McCain's non-plan. It is a no-brainer that Congress will bring more regulation to Wall Street. The Wall Street contributors saw something else in Obama. My guess is intelligence.

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It is a no-brainer that Congress will bring more regulation to Wall Street.

Could it be that enlightened self interest has led the people who work on Wall Street to favor increased regulation? The idealist in me keeps wanting that to happen. The realist just laughs and laughs.

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Could it be that enlightened self interest has led the people who work on Wall Street to favor increased regulation? The idealist in me keeps wanting that to happen. The realist just laughs and laughs.

Well, it has been interesting watching the heretofore 'irrational exuberance' crowd on CNBC trash the greedy risk takers in the hedge funds for taking down the markets, and their demands for a few perp walks to reassure investors that the guilty parties are being punished. While it sounds good, and is almost convincing that the lion's share of investors will give up casino style profits for a more regulated, but sustainable bull market, it still strikes me like alcoholics at an AA meeting. When the bull returns, I won't be surprised to hear the calls for deregulation from the same people.

Let's face it, a bull loves Phil Gramm. A bear loves the Democratic Party.

Edited by RedScare
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While a few diehards still cling to it, the 'Dems will raise taxes and crush the economy' argument is by now road hard and put up wet, and more people finally understand that for what it is--a smokescreen. An entire state voted to keep their income tax! When I get home tonight I hope to spend some time digging a little deeper into exit poll data. I heard an interesting tidbit last night on Fox from the Pennsylvania exit polls, which had white people making over $100,000 a year voting over 60% for Obama. I found that very surpising.

As for other arguments that people who are afraid of losing their jobs would never vote for Obama, well, I am, and I did. My company and my livelihood is on the brink not because of high taxes, but because of what happens when arrogance, greed, and deregulation combine to create an unsustainable financial house of cards. In fact it's 'socialism' that's saving my ass right now.

Hey Crunch,

I think that factoid is true at least with regards to Pennsylvania. Obama carried the very ritzy counties surrounding Philadelphia like Bucks, Delaware, and Chester. These counties are home to the Main Line communities of VERY old money. These are places in which Republicans outnumber Democrats by registration. But, by and large, they overwhelmingly voted for Obama last night.

I haven't verified it yet, but I've heard last night was an odd combination of blacks, Hispanics, 18-29 year olds, and college educated whites that carried Obama/Biden across the nation. It's no surprise then that he won big in states that have a concentration of most of those groups. States like Massachusetts, New York, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Colorado, Washington, Illinois and California.

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While a few diehards still cling to it, the 'Dems will raise taxes and crush the economy' argument is by now road hard and put up wet, and more people finally understand that for what it is--a smokescreen. An entire state voted to keep their income tax!

For the record, the diehard battle cry is 'tax-and-spend liberals'. Never mind that the phrase apart from the rhetoric isn't unreasonable or scary...but you left out the part about spending. Spending necessitates the existence of taxes, debt or seigniorage. And if anybody thought that they could just vote down their income tax and enjoy a free lunch, well that's just stupid. And I doubt that the mainstream debate was structured like that.

There is a legitimate debate to be had over what is the best method of taxation. I don't think that income tax is that method, but then again I don't know what the alternative to it would've been. There are a lot of ways that someone that didn't like the method of using income taxes would still vote to keep them.

Then you might also be surprised that Wall Street types contributed far more to the Obama campaign than to the McCain campaign. For the group whose entire industry is supposed to disappear under Obama rule to give most of their money to him instead of McCain suggests that even Wall Street recognizes that Obama's plans for the economy are better than McCain's non-plan. It is a no-brainer that Congress will bring more regulation to Wall Street. The Wall Street contributors saw something else in Obama. My guess is intelligence.

My guess is a hired goon is what they hope to have gotten. They only seemed to really get behind him when it became apparent that McCain didn't stand a chance.

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There is a legitimate debate to be had over what is the best method of taxation. I don't think that income tax is that method, but then again I don't know what the alternative to it would've been. There are a lot of ways that someone that didn't like the method of using income taxes would still vote to keep them.

I absolutely agree with you on this point, and it is one of the biggest reasons that I want to reach through the computer screen and strangle those that scream "tax and spend liberals" or "less taxes". That is neither a debate nor a solution. I'd love to have a discussion about the best way to fund our government, which necessarily would include a discussion of spending priorities as well. Maybe I'll start another thread when the hoopla dies down.

