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Tracking Obama's Promises


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Here's a web site for you political junkies. It's called PolitiFact, and its goal is to track the 510 promises that Obama made on the campaign trail.


(Check out the Obamameter on the right side)

Now before either side gets its undies in a bundle, the site is run by the Poynter Institute, which is widely known for being about as neutral an organization as there is out there.

Edit: the site is actually the work of the Saint Petersburg Times, which is in the same city as Poynter.

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Knowing that George W. Bush has already moved out of the White House, and is less than 3 days from forever being known as the FORMER president, there is really nothing you or anyone else can say or post that would get my undies in a bunch.




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Knowing that George W. Bush has already moved out of the White House, and is less than 3 days from forever being known as the FORMER president, there is really nothing you or anyone else can say or post that would get my undies in a bunch.

It's like... you've dreamed of this day for so long... and now it's actually going to happen... it just makes me want to cry I am so happy! *tear* :D

One last thing....

Conservatifes.... are... so... angry... and... bitter.... that's all I am saying. -_-

Edited by HtownWxBoy
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Interesting. I wonder if this sort of thing existed for George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton in at least his 2nd term?

Seems like the most angry and bitter of the conservatives (excluding those who will continue to respect the office of the President despite disagreements politically, whom will work to make their party better rather than just complain about everything) whom are putting a watchful eye on Obama may end up just making him better. Think about it, a website exists tracking the status of every promise he made, all the way down to getting his daughters a puppy! Yes the website is neutral, but the red side will be putting a watchful eye on it. We're not going to be able to just forget all the little things this time around.

So what percentage of kept promises does he need to be considered trustworthy? 60%? 75%? 100%? Cause I'm sure there are some whom will criticize even if he keeps 509 out of 510 promises. That's what makes this so much fun.

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Perhaps the best part of this is the reaction of the disparate groups to the totals. Will conservatives rail against a liberal president for not completing enough of his promises, even though the fewer he completes the better conservatives may like it? Will liberals be inclined to vote Republican if they think Obama's percentage is not high enough? And the vast majority in the middle...the ones who simply do not agree with all 510 peomises...how do we measure success?

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This election exhausted me on so many levels. I think I have political interest fatigue. As in, as long as things don't get too much worse, I don't think I'm gonna really care how many promises he can deliver.

Numbness and insensitivity is the desired effect of an opiate, after all...

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This election exhausted me on so many levels. I think I have political interest fatigue. As in, as long as things don't get too much worse, I don't think I'm gonna really care how many promises he can deliver.

On this we agree. I also suffer from political antagonism fatigue.

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here, here. so tired of political banter. glad we have a new president. so tired of conservative friends acting like the world is coming to an end.

my hope is that obama can restore some level of civility to the political process. of course, that may require ticking off many of his appointees.

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It's like... you've dreamed of this day for so long... and now it's actually going to happen... it just makes me want to cry I am so happy! *tear* :D

One last thing....

Conservatifes.... are... so... angry... and... bitter.... that's all I am saying. -_-

Ummm, no we're not, get your panties out of a bunch.

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One last thing....

Conservatives.... are... so... angry... and... bitter.... that's all I am saying. -_-

Sadly I think you're right. Everywhere I go people are muttering under their breath about how miserable they are going to be over the next four years. Gotta buy more guns, gotta sell all your stock, gotta this, gotta that.

Oh shut-up already. Its not going to be that bad. Its probably not going to be bad at all. I'm just sick of all the muslim, ayers, and liberal references.

If you're going to complain - at least complain about the ISSUES.

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Well, many of the monumental issues that Obama faces couldn't be much worse, or so I keep hoping. Starting from rock bottom should bode well for his presidency, since even modest improvements will be noted.

There are people out there already blaming Obama for recent economic declines, even though they were years in the making. I think many of these folks will have tarnished their ability to criticize Obama in the future by making wild accusations and so clearly hating the man regardless of his policies or how they might benefit from them. Just read the chron.com discussion boards under any article relating to Obama to see what I mean. I guess the anonymity brings out the worst in some people!

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Ummm, no we're not, get your panties out of a bunch.

Yes they are... and my panties are not in a bunch, they are neatly folded in my dresser as they should be. :P

Hurry, you got a nice big fat check coming from Uncle Obama.

*cough* *bitter* *cough* *angry* *cough* :rolleyes:

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Interesting. I wonder if this sort of thing existed for George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton in at least his 2nd term?

Yes, after the 2004 election, but it was only available by subscription. If there was a Clinton one, it was probably paper-based.

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Perhaps the best part of this is the reaction of the disparate groups to the totals. Will conservatives rail against a liberal president for not completing enough of his promises, even though the fewer he completes the better conservatives may like it? Will liberals be inclined to vote Republican if they think Obama's percentage is not high enough? And the vast majority in the middle...the ones who simply do not agree with all 510 peomises...how do we measure success?

It's a Catch-22 if you look at it like that. Either he doesn't keep promises, in which on some levels conservatives are happy.... but then they'll argue that he failed to do what he promised, so he can't be trusted. Or he does keep the promises and they say that the "liberal agenda" ruined America. Basically either way, to those that hate him, he will fail no matter what.

Sadly I think you're right. Everywhere I go people are muttering under their breath about how miserable they are going to be over the next four years. Gotta buy more guns, gotta sell all your stock, gotta this, gotta that.

Oh shut-up already. Its not going to be that bad. Its probably not going to be bad at all. I'm just sick of all the muslim, ayers, and liberal references.

If you're going to complain - at least complain about the ISSUES.

