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The Gov. of Illinois did WHAT ?


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WOW!!! He has really stepped in it. Imagine, wanting to fire some journalists because they are critical of you. If you can't stand the heat Blago, then stay out of the kitchen. BTW, if you stopped being so corrupt, that might help your press ?

Edited by TJones
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The sad thing about this is that it happens everyday in politics, he was just caught.

At least in Illinois politics. His predecessor is in prison as well. Maybe they can open an Illinois governor's wing in the federal prison. It could be next to the Louisiana wing.

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At least in Illinois politics. His predecessor is in prison as well. Maybe they can open an Illinois governor's wing in the federal prison. It could be next to the Louisiana wing.

Hey we only have the one! Oh, and the KKK nazi guy. Never mind, I'm with you.

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At least in Illinois politics. His predecessor is in prison as well. Maybe they can open an Illinois governor's wing in the federal prison. It could be next to the Louisiana wing.

I believe there are three Illinois governors currently behind bars (two Democrats and a Republican), and yes there's a long-running joke about the Chicago Politicians wing of the federal lock-up just over the border in Wisconsin. Many Chicago and Cook County politicians have spent time there, or are currently spending time there, including a few aldermen scooped up by Fitzgerald in "Operation Silver Shovel."

Just last week Blago was petitioning Obama to pardon Thompson. Now he's the one who's going to need a pardon. It's not surprising that Blago fought hard against the bill that recently failed which would have allowed a sitting governor to be recalled.

Remember all those McCain commercials trying to link Obama to "Chicago politics." This is the sort of thing he had in mind.

But let's not unfairly make this a Democrat/Republican or Obama thing. Virtually all of them are corrupt up here. Illinois is one of the few states where retiring politicians can give their offices to their children, and it happens a lot (at least three times that I can remember in the last five years)

One of my reporters once asked Mayor Daley about awarding no-bid contracts to his family members and got the response, "If you can't help out your family, who can you help?" That's just the kind of blind greed that is SOP around here.

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The editor wins!

Please go to the visitor center at Leavenworth Federal Penitentary to claim your prize.

I once saw an historical list of Illinois governors and their legal difficulties running all the way back to when it was a territory. I guess certain offices will always be corrupt.

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I once saw an historical list of Illinois governors and their legal difficulties running all the way back to when it was a territory. I guess certain offices will always be corrupt.

Yous guys still gots that Al Capone mentality up der !

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If the story unravels, and he is involved, what then ?

"if ifs and buts were candies and nuts it would be Christmas everyday". It's a VERY big if that he has any involvement. Whatever you may think of Obama he is not stupid. Why would he be involved? You're grasping at straws.

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"if ifs and buts were candies and nuts it would be Christmas everyday". It's a VERY big if that he has any involvement. Whatever you may think of Obama he is not stupid. Why would he be involved? You're grasping at straws.

So is David Axelrod grasping at straws also, or did he not talk to the Gov. on Nov. 23rd as he reported on FOX ? Obama says nobody in his group has talked to the Gov. , Axelrod is on tape saying he they did, then on Tuesday, he trips over himself to say that he had mispoken about their conversation with the Gov. That's pretty convenient.

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So is David Axelrod grasping at straws also, or did he not talk to the Gov. on Nov. 23rd as he reported on FOX ? Obama says nobody in his group has talked to the Gov. , Axelrod is on tape saying he they did, then on Tuesday, he trips over himself to say that he had mispoken about their conversation with the Gov. That's pretty convenient.

Again. So what. Obama is not the one being indicted.

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I was hearing today that supposedly there was no felony committed yet (unless there is some sort of complicated conspiracy charge), so there's not really anything that can happen to him aside from getting run out of office in disgrace.

If you want to get into the conspiracy muck, the other story running around is that the Chicago machine was going to get Obama (of which he is no doubt a part, if maybe a cleaner one) to throw out the US attorney Fitzgerald after the inauguration because they didn't like him constantly looking over their shoulder. The story goes that Fitzgerald knew this was coming and in the interest of saving more serious incriminating evidence and future investigations, leaked the current story a little early so as to protect his job and those future investigations. Obama can't fire him now, the reasoning goes, because then that makes Obama look like he's just covering for the governor.

Makes sense to me.

Does anyone know what Blagojevich means in Serbian?

"Cabbage Patch"


(actually, I speak Russian/slavic and "Blag" is a root that means "thank" or "gratitude" but the joke is still quite good, I thought :P )

Edited by cottonmather0
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So is David Axelrod grasping at straws also, or did he not talk to the Gov. on Nov. 23rd as he reported on FOX ? Obama says nobody in his group has talked to the Gov. , Axelrod is on tape saying he they did, then on Tuesday, he trips over himself to say that he had mispoken about their conversation with the Gov. That's pretty convenient.

KHQA had an article on its web site from November from when Obama and Blago met to discuss the senate seat.

Does it mean Obama is a criminal? No.

Does it mean Obama lied? Maybe. Or maybe he met with Blago to talk about it and they talked about other things. Or maybe he forgot. Everyone makes mistakes.

Is Obama the first politician to have selective memory? No.

If there's an Obama connection, it will unfold over time, especially with Fitzgerald running the investigation. There's no point in yanking the cord harder when it simply won't reach. Just wait and see what happens. It's only been three days.

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Again. So what. Obama is not the one being indicted.

PLEASE ! If it were Rick Perry you would be crowing like a Henhouse Rooster. If it were such a "nothing news piece" like you want to try to make it out, Obama would have NEVER been brought up by the media.

Edited by TJones
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PLEASE ! If it were Rick Perry you would be crowing like a Henhouse Rooster. If it were such a "nothing news piece" like you want to try to make it out. Obama would have NEVER been brought up by the media.

Perhaps it is because it is so early in the day, but this post makes no sense whatsoever.

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...forget about him... what about her?!:


Despite Patricia Blagojevich's myriad charitable endeavors, she is now thought of as the goading voice in the background of a November phone call taped by the FBI.

"Hold up that f---ing Cubs s---. F--- them," she allegedly said as her husband, Democratic Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, bandied about a scheme to withhold state funds from the Cubs' parent Tribune Company unless the owner agreed to fire certain Chicago Tribune employees.

Sounds like my kind of lady!

SNL could have a field day with this.

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Obama Kept Blagojeviich at Safe Distance

Sounds like you may need to wait a few more weeks for your juicy Obama scandal, TJ. This one sounds like it is Blago's and Blago's only.

.....and for that I am glad. The last thing our country needs at this point is to have an incoming President that has already lost all credibility. I mean give Obama at least a couple of years before that happens you know. ;)

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...forget about him... what about her?!:


Despite Patricia Blagojevich's myriad charitable endeavors, she is now thought of as the goading voice in the background of a November phone call taped by the FBI.

"Hold up that f---ing Cubs s---. F--- them," she allegedly said as her husband, Democratic Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, bandied about a scheme to withhold state funds from the Cubs' parent Tribune Company unless the owner agreed to fire certain Chicago Tribune employees.

Sounds like my kind of lady!

SNL could have a field day with this.

Foul language is the least of Patty's transgressions. She's been accused on more than one occasion of using real estate commissions to hide illegal "donations." It comes up every now and again, but nothing's been made to stick yet. But it feels like that may change soon.

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