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"Obama landslide?" "Why it wasn't even close?" Are you serious? Do you think by saying this that it makes it true?

63 million voted for Obama, 56 million voted for McCain. Not exactly a landslide, wouldn't you have to agree?

Obama inherits an incredibly divided electorate. His "words matter" days are over. Now we see what his actions will be.

Edited by pineda
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There is a legitimate debate to be had over what is the best method of taxation. I don't think that income tax is that method, but then again I don't know what the alternative to it would've been. There are a lot of ways that someone that didn't like the method of using income taxes would still vote to keep them.

Like Red, I completely agree. I don't see much cutting of taxes for anyone making a lot of sense right now given what the baliout has done to the national debt. The time for campaign promises is over, and hopefully Obama can handle the very large job he has in adjusting people's expectations of what is reasonable, given the environment.


I was watching Colin Powell on CNN while I was at the gym. He made a masterful

deflection on the question of serving in Obama's administration: His answer was "I'm not looking for a job, and I don't expect to be offered one."

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"Obama landslide?" "Why it wasn't even close?" Are you serious? Do you think by saying this that it makes it true?

63 million voted for Obama, 56 million voted for McCain. Not exactly a landslide, wouldn't you have to agree?

Obama inherits an incredibly divided electorate. His "words matter" days are over. Now we see what his actions will be.

Sorry, pineda. I was using George W Bush math. He won by 3 million votes and 35 electoral votes, and claimed a "mandate". So I kinda figured a 7.5 million vote lead and a virtual doubling of the electoral vote would qualify as a "landslide" using Bush math. However, in the interest of reaching across the aisle and healing of wounds, I will henceforth describe the Obama victory as a "squeaker".

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Has anyone seen the Fox News reporter who was interviewed on Bill O'Reilly? Just skewered Palin. Said she thought Africa was a country...not a continent. Asked if South Africa was just a region of the country of Africa. Did not know which countries were part of NAFTA, and could not name all of the countries in North America.

This is coming from a Fox News reporter. Look for all the juicy Palin diva gossip soon. As I understand it, there was access by some reporters to both campaigns, with the agreement not to use off the record stuff until after the election. Look for more fun soon.

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Sorry, pineda. I was using George W Bush math. He won by 3 million votes and 35 electoral votes, and claimed a "mandate". So I kinda figured a 7.5 million vote lead and a virtual doubling of the electoral vote would qualify as a "landslide" using Bush math. However, in the interest of reaching across the aisle and healing of wounds, I will henceforth describe the Obama victory as a "squeaker".

Not only did the Bushies declare a landslide, Bush had the gall to go on television THE VERY NEXT DAY after being re-elected in 2004 to talk about how he had "earned politcal capital" and he planned to use it. This press conference was taking place while much of the nation was focused on voting irregularities in Ohio... the very same Ohio that went for Obama by 204,414 votes despite being a "Hillary" state.

Obama currently leads the POPULAR VOTE by just over 7.5 million! Given that there are votes left to be counted in BIG Obama states like Colorado, California, Washington, and Oregon, it is just a matter of time before the McCain/Palin deficit hits 8 million.

Obama will also likely win North Carolina. He is up by over 14,000 votes with 100% of precincts reporting in a state that voted Sen. Dole out and also voted in a Democratic Governor. That will give Obama a 364-174 electoral college edge; just as I predicted.

Add in Democratic pick ups in the Senate and House plus the wins in 2006, and you are getting close to the definition of a political landslide.

That said, I hope Obama doesn't take that road. I hope he lives up to the type of leader he says he is going to be. We cannot waste another 4 years with silly partisan fighting. I commend John McCain for his gracious speech last night. I just wish his live audience felt the same way. The Republican Party needs to wake up and realize that the Karl Rove days are OVER. That might be the best thing that happens from this election.

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Again you (Red) find it convenient to make your jabs to justify your statements. A landslide is typically double digits. Last night was not.

Of course I'm referring to the general vote.

Edited by Jeebus
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Red, you watch Bill O'Reilly on Fox? Wow, talk about reaching across that aisle! Seriously, though, that reporter on Fox News should be ashamed of himself for giddily repeating rumors from "unnamed sources from within the McCain campaign". Truly shameful behavior on the reporter's part and on that of any "unnamed source".

