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Oh, this is going to be fun. I post, and I step back as if throwing meat to pitbulls (with all due respect, of course ;) )

KHOU REPORTS: Police Union sues Quannell X

Mr. Driver went through something he did not have to go through, and should not have been put through," said Quanell X.

This explosive allegation was spoken by local activist Quanell X last November. At the time, he was defending Marvin Driver.

Driver claimed Houston police officers brutally beat him following his arrest for outstanding traffic warrants. He also claimed they forced something down his throat and that something landed him in the hospital unable to speak.

But this week, those same statements are at the center of a defamation lawsuit, filed against Quanell X and Marvin Driver. The lawsuit was filed by union attorneys who represent the three officers involved....

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Quanell X is a racist. I hope he gets his A $ $ reamed by the union lawyers! There is no place left for a leach like him in this area.

A no talent, dumb, clown.

He also was/is a crack dealer. I sure wouldn't want his basketball head talking for me.

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