My Conservative friends are saying the same thing, about its the end of the world, Obama is the Anti-Christ, get guns now cause you wont be able to later, etc. If you tuned in AM 740, KTRH, just after the election and heard some of the Conservative voters who called in... Mad and angry are not strong enough words to describe it. I'm talking pure rage! It was almost less of the issues in a lot of cases, and more about just the hatred of losing to HIM.

One friend of mine said because of Obama's policies, his Dad has had to let people go from his small business to keep from going under... which I find interesting because Obama isn't actually President for another 3 days...

This whole little dance is the same thing as 8 years ago when my Liberal friends (me included, I admit) were saying its the end of America as we know it... I remember telling someone back in 2000 who was very pro-Bush, "if that man becomes president we will end up in a recession and unnecessary war". Guess I hit that one on the head. Say what you will about the actual cause of all of it, it still happened under his watch. In any case, one side will see the other side's victory as the worst thing that has happened so far, no matter who. Just the way its been going, and seems lately with a lot more emotion than ever.

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Sadly I think you're right. Everywhere I go people are muttering under their breath about how miserable they are going to be over the next four years. Gotta buy more guns, gotta sell all your stock, gotta this, gotta that.

Oh shut-up already. Its not going to be that bad. Its probably not going to be bad at all. I'm just sick of all the muslim, ayers, and liberal references.

If you're going to complain - at least complain about the ISSUES.

Well it seems not all conservatives are angry and bitter.

Jeebus is right, ALL IS WELL ! Go spend your money, buy a nice new pre-owned automobile or Truck. Hurry, you got a nice big fat check coming from Uncle Obama.

Well it seems SOME conservatives are angry and bitter.

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Well it seems SOME conservatives are angry and bitter.

I am not one of those conservatives. I really do want everyone to go out and spend the Govt. cheese they are about to get. I need my industry to pick up, seriously. I meant it sincerely.

Edited by TJones
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I am not one of those conservatives. I really do want everyone ot go out and spend the Govt. cheese they are about to get. I need my industry to pick up, seriously. I meant it sincerely.

Well I hope they do it right this time. None of those nasty bricks of "cheese food". Gov't Gruyere perhaps?

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The thing that offends me is how much coverage and passes he's already getting.

I don't recall such a big event EVER in my memory, nore do I recall the various celebrations other than the initial ceremony being broadcast or heavily covered.

Wasn't it the LAST inauguration in which everyone was aghast at how much his ceremony had cost, which seems to be about a third or HALF OF Obama's?

Now, I wasn't a fan of W, but this whole national hysteria is getting on my nerves.

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The thing that offends me is how much coverage and passes he's already getting.

I don't recall such a big event EVER in my memory, nore do I recall the various celebrations other than the initial ceremony being broadcast or heavily covered.

Wasn't it the LAST inauguration in which everyone was aghast at how much his ceremony had cost, which seems to be about a third or HALF OF Obama's?

Now, I wasn't a fan of W, but this whole national hysteria is getting on my nerves.

yes, all the shallow newspeak dumbasses are so amazed that we have an "african american" pres that nothing else matters. it's like no one cares what he believes in, but thank god he's black!. it's monumental. it's historic. so what if he spends us into an inflationary spiral, we don't care. he's the first black pres! hallelujah! we are saved.

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The thing that offends me is how much coverage and passes he's already getting.

I don't recall such a big event EVER in my memory, nore do I recall the various celebrations other than the initial ceremony being broadcast or heavily covered.

Wasn't it the LAST inauguration in which everyone was aghast at how much his ceremony had cost, which seems to be about a third or HALF OF Obama's?

Now, I wasn't a fan of W, but this whole national hysteria is getting on my nerves.

You sure Obama isn't paying for it with all the leftovers from his Candidacy contributions ?

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so what if he spends us into an inflationary spiral, we don't care.

Good to see you're finally bothered by this. About 8 years late, but better late than never. Of course, you are also ignoring why he needs to spend us into this spiral, and that most economists agree with him, but no matter. You finally became a fiscal conservative! Hooray!

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yes, all the shallow newspeak dumbasses are so amazed that we have an "african american" pres that nothing else matters. it's like no one cares what he believes in, but thank god he's black!. it's monumental. it's historic. so what if he spends us into an inflationary spiral, we don't care. he's the first black pres! hallelujah! we are saved.

Well, being the first (half) Black president is worth over-covering just a little. Especially considering the history of Blacks in the country, it might be the last "great accomplishment" left uncharted by an African American.

I just wonder how the press is going to cover the first 100% Black president, when that day comes. Will it be coverage of the second Black president, or will it be coverage of the first "real" Black president.

I wouldn't put it past the press to mess it up, whenever it happens.

You sure Obama isn't paying for it with all the leftovers from his Candidacy contributions ?

The news stated that his campaign had raised 30 million of the 50+ million price tag, but that D.C. would contribute the rest.

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Good to see you're finally bothered by this. About 8 years late, but better late than never. Of course, you are also ignoring why he needs to spend us into this spiral, and that most economists agree with him, but no matter. You finally became a fiscal conservative! Hooray!

you're implying that i'm not bothered by the bush administration's excesses. bush is not a fiscal conservative. i'm glad he's out of the white house. however, i do feel we may be going from bad to worse with obama. the 2010 house/senate election will be interesting.

will obama's plans for recovery strengthen the value of a dollar? i'm not an economist. i simply don't know what the outcome will be.

one good thing i've observed is the increase of interest in the political process by the black community. this is good for everyone. unfortunately for many new to the process, the excitement will come to a screeching halt when legislation hits congress. speaking of change and actually implementing it through the US government are very different things.

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