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Red, you watch Bill O'Reilly on Fox? Wow, talk about reaching across that aisle! Seriously, though, that reporter on Fox News should be ashamed of himself for giddily repeating rumors from "unnamed sources from within the McCain campaign". Truly shameful behavior on the reporter's part and on that of any "unnamed source".

Considering that Cameron is the reporter that Palin went to in order to tell her side of the Couric interview story, I don't find him to be shameful. And, reporters who reveal sources don't get stories.

Here's the link to the video.


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Sorry, but Cameron is in the wrong this time. Repeating rumors by "unnamed sources" is just wrong, no matter who does it. And doing it to "get a story" is even more shameful. BTW, Greta on Fox asked Governor Palin about these rumors and she flat-out denied them and said she did not know where that was coming from. Palin's two staffers who travelled constantly with her also denied these rumors. Oh, and I pass on anything that starts off with the word Huffington Post.

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Sorry, but Cameron is in the wrong this time. Repeating rumors by "unnamed sources" is just wrong, no matter who does it. And doing it to "get a story" is even more shameful. BTW, Greta on Fox asked Governor Palin about these rumors and she flat-out denied them and said she did not know where that was coming from. Palin's two staffers who travelled constantly with her also denied these rumors. Oh, and I pass on anything that starts off with the word Huffington Post.

I'm stunned that Palin denied that she is a diva and an idiot. I guess it isn't true, then. Gotta wonder what Fox's motive is in publicizing it.

EDIT: I put a Fox News link on there, so pineda can look at it. :rolleyes:

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I'm stunned that Palin denied that she is a diva and an idiot. I guess it isn't true, then. Gotta wonder what Fox's motive is in publicizing it.

I guess their motive is... making money from people watching their news shows. It doesn't surprise me that they're ready to push a candidate from their preferred party under the bus in order to do so. Especially one who just lost an election, and is generally viewed as a joke anyway.

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I guess their motive is... making money from people watching their news shows. It doesn't surprise me that they're ready to push a candidate from their preferred party under the bus in order to do so. Especially one who just lost an election, and is generally viewed as a joke anyway.

Or Fox's Secret Masters<tm> fear the monster they have created, and need to neutralize her before she goes all mavericky on their secret asses in 2012.

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Really, Red, you gotta wonder? Really?

No, I'm sure they were just sick of her, so they decided to take her out at the knees. Or, like meme said, they had to ruin her so that they can pimp Romney again in 2012.

I think it's funny as hell. Imagining Palin throwing paper around, screaming at the staff because Katie Couric made her look bad. I can almost her her nasaly voice screaming, "Do you know who I am?" :lol:

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Yeah, I laughed too at the human gaffe machine known as Joe Biden. Except now it's not so funny, because he's going to be our Vice-President, and the whole world will get to see him in action. Yippee, funny as hell! NOT!

Eight years of GW Bush, and you claim to be mortified that the world might hear a Joe Biden gaffe? :blink: You probably don't read a lot of European press, but as a British reporter put it, "Europe is in the grips of Obama mania". The world cannot get enough of Obama (and they are not paying attention to Biden).

I know that you did not intend to make a funny like that, but even Joe Biden cannot top Bush. You really need to work on your Obama/Biden snarkiness, pineda. It is pretty rusty. Maybe you and Jeebus can get tutored by Palin's people...just don't scream at them. They've been through so much already. :)

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Ah, Red, you just don't get it, do you? I didn't vote for Bush, I voted for McCain. I know this may be hard for you to wrap your oh-so-big head around, but they're really not one in the same. Enjoy your President and his little drunken sidekick!

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Yeah, I laughed too at the human gaffe machine known as Joe Biden. Except now it's not so funny, because he's going to be our Vice-President, and the whole world will get to see him in action. Yippee, funny as hell! NOT!

What are you talking about? Joe Biden is the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He's either been the Chairman of that committee or the ranking minority leader since 1997. The world's leaders have been aware of him for quite some time.

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Has anyone seen the Fox News reporter who was interviewed on Bill O'Reilly? Just skewered Palin. Said she thought Africa was a country...not a continent. Asked if South Africa was just a region of the country of Africa. Did not know which countries were part of NAFTA, and could not name all of the countries in North America.

I was watching that, and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Here's that report:

Edited by DJ V Lawrence
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