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The Remains of Detroit

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wow, that photo is something else. If that doesn't say 'end of empire' I'm not sure what does.

If anyone is interested in similar photography of decaying urban cities...

Check out one of Camilo Jose Vergara's books. American Ruins includes a photo of the above former Michigan theater among other similar photos from other cities.

also check out:

Unexpected Chicagoland.

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If you are at all interested in modern Detroit and pictures of what once was, you really need to check out

this blog

Amazing, amazing photography, wonderful writing and as an added bonus the blogger and his family live in a 1960 townhouse designed by Mies van der Rohe, smack dab in the middle of the city.

This site will suck up hours of your time, you have been warned.

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Reminiscent of a recent favorite of mine, Richard Nickel's Chicago.

I love his work and like doing similar things, but have to remember he died doing it :mellow:

Thanks, Sev.

It turns out I already have this book in my Amazon.com Wish List from April 30, 2007!

I guess i need to make more of my wishes come true! :P

and yet more info for people that like this kind of thing:

There is a great website on NY that, several years ago, I used to read religiously:


there is also one on Detroit that i remember looking at before too


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what is equally astounding to many with the money to invest in things is what HAIFers are blind to

Some people enjoy the photographic chronicle of this country's industrial past, and lament that so much great building has gone to crap.

But I suspect you're itching for another rant. Don't do it to this one, too. I'm enjoying this thread, and the many links, and learning some new things. Don't ruin it for me.

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what is equally astounding to many with the money to invest in things is what HAIFers are blind to

:huh: ...when I see those old structures, I think about the materials and craftmanship that are long lost. Some of the materials you probably can't find anymore. I think there could be a better coexistence of old & new in this city, or at least more salvaging of old materials, not just a bulldozing of most of the old.

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If you like Detroit you will probably like Gary, Indiana. It's probably the nation's leader in large, architecturally significant, abandoned buildings.

Really? Know any off the top of your head, or a web site with a list? I need an excuse to take a day trip.

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What beautiful yet eerie photographs...of all things, a parking garage. What a contradiction. It always astounds me how so many people can't see what we Haifers see.

As mentioned before, and on another thread, most people don't notice or don't care to notice what is going on around them, in the sky, or on the ground.

They may as well be zombies.

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I personally recommend Lost New York by Nathan Silver & Ghosts Along the Mississippi by Clarence John Laughlin

I just watched an episode of Cities of the Unground that told of Los Angeles & an abandoned subway, was purchased by the automobile companies, was closed up by them...was very interesting. Remnants are still there, there is a hotel on top of the station now.

LA Subway history link: http://www.geocities.com/los_angeles_coast...sportation.html

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  • 1 month later...
Was just reminded of this thread...

"He was trespassing and didn't want to get in trouble," the caller replied. As it happens, the caller's friend is an urban explorer who gets thrills rummaging through and photographing the ruins of Detroit.


Haunting picture. That article and Season 4 of The Wire makes me wonder if there are bodies strewn in the numerous vacant warehouses in East End.

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  • 1 month later...

This isn't Houston, but I thought it was more appropriate in the picture forum than elsewhere. Mods, please move to the proper place if needed.

These are two really fantastic photo essays of the urban ruins of Detroit. I won't just post all the pictures here because the captions are pretty informative

From Time, example:


A series on abandoned schools, example:


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Haunting picture. That article and Season 4 of The Wire makes me wonder if there are bodies strewn in the numerous vacant warehouses in East End.

Nah, our warehouses get a lot more legitimate use, and when they're not in use, they're typically being marketed for sale or lease with the expectation that they actually can be sold or leased...it's not the same in Detroit. I've trespassed numerous times into warehouses that were exceptions to this rule of thumb, but I've only ever found a couple of dead animals, including one liquefied opossum that stunk so bad that I'd first thought that it had to be a human-sized creature before I finally tracked it down by stepping in its puddle.

I'd suspect that local murderers typically engage in illegal dumping, making good use of the many scattered undeveloped and overgrown lots.

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Was just reminded of this thread...

"He was trespassing and didn't want to get in trouble," the caller replied. As it happens, the caller's friend is an urban explorer who gets thrills rummaging through and photographing the ruins of Detroit.


Such a sad story, I have all ways wanted to go to Detroit because it plays such a big part in American history, but they need some serious help. I love all old architecture and the pictures of Detroit are great in showing how productive the city once was and how much decline it is now in. Detroit once had more homeowners per-capity than any other city in America, and now 1 in 50 are homeless.

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