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The World's 10 Ugliest Buildings

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U.S. on the list with Pei's Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

I have to agree with a lot of those. The Denver Public Library and the Paul Allen Music Experience aren't so bad, but I have never liked Buckingham Palace and the other London buildings are just terrible (that shopping mall that looks like a metallic bauble and the stadium with the cranes sticking out the roof ... ick!)

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I have to disagree with a number of these. The Selfridges in Birmingham I always thought was quite imaginative. And as for Buckingham Palace, they're just being juvenile and trying to say something outrageous to get attention (not unlike a lot of people online). Millennium Dome isn't exactly beloved, nor has it been a raging success, but it is far from one of the world's ugliest buildings. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is another that may not be anything special, but it is far from one of the world's worst. That Experience Music building is, on the other hand, atrocious and deserves the ranking.

Could we do Houston's ugliest buildings? I nominate the downtown Holiday Inn.

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I have to disagree with a number of these. The Selfridges in Birmingham I always thought was quite imaginative. And as for Buckingham Palace, they're just being juvenile and trying to say something outrageous to get attention (not unlike a lot of people online). Millennium Dome isn't exactly beloved, nor has it been a raging success, but it is far from one of the world's ugliest buildings. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is another that may not be anything special, but it is far from one of the world's worst. That Experience Music building is, on the other hand, atrocious and deserves the ranking.

Could we do Houston's ugliest buildings? I nominate the downtown Holiday Inn.

Oh gosh, is it that Holiday Inn Select by the Galleria? The 70s brutalist architecture one? Have to agree on that one.

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