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Most Hated People


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  • 2 weeks later...

Like today's USA news states:

Have they forgiven Tonya Harding yet? "I paid my debt" she commented.

Harding became notorious for having allegedly conspired to harm competitor Nancy Kerrigan in an attack, which occurred on January 6, 1994, at a practice session during the 1994 U.S. Figure Skating Championships in Detroit. Harding's ex-husband, Jeff Gillooly, and her bodyguard, Shawn Eckhardt, hired Shane Stant to strike Kerrigan on the knee. Harding won that event, while Kerrigan's injury forced her withdrawal. After Harding admitted to helping to cover up the attack, the USFSA and US Olmpic Committee initiated proceedings to remove her from the 1994 Olympic team, but Harding retained her place after threatening legal action. She finished eighth, while Kerrigan, who recovered from her injuries, finished second.

PS, Howard Stern has always been is at the top of most peoples list as well. :D

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Add Madoff, and Sir Robert Allen Stanford to the top Douchebag list.

Attorney General Eric Holder

"Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards,"

He can kiss my A $ $

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The most hated people SHOULD be Phil & Wendy Gramm! :angry: But the story keeps getting covered up.

On January 14th, 1993, as chairwoman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Wendy Gramm pushes through a key regulatory exemption and then joins Enron Board of Directors five weeks later.

November 12, 1999, The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) allowed commercial and investment banks to consolidate.

October 19, 2000 Phil Gramm sponsored the 'Commodity Futures Modernization Act' of 2000. He had to reintroduce the bill twice in order to change the number and avoid a full congressional debate.

Warren Buffet called the bill

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The most hated people SHOULD be Phil & Wendy Gramm! :angry: But the story keeps getting covered up.

November 12, 1999, The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) allowed commercial and investment banks to consolidate.

October 19, 2000 Phil Gramm sponsored the 'Commodity Futures Modernization Act' of 2000. He had to reintroduce the bill twice in order to change the number and avoid a full congressional debate.

Deregulation turns Wall Street into Vegas with derivatives, hedge funds, and credit default swaps. Wendy Gramm creates false electricty charges at Enron.


No, because if Clinton won't take the blame for SIGNING the bill, then Gramm shouldn't get blame for writing the bill.

Maybe the media was covering this story up also, so you weren't able to see it?


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I hate the Repugnican'ts & Dumbocraps equally.

Franklin Raines, Paulson, Barney Frank, Clinton, and Chris Dodd are worthless scabs, too.

But Phil Gramm destroyed Enron, the SEC(Gramm underfunded them), the real estate market(google 'Foreclosure Phil'), Wall Street, and then UBS. NOBODY did more damage than Phil Gramm!

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I hate the Repugnican'ts & Dumbocraps equally.

Franklin Raines, Paulson, Barney Frank, Clinton, and Chris Dodd are worthless scabs, too.

But Phil Gramm destroyed Enron, the SEC(Gramm underfunded them), the real estate market(google 'Foreclosure Phil'), Wall Street, and then UBS. NOBODY did more damage than Phil Gramm!

I hate know-it-alls ... or those that think they are know it alls.

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Mine are generalities.. no one specific...

Ghetto-ass people (of all races) because of how they act in public, and treat other peoples property.

Parents with undisciplined, annoying and spoiled children. Although it's the kids that annoy me initially, its not their fault, and therefore its the parents that end up annoy me and that I blame.

Other motorists... namely those who change lanes without signaling / obsessive lane changers / people who poorly plan their drive and have to stop, drive extra slow, or lane change across 4 freeway lanes at the last minute / everyone on a cell phone either talking and especially texting (I just named myself on that one, my resolution is to stop it) / people not paying attention for whatever reason / coinciding with the last one, people that refuse to let you over a lane for no good reason / people who do bad park jobs / anyone with the audacity to drive without insurance / SUVs in general, but really just those driven by one person whom doesn't need seating for 8, that just wants to be a road hog / HID lights! Yea, these are nice when you're driving on a pitch black country road, but when you're in the city, they just blind other drivers / noisy vehicles... I'm all for sport exhausts, but there's a limit being crossed from performance to just trying to have the loudest vehicle on the road / If anyone can name more, go for it!

Dead on! And I have a few more to add on, though this is not exclusive.

The "Web Asshole": This jerk always lurks in every message board and often is on YouTube. You can tell him or her because they often curse a lot, insult people and general groups of people both on the message board and off, and rarely doesn't get away with it. They are often extremely radical with their political beliefs.

The "Politically Correct Zombie": The archetypical PCZ believes every religion is equal and not more important than anything, but the PCZ is atheist. The PCZ hates immigration laws and avoids using the term "black", not even the term "black hole". The PCZ works hard "not to offend anyone" but ends up getting a lot of hate. They deserve it, though!

The "Twisted Cop": The Twisted Cop is another one to watch out for. He (or she) hides behind an inconspicuous spot and always picks on you. He has a sadistic way of handing out tickets. It's rumored he's into something illegal too.

The "Self-Centered Developer": The Self-Centered Developer is always a local problem. The SCD always wants to build an overpriced suburb or building in an area that cannot handle traffic and the residents oppose it. Still, he gets his way by bribing city officials and getting his name on roads, parks, and other buildings. Eight times out of ten, he wins, and a slew of trees gets knocked down for his latest project. Then he moves on and repeats. If he fails, he still moves on but will return eventually.

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Dead on! And I have a few more to add on, though this is not exclusive.

The "Web Asshole": This jerk always lurks in every message board and often is on YouTube. You can tell him or her because they often curse a lot, insult people and general groups of people both on the message board and off, and rarely doesn't get away with it. They are often extremely radical with their political beliefs.

The "Politically Correct Zombie": The archetypical PCZ believes every religion is equal and not more important than anything, but the PCZ is atheist. The PCZ hates immigration laws and avoids using the term "black", not even the term "black hole". The PCZ works hard "not to offend anyone" but ends up getting a lot of hate. They deserve it, though!

The "Twisted Cop": The Twisted Cop is another one to watch out for. He (or she) hides behind an inconspicuous spot and always picks on you. He has a sadistic way of handing out tickets. It's rumored he's into something illegal too.

The "Self-Centered Developer": The Self-Centered Developer is always a local problem. The SCD always wants to build an overpriced suburb or building in an area that cannot handle traffic and the residents oppose it. Still, he gets his way by bribing city officials and getting his name on roads, parks, and other buildings. Eight times out of ten, he wins, and a slew of trees gets knocked down for his latest project. Then he moves on and repeats. If he fails, he still moves on but will return eventually.


The "Spoiled Teenage Girl": The STG is such a jerk. She's the one you knew in high school, and even worse. Obviously, she has a car, a cell phone, the latest clothing, an iPod (or iPhone), won't date any guy that's not a jerk, and is mean to everyone except her friends (who are also mean).

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  • 2 months later...

Also, here's another one that is common, but really irritate me: the "Obamaist".

This refers not to those who voted for Barack Obama or even support his policies. The Obamaist title is reserved for those who plaster his mug everywhere they go: their web personalities, their clothing, their life. They chant HOPE and CHANGE. They also buy the commemorative plates not so they can proudly eat off Obama's suit, but rather in the china cabinet as a flamboyant way of saying they are, in fact, an Obamaist. I really think that Obamaists are more annoying than hate-inducing. It's just that they treat Obama like a god figure, when he is in fact, not. :mellow:

But HATE inducing? Probably mimes.

Edited by IronTiger
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