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Obama Plates & Coins


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You're probably not surprised to learn that there are entire Obama gift shops on the south side of Chicago, and every Walgreen's in the city has an Obama gift section.

I am, and especially that you said "gift shops" plural. I suppose that I shouldn't be, though. And a quick search of Google has turned up hundreds of Obama gift items.

For my boss' Porsche, I should order a pair of Obama Car Mats, a "First Family" keychain, and a "Moved It On Up" bumper sticker. He was the only Obama supporter in the office and likes to prosthletize people over it, so this should go over really well.

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Does anyone think for a minute that these plates and coins would not have McCain and Palin on them, had they won?

Or how about Ronald Reagan?


Oh yea. Just as cheesy and disturbing.

Whether you like him or not, Reagan marked something of a seed change in American presidential politics in much the same way as Jefferson or Jackson. There's reason for holding a special reverence for him.

In contrast, the George W. Bush coin seems entirely unjustified. ...of course it goes both ways.

Now, as to whether reverence is best demonstrated in the form of commemorative coinage...or whether anybody deserves gift shops (plural)...the answer to both questions is no. The only gift shop unto a president should be the one at his library after the term has come to a conclusion.

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Whether you like him or not, Reagan marked something of a seed change in American presidential politics in much the same way as Jefferson or Jackson.

But, the first Black president in the history of the United States is no change at all.

Give it up. You fail on an epic scale. Those who wish to commemorate history with a plate do so. Those who don't complain on internet forums.

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I'm waiting on the Obama collectors' plates to hang next to my Legends of Nascar collectors' plates! Them's classy.

Edit: Oops! When I read the topic I thought it only said coins. Looks like I don't have to wait for the collectors' plates after all.

Edited by KimberlySayWhat
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I am, and especially that you said "gift shops" plural. I suppose that I shouldn't be, though. And a quick search of Google has turned up hundreds of Obama gift items.

For my boss' Porsche, I should order a pair of Obama Car Mats, a "First Family" keychain, and a "Moved It On Up" bumper sticker. He was the only Obama supporter in the office and likes to prosthletize people over it, so this should go over really well.

Floormats? Do they have doormats, bathroom mats and toilet paper as well? Diapers would be funny, since that would be change we can ALL believe in!

Edited by UrbaNerd
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But, the first Black president in the history of the United States is no change at all.

Give it up. You fail on an epic scale. Those who wish to commemorate history with a plate do so. Those who don't complain on internet forums.

Dark skin pigmentation is hardly an accomplishment or an enduring change in presidential politics. And that he got elected is less an indication of his own personal character than it is a reflection on changes in American culture.

I realize that there are those that disagree. What can I say about them? :shrug: They're wrong.

And what can I say about anything involving commemorative plates and coins except...they're tacky.

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Dark skin pigmentation is hardly an accomplishment or an enduring change in presidential politics. And that he got elected is less an indication of his own personal character than it is a reflection on changes in American culture.

I realize that there are those that disagree. What can I say about them? :shrug: They're wrong.

And what can I say about anything involving commemorative plates and coins except...they're tacky.

...and disturbing.

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Dark skin pigmentation is hardly an accomplishment or an enduring change in presidential politics. And that he got elected is less an indication of his own personal character than it is a reflection on changes in American culture.

I realize that there are those that disagree. What can I say about them? :shrug: They're wrong.

And what can I say about anything involving commemorative plates and coins except...they're tacky.

You can't see why someone might want to commemorate the first black president of the USA, no matter how tacky? You're a sad man if you can't find some joy in this.

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Dark skin pigmentation is hardly an accomplishment or an enduring change in presidential politics.

Wow. I mean, wow. Way to belittle a history of a people's suffering and discrimination. Anyone who's experienced discrimination was in tears over the significance of this election, politics aside.

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You can't see why someone might want to commemorate the first black president of the USA, no matter how tacky? You're a sad man if you can't find some joy in this.

George Carlin coined the phrase, "I leave symbols to the symbol minded." I think that applies here.

Obama's skin pigmentation coupled with his presidential victory reflects cultural changes. It is not a cultural change in and of itself, and the cultural change (albeit more abstract) is what ought to be fervently celebrated. Not the symbol of it.

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A plate with anyone's face on it is tacky, and just asking to become garage sale/landfill material.

Waste of money and resources, and anyone who thinks it's tasteful to have these displayed in their homes has no idea what is means to have key decorative items in the house.


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Who inherited it? Are they still displaying it or is this a validation of Puma's 'landfill' hypothesis.

God only knows where the JFK ended up. That whole house was a monument to mid-century American crap, Italian-immigrant style.

I was lucky enough to inherit the ashtray in the style of Botticelli's Venus (butts in the shell!) , and the Legend of Romulus and Remus ashtray, and a plastic dish with a laminant photo of the fake David outside in the plaza d' Michelangelo.

I still use the dish as a sponge holder in the kitchen. The ashtrays broke and made their way to the landfill years ago, as did hundreds of my grandma's decorations.

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Hmm, I wonder if that newfangled waterway thingy in Pearland will have a gift shop for these sorts of trinkets...

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