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What Are The Worst/bes Local Ads You Can Think Of?


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Some of us cant wait to go back home and watch real commercials for a change.

AFN doesn't show any addvertising. It's some deal they have with the networks.

Instead they show Department of Defense commercials. They are sooooooo lame and annoying. Imagine all those lawyer comercials,Tech school commercials and public service announcements 24/7.

Instead of Superbowl commercials we got DOD comercials. Yeah it's a dumb thing to whine about.......it makes our tour here a lot less tolerable

HiR, may you be home safe and soon to enjoy all the silly commercials back home!

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  • 3 weeks later...

hi there..i'm moving back to The Bayou City from your neighbors to the east in Beaumont-Port Arthur...and we have our fair share of annoying ads...someone mentioned the lawyer ads and stuff...i highly agree...we get em here too.

looking on the last reply i have to ask, when i left Houston in 1996, Hilton Furniture was just more or less starting out....are they still in business and doing those annoying commercials where he cuts up furniture?

and if i may regress to my childhood for a moment...i remember with great fondness of the old Computer Craft stores and they're TV and Radio ad's. My father purchased an old Apple Computer from them simply because of the ad on TV..i remember the slogan, but i wish i had a sound file of the commercial...I think it went "For all the right reasons...COMPUTER CRAFT!"

LOL!! and Sophia is reaching out

Isn't it cute that now all local ads have to include their children?


hand center

hilton furniture

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Anyone remember Paul Bosche (local wrestling announcer) wearing a dangling diamond earring for I.W. Marks Jewelry store? Same premise as Joe Namath wearing hose back in the 70s for Hanes or whoever.

If they can make ME look good, imagine what they'll do for you! Trouble is, neither of them looked good!

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The best were the commercials on Houston Wrestling.

I believe Matress Mack got his start hawking furniture on those shows. There was a spanish speaking contractor named Mr. Norman who used to advertise as well. Lots of the ads were Paul Bosch or whomever interviewing the person. Good stuff.

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If your transmission's got you down . . .

and your motor's fall'n apart . . .

Come on down to Thunderbolt . . .

you don't need a brand new car!

We still believe in value . . .

and we pass it on to you . . .

At Thunderbot we fix it right . . .

and we guarantee it too!

. . .*the finale*

We put the YEE HAW, back in your motor and transmission!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah, all Houston ads that aren't national accounts with a big firm somewhere else are really bad. Love my city, but man do we have some bad ads. Conan O'Brien actually held a contest a while back making fun of Houston letting people vote on the worst Houston ads. Of course the ads were Hilton Furniture, Mattress Mac and someone else. I think the winner - Hilton - was flown to NYC to do a live ad on Conan. Sealy's about the only example of a local business with decent ads that I can think of, but that's a national account - you know the one, it's the little computer animated sheep that goof around.

IIRC, Love Advertising is probably responsible for setting the tone of Houston's horrible advertising. I think they started the SAVE YOU MONEY thing doing Mattress Mac's ads as well as OOH AAH Mattress Giant. Pretty much if you sell mattresses and want to annoy Houstonians into buying them, they're the firm for you.

For my money though, the worst current ads are these ads for a local church with freaky looking people that run on Time-Warner cable (I forget the church name) and the Mattress Mac/George H.W. Bush Tsunami ads where Mac looks like he's coked up and thinks the former President is going to whip out a gun and shoot him at any second. He's so damn fidgety and nervous it makes the ad unbearable.

Honest to God, if Apple computer - who have some of the best advertising historically - were started in Houston, the ads would just be Steve Jobs standing on a pile of Macintoshes with a chainsaw, wearing a Superman outfit and screaming incoherently at the camera.

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Honest to God, if Apple computer - who have some of the best advertising historically - were started in Houston, the ads would just be Steve Jobs standing on a pile of Macintoshes with a chainsaw, wearing a Superman outfit and screaming incoherently at the camera.

haha! :lol:

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Why is it that discount furniture and mattress store ads are always the worst ones, no matter the city? And they always seem to buy the most advertising time. I swear, every week I'm in a different city, and no matter where I am, the 10:00 news (or 11:00 on the east/west coasts) is full of crappy ads for cheap furniture and beds.

Last week in Huntsville, AL (one of my regular haunts these days) it was Mattress King, whose ads feature a dorky guy in a crown and robe holding a scepter. He "knocks" on the inside of the television screen to get your attention, and talks with a southern drawl. Not nearly as annoying as Hilton Furniture or its local knockoffs, but still pretty bad.

And in a couple of weeks I'll be back in North Carolina, home of a mobile phone service that has ads featuring a woman singing a seductive love song to her cell phone. I'm not kidding. She looks at her cell phone while singing this 30 second ballad like it's the love of her life. It's scary. I wonder what her significant other thinks about this affair with the phone. ;)

I LOVE father Amco.

