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GreenStreet: Mixed-Use Development At 1201 Fannin St.


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I have lived in downtown since around 2002-2003 and a simple "No" or a shake of the head usually suffices for being an answer to panhandlers or just plain ignore them and continue walking.  I really dont think that I have ever had one continue on after I do any of these.  Sure they may curse me out or call me a liar, but I am also still going to where I was going in the first place.  If you really are intent on getting by without geting "bummed" or asked to help someone out with bus fare, food, drink, etc., it's not hard to, especially if you are used to living in a real urban environment.


And yes, I walk everywhere (gave up my car back in 2000); no there are no "real" grocery stores in downtown proper; the tunnels were made for commuting from one end of dt to the other in the summer without getting heat stroke, and dt should not have two movie theaters without the proper number of residents living in downtown to be able to sustain both.


ha! /thread :-p


perhaps, for 102IAHexpress there's a way out of this without having to avoid walking where bums might tread, and simultaneously not pissing off the fiancee.


work with your fiancee to create a script to use, obviously she isn't satisfied with no, and you're not satisfied with wasting away while she tries to play intervention.


perhaps something along the lines of "I'm sorry we cannot offer you any money/beer/bus fare, but can we provide some intervention? I'm not on the clock right now, but I work in at the jail, and we'd love to help you out!" I think you'd quickly find the ones that want help, versus the ones that just want their next bottle of courvoisier. I bet most would walk away briskly.


but you can, and should, work something out that you can both agree upon, living downtown it is unavoidable to interact with bums, and it might end up straining your relationship if you don't work something out where you are both satisfied and not held back by trying to avoid things.

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Who said my fiance wants to help the bums outside of work? Did i say that? She could lose her licence for that. The whole point is that we don't want to help the bums outside the proper channels. We just want to go on our merry way.  She doesn't want to talk to them anymore than i do.




HP has filed for banruptcy, the bookstore is gone, Yao's is gone or is leaving? And only rumors of new tenants but nothing confirmed. This thread died a long time ago.

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HP has filed for banruptcy, the bookstore is gone, Yao's is gone or is leaving? And only rumors of new tenants but nothing confirmed. This thread died a long time ago.


Yao's has been gone for a while. HP has been transferred to Magic Johnson's group. Not just rumors, new tenants include Comcast SportsNet TV studio and Scott Gertner's Skybar.

Edited by kylejack
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anyone with any sense would walk to a closer theater that is as good or better than the alternative, regardless of the bum situation.  when i lived in chicago and new york, i went to the closest grocery store.  i didn't go to the one farther out of the way through the ghetto (especially if I had a female with me).  this is a pretty unremarkable concept.  i'm not sure why people are giving 102IAH a hard time about using common sense.  (although it is fairly comical that most of them don't live downtown.)

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The exterior build-out (or rather build-up) for Skybar is almost done. 


Some bums are pretty cool (like the schitzophrenic black guy who lives at the base of the old days inn), some not (like the drunk asian guy who lives in the central bank bldg parking garage).


I commute 20 city blocks roundtrip, everyday and I still feel kinda out of shape. :(

/2 cents

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anyone with any sense would walk to a closer theater that is as good or better than the alternative, regardless of the bum situation.  when i lived in chicago and new york, i went to the closest grocery store.  i didn't go to the one farther out of the way through the ghetto (especially if I had a female with me).  this is a pretty unremarkable concept.  i'm not sure why people are giving 102IAH a hard time about using common sense.  (although it is fairly comical that most of them don't live downtown.)


I live downtown, arroddii does, and samagon lives pretty close if I recall correctly.

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Good news on Skybar. I hadn't realized it was that far along. I've known about Comcast Sportsnet Studios, but is the TV studios a net positive for HP? Isn't that just less available square feet for ground level retail? Or is this an indication of what's really to come? more comercial space leased at the expense of retail at HP?

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Good news on Skybar. I hadn't realized it was that far along. I've known about Comcast Sportsnet Studios, but is the TV studios a net positive for HP? Isn't that just less available square feet for ground level retail? Or is this an indication of what's really to come? more comercial space leased at the expense of retail at HP?


"Available square feet for ground level retail" is another way of saying unleased space. So yeah, I would say the studio and NRG are a net positive for a development that was mostly unleased and struggling.

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I think the internal outdoor mall thing was a mistake, and it should have faced outward with more than typical sidewalk space to be used for restaurant patios and etc. It feels unnatural to go through it on the ground level, because walking straight through is jaywalking.

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anyone with any sense would walk to a closer theater that is as good or better than the alternative, regardless of the bum situation.  when i lived in chicago and new york, i went to the closest grocery store.  i didn't go to the one farther out of the way through the ghetto (especially if I had a female with me).  this is a pretty unremarkable concept.  i'm not sure why people are giving 102IAH a hard time about using common sense.  (although it is fairly comical that most of them don't live downtown.)


