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Early Elvis Memories


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I received the following email at my blog and thought I would post it here in case any of the older HAIFers have anything to share. Elvis made some early appearances in the Houston area I think.

Dear Bruce,

My name is Fabris G.Luca,42 years old,Italy.I'm an Elvis Presley researcher expecially on the early days.

At the mo all my researches are in relation to a book/CD project for the Elvis fan club network. It's a 3/4 CD 200 pages book about Elvis stay at SUN

records done by Ernst Jorgensen(BMG chief on Elvis music catalogue) which I'm now helping detailing the period from July of 1954 through the end of 1955.

The book will consist of more than 400 early photos - half of them previously unpublished. It's not an attempt of once again write the story of

Elvis Presley, but more a collection of information, photos, memorabilia and stories shared by fans who

where there at the time. The book will not deal in gossip or other unpleasant material,it's all about the innocence of the time and the impact of Elvis'

music.We are trying to document every single show Elvis did, and we have come fairly close.

So I'm looking for photos,recordings from Louisiana Hayride (KWKH program transmitted also by KTHS) or Opry,or any live radio gigor interview ....


Any personal memories?

Your help,anyone's help is welcome!

Write soon

I hope this is not too much of an intrusion.

Sincerely yours

Fabris G.Luca

Elvis Researcher

Ps I'm looking for info also on any DJ working at KWEM West Memphis (I'm corresponding with TB Strenght family already) ansd try to locate a DJ working in New Orleans at WBOK in 1955 by the name of Red Smith and then going to WCKY in Cincinnati Ohio during the 60s....

The TB Strenght (sic) was Texas Bill Strength, a teenager 'discovered' at a talent show at one of the big movie houses downtown by KTHT who became a DJ on KTHT and went on to be a songwriter and recording artist and is in the Country Radio Hall of Fame.

I know nothing of this researcher and his bonafides so you're on your own.

His email is plcptATtin.it. Make the obvious correction.

Of course for the benefit of HAIFers post your memories here, too.

Edited by brucesw
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I am going to try and dig up an old family picture of my Grandparents standing outside the front door of Graceland with another couple, before it was "Elvis's Graceland". My Grandparents were friends with the previous owners Dr. Thomas Moore and his wife Ruth and the picture is of the four of them. From what I can remember, my Grandfather and Dr. Moore served together as surgeons in the Army Medical Corp. The photo is from the late 40's or early 50's, I sure hope I can find it.

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Not exactly an Elvis memory, but I was married 21 years ago today on Elvis' birthday. I liked Elvis, but I was really after the 1888 (01/08/88) anniversary date so I could remember it easily over the years. I know when there's an Elvis marathons on cable, that either my anniversary is coming up or it's the month of August.

My wife is not an Elvis fan, she doesn't like pretty boys (explains why she married me), but I picked what I call the "Butt Eye Song" for our dance at our reception. "Wise men say only fools rush in BUT EYE cant help falling in love with you"

It's the only song I'll dance with my wife at receptions and social functions now.

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Not a memory of mine but one passed onto me by my dad.

As I mentioned in the thread on Magnolia Gardens, my father was a senior at Seymour High School in the spring of 1955 when Elvis played a show in the auditorium there. Seymour, Texas is a little farm and ranch crossroads town on the South Fork of the Brazos River and probably had about 4,000 residents when "The King" made his visit.

My father had heard Elvis on the radio via the notorious XERF (the "X" that ZZ Top sang about) which brodcasted out of Mexico just across the river from Del Rio. At this time, Presley, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins and a few others were helping to give form what would become rock n roll from their perches in country music (Holly turned to rock music after seeing Elvis in Lubbock in early 1955). Dad, like most kids his age got a charge out of this new music and wanted to get a look at Presley. These were the days when Elvis was building his career through a mindnumbing schedule that had him rolling through jerkwater towns and big city honky tonks.

According to dad, Presley was late for the Seymour show (he played an earlier concert an hour away in Wichita Falls that same night) and the rumor spread around the auditorium that Presley was drunk and would likely not show. Still, people milled about until Elvis finally pulled in at about 11 p.m. He appeared on stage dressed in black pegged pants, a black sports coat and a pink shirt and sporting black and white loafers (I always laugh when I think about my dad telling me this because it means that Elvis made quite an impact on him. Dad normally couldn't tell you what he wore from day to day). Presley appologized for being late then played for an hour. Afterward, he sat on the stage and signed publicity photos of himself that were sold at the door along with some of his singles on 45 wax. Before he left, Presley played one last tune (a penance for being late) waved to the crowd, bowed and took off out the back of the auditorium and back on the road for the next show, which I believe I saw was in Sweetwater, Texas, a long haul from Seymour.

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Not a memory of mine but one passed onto me by my dad.

As I mentioned in the thread on Magnolia Gardens, my father was a senior at Seymour High School in the spring of 1955 when Elvis played a show in the auditorium there. Seymour, Texas is a little farm and ranch crossroads town on the South Fork of the Brazos River and probably had about 4,000 residents when "The King" made his visit.

My father had heard Elvis on the radio via the notorious XERF (the "X" that ZZ Top sang about) which brodcasted out of Mexico just across the river from Del Rio. At this time, Presley, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins and a few others were helping to give form what would become rock n roll from their perches in country music (Holly turned to rock music after seeing Elvis in Lubbock in early 1955). Dad, like most kids his age got a charge out of this new music and wanted to get a look at Presley. These were the days when Elvis was building his career through a mindnumbing schedule that had him rolling through jerkwater towns and big city honky tonks.

According to dad, Presley was late for the Seymour show (he played an earlier concert an hour away in Wichita Falls that same night) and the rumor spread around the auditorium that Presley was drunk and would likely not show. Still, people milled about until Elvis finally pulled in at about 11 p.m. He appeared on stage dressed in black pegged pants, a black sports coat and a pink shirt and sporting black and white loafers (I always laugh when I think about my dad telling me this because it means that Elvis made quite an impact on him. Dad normally couldn't tell you what he wore from day to day). Presley appologized for being late then played for an hour. Afterward, he sat on the stage and signed publicity photos of himself that were sold at the door along with some of his singles on 45 wax. Before he left, Presley played one last tune (a penance for being late) waved to the crowd, bowed and took off out the back of the auditorium and back on the road for the next show, which I believe I saw was in Sweetwater, Texas, a long haul from Seymour.

The "Elvis in Texas, the Undiscovered King" book has all the details on every show that Elvis did in Texas in the 1950's.

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We were told during the 70's that Elvis was staying at the Royal Coach Inn and playing at the Houston Arena. We were members of the swimming pool club at the Royal Coach Inn and that day (date unknown) we were not allowed to swim because Elvis was there.

Not much, but I hope it helps!



I received the following email at my blog and thought I would post it here in case any of the older HAIFers have anything to share. Elvis made some early appearances in the Houston area I think.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi - When I was a young girl, my parents often took us to Magnolia Gardens on weekends. It was a fairly small beer garden with an open stage. Elvis Presley used to play there frequently. This was about 1955 - I was about five or six years old then. Once, when he played, all the teenage girls waited by the stairs for him to come off the stage. My older sister and I were amongst them. When confronted by all the teenagers, he spotted me, picked me up onto his shoulders and carried me around. My sister and the other girls were envious, and I was thrilled!

I begged to ride in his Cadillac convertible, and after checking with my folks, he rode me around the parking lot. I remember that it was pink, but I was 5 or 6 so I'm not sure.

We saw him there more than once, but that is the one time I really remember. Not long after that, "Don't Be Cruel" came out. I remember listening to that record over and over and over. I think my mom finally hid the record.

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