Whatever happened to the Amco gang? Remember they got into the cheap furniture business down on the Gulf Freeway for awhile too, but that didn't last too long.

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I have been thinking about this for the past couple of days. I have 2 choices that IMO just really suck. The Hilton furniture guy, C'mon cheif, Mattress mac has done all that already. The Dump commercials, Those are just annoying to me, cause they are just a bunch of liars. I went there, I guess with higher expectations, i can make it furniture look like a bargain also if I show a mark up of 175% and then show you that I'm gonna sell it for 100% off that, I can walk into Star furniture and get 25% off without even having to negotiate. :P

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What about the two fat guys who wear the beanbags then proudly show their shed with a big pile of bean bags outside? I can only imagine what a huge pile of bean bags smells like after a summer of Houston heat and rain.

As for the Mattress Giant "ooh aah" commercials, they don't bother me as much as they first did. I haven't seen them in a while, except once in Minnesota.

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As for the Mattress Giant "ooh aah" commercials, they don't bother me as much as they first did. I haven't seen them in a while, except once in Minnesota.

I used to hate those commercials until the couple who wrote and recorded those songs died in a car accident a few years ago, then I felt bad. :( In fact, I think they did the Thunderbolt jingle as well.

Within the last week, I've discovered that I really hate those Demondtrond (or however you spell it) car dealership commercials. Mr. Demondtrond is heck of annoying, cocking his head every which way.

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I used to hate those commercials until the couple who wrote and recorded those songs died in a car accident a few years ago, then I felt bad. :( In fact, I think they did the Thunderbolt jingle as well.

Within the last week, I've discovered that I really hate those Demondtrond (or however you spell it) car dealership commercials. Mr. Demondtrond is heck of annoying, cocking his head every which way.

"If your transmission's got you down, or your motor falls apart. It's time to come to THUNDERBOLT, you don't need a brand new car. We still believe in value, and we pass it on to you. At THUNDERBOLT, we fix it right, and we guarantee it too.........blah, blah, blah.....blah, blah.... WE put the YEEEEE-HAW ! back in your motor and transmission." <_<

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wolf's pawn shop ads are a riot. They used to be on late on KTRK after nightline before Bill Maher had a show there. The line was something like "A friend takes a friend to wolf's" They showed the inside of the shop and some guy dressed up like a pimp and 2 women wearing those Sam Jackson style golf hats. At the end of the ad a wolf would howl.

The Houston Camera Exchange ads have the most annoying voice ever. "Houston's last real camera store".

BTW, they suck big time if you are not a professional photographer and know everything about cameras. I went there a few times and always got bad service. Once it was to buy a Nikon and the guy talked to me like I was a total idiot because I didn't know much about the features on the one I wanted vs another model. I ended up buying elsewhere and spending near a grand so you blew it Houston Camera Exchange.

AS for the new chevy ads with Steppenwolf.....I kinda like them compared to the American Revoltuion ads with the "it's a god thing" background music. The girl that says "gas mileage is as important to chevy as it is to you" is kinda cute in a nerdy way. :D


The one that is VERY long and has CEO Bill Ford talk about alternative fuel and less reliance on foreign oil. PLEASE! Everyone knows Fo Mo Co. was making a killing on large trucks and SUVs when gas was 99 cents. Each Navigator sold netted corporate about $10 grand since so much of it was F150 and had ultra low R&D as well as production costs.

Bill talks about innovation being the compass that guides the company. Um, nevermind the Pinto, exploding F150, and roll over with one flat tire Explorer when he talks about safety.

He also fails to tell you they will lay off people and close plants in January as a part of restructuring. bill could have said "here at Ford we could have laid off people before the holidays but we are waiting until January....buy a Ford!"

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LOL @ Toby Keith.

Ford actually had the Dixie Chicks sing the "Ford is the best in Texas" bit on many commercials while Toby was jerking that stick in the trucks in other spots to kind of balance out and reach both sides of that country music war.

A radio commercial I recall from last summer was for Mercedes Benz. This thing was way over the top because it was a notch away from phone sex. These women kept singing "1 800 mercedes" repeatedly in a very sexual way. It was just stupid how they did it.

On the other hand, I kind of liked those shampoo ads with the women having an orgasm using some brand of shampoo that used to be on like 2-3 yrs ago. Was it Clairol? It was also pure sex sells and the whole world is buyin' but done so overtly that they had nothing to be ashamed about.

My fav. ad these days is the one for state farm during the baseball games. That baseball man swings and destroys the names of 3 other insurance firms, runs the bases, and slides in for a homerun. It's just too funny when he makes the number 1 gesture and cheers.

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