Why is it comical that most don't live downtown?   The vast majority of downtown's population is work-related.  So what.   We know how to walk past a bum without crying about it.  Been doing it for years.     Job I have now is in Galleria.  Guess what?   There's bums here too.


And downtown Houston is definately not the ghetto.   Especially not now.  It's most sketchy areas pale to what it was 15-20 years ago.      Back when the Rice Lofts was a nice covered area for all the bums to piss.   That's the time/place you might be wise not to take your other on a midnight stroll.

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anyone with any sense would walk to a closer theater that is as good or better than the alternative, regardless of the bum situation.  when i lived in chicago and new york, i went to the closest grocery store.  i didn't go to the one farther out of the way through the ghetto (especially if I had a female with me).  this is a pretty unremarkable concept.  i'm not sure why people are giving 102IAH a hard time about using common sense.  (although it is fairly comical that most of them don't live downtown.)


It's also comical that i have been to HP more times in the last month than most of the posters have gone in the last year. Talk about some whining babys.

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Who said my fiance wants to help the bums outside of work? Did i say that? She could lose her licence for that. The whole point is that we don't want to help the bums outside the proper channels. We just want to go on our merry way.  She doesn't want to talk to them anymore than i do.


I sit corrected, and apologize. 


I just find it to be not that big of a deal to say no, or ignore them, and I guess I have a hard time grasping at why others would, that doesn't mean your opinion is worth less than mine, just that I don't understand it.


I live downtown, arroddii does, and samagon lives pretty close if I recall correctly.


I'm about 3 miles east, but I spend most evenings riding my bicycle through downtown after everyone leaves work.


It's also comical that i have been to HP more times in the last month than most of the posters have gone in the last year. Talk about some whining babys.



whining babies? you're the one that's afraid of bums  :P

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you are correct that most of downtown is not a ghetto, but i hope you get my point (and what I think was 102IAH's point, although I don't want to put words in his mouth).  why would you walk farther, while be accosted more, just to go to worse theater.  it makes no sense. 


and for what it's worth, dealing with bums during the business day on crowded streets is not quite the same as walking your date home at midnight on near vacant downtown streets. . . .



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you are correct that most of downtown is not a ghetto, but i hope you get my point (and what I think was 102IAH's point, although I don't want to put words in his mouth).  why would you walk farther, while be accosted more, just to go to worse theater.  it makes no sense. 



Understand your point - although who knows if this second unbuilt theater is actually worse?  That would be kind of hard to determine since no one actually appears to know where exactly it's going, etc, - so in a completely different way - it makes no sense



and for what it's worth, dealing with bums during the business day on crowded streets is not quite the same as walking your date home at midnight on near vacant downtown streets. . . .


Agreed.  But my "dealings" with bums comes from working many busy seasons downtown which last about 3-4 months and would require me to stay past when the last Park n Ride buses left.  Which if I recall is 9 pm.   So being the cheapskate that I am,  I would park in the boondocks to get the $2 parking lots (told you this was a while back - I think all of these are condos now) and hoof it in.  It was at least our good ol reliable measure of 6 blocks = 1/2 mile past of plenty of bums.    In the dark.....   Ooooh,  scary......   


Not really.    You leave them alone - they leave you alone.    Bums are one of HAIF's biggest red herrings.  

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I hope people so critical of bums aka "strangers" would find themselves without sanity, money, food, or a place to sleep.


I had a hobo one time let me know I was in a tow-away zone downtown and showed me where I could park (It was one of my first times driving downtown). They aren't all bad. I understand some are mentally unstable, but others just seem very unlucky.

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I hope people so critical of bums aka "strangers" would find themselves without sanity, money, food, or a place to sleep.


Whew! I was in a bad mood! 


Article about panhandling and related court decisions.


Because the restrictions on soliciting never seem to apply to teen-agers in bikini tops waving car-wash signs. Or to campaign canvassers seeking petition signatures to get political candidates on the ballot. Or to firemen passing the boot for a local charity. Somehow it’s only the homeless who aren’t supposed to pester anybody.
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Well, there is the "restaurant row" phenomenon, but I have never seen any research suggesting that the same phenomenon applies to movie theaters. For those who have never heard of "restaurant rows", studies show that one restaurant in an area may struggle, but as more restaurants open in the same area, that area becomes known for having several restaurant choices. People who are unsure exactly what they want to eat will tend to drive to the "restaurant row", confident that at least one of the many choices will satisfy them. For instance, I may drive to Washington Avenue, or Rice Village without having a particular place in mind, and decide where to eat once I get there.

Again, I am unsure if this applies to movie theatres. It might. That could help explain multiplexes.

This is a cool concept. I went to Europe long ago not knowing much but thinking it had great things to see. I would find out once I arrived. I like living closer in town not because I know everything I could do but because of the possibilities.

I'm not saying we should just throw boogers at a wall and watch them stick. Let's throw gum drops, but still, let's throw.

I know there is already plenty to do in and around the loop, but I honestly think suburbeans are ignorant for the most part. Maybe the GHBCB should also look at advertising to the outer locals.

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