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Lincoln Phenomenas


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I'm constantly intrigued with ghost, UFO, and other phenomena, particularly those dealing with coincidences or predictions.

I was watching a show on History Channel the other night that was talking about this very subject.

One night, Abraham Lincoln went to sleep and had a very vivid dream, one so vivid it felt completely real. He was walking through the White House, after being awakened by noises. He followed the noise over into the East Room where people were crying, dressed in funeral garb, mourning a death. When Lincoln asked one of the guards who died, the Guard's response was "The President". As Lincoln got closer, he found the man laying in wake being viewed by all the mourners was in a tall man, face obscured... Lincoln awoke in a cold sweat, and told of his nightmare... The next evening Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States of America was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth.

I found this account on Wikipedia that is supposedly Lincoln's own account of the dream: "In the dream, I was awakened by a faint moaning coming from somewhere nearby. I stood, and began hunting the noise, finally finding my way to the east room, where men and women were shrouded in funeral shawls. I saw a coffin on a dais, and soldiers at either end. A captain stood nearby, and I addressed him 'Who is dead in the White House' say I. 'The President,' is his answer, 'he was killed by an assassin.' In the coffin was a corpse in funeral vestments, but the face was obscured. A loud sob left the crowd, and I awoke."

Another Phenomena is the sightings of Lincoln's Ghost in the Lincoln Bedroom. He had been sighted on many occasions. One that sticks out from what I've heard was an encounter by Winston Churchill. From Churchill's account, he had just gotten out of a bath, wearing nothing other than a cigar in his mouth. The ghost of Lincoln manifested in front of him. He said to Lincoln's Ghost "Good evening, Mr. President. You seem to have me at a disadvantage." Lincoln's ghost softly smiled, and vanished.

Then the Lincoln - Kennedy coincidences... Here are some facts copy and pasted from Wikipedia that haven't been debunked:

* Both presidents were elected to the presidency in '60.

* Both presidents were elected to the United States House of Representatives in '46.

* Both were runners-up for the party's nomination for vice-president in '56.

* Both assassins were born in '39.

* Both successors were Southern Democrats named Johnson born in '08.

* Both presidents were concerned with the problems of American blacks and made their view strongly known in '63. Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation in 1862, which became law in 1863. In 1963, Kennedy presented his reports to Congress on Civil Rights, and the same year was the famous March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.

* Both presidents were shot in the head.

* Both presidents were shot in presence of their wives.

* Both presidents were shot on a Friday.

* Lincoln was shot at Ford's Theatre. Kennedy was shot in a Ford car; a Lincoln limousine.

* Lincoln had a secretary named Kennedy who told him not to go to the theatre. Kennedy had a secretary named Evelyn Lincoln (whose husband Harold's nickname was Abe), and she warned him not to go to Dallas.

* Both Oswald and Booth were assassinated before they could be put on trial.

* Lincoln and Kennedy each have 7 letters.

* Lincoln and Kennedy both had five syllables in their full name (which counts Kennedy's middle initial).

* John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald each have 15 letters.

* There are 6 letters in each Johnson's first name.

* Booth shot Lincoln in a theater and hid in a warehouse, while Oswald shot Kennedy from a warehouse and hid in a theater.

* Both presidents married women who could speak French.

Some of these are not that amazingly coincidental, but some are. Interesting, yes? Happy President's Day!

Edited by Geoff8201
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I'm constantly intrigued with ghost, UFO, and other phenomena, particularly those dealing with coincidences or predictions.

I was watching a show on History Channel the other night that was talking about this very subject.

One night, Abraham Lincoln went to sleep and had a very vivid dream, one so vivid it felt completely real. He was walking through the White House, after being awakened by noises. He followed the noise over into the East Room where people were crying, dressed in funeral garb, mourning a death. When Lincoln asked one of the guards who died, the Guard's response was "The President". As Lincoln got closer, he found the man laying in wake being viewed by all the mourners was in a tall man, face obscured... Lincoln awoke in a cold sweat, and told of his nightmare... The next evening Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States of America was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth.

I found this account on Wikipedia that is supposedly Lincoln's own account of the dream: "In the dream, I was awakened by a faint moaning coming from somewhere nearby. I stood, and began hunting the noise, finally finding my way to the east room, where men and women were shrouded in funeral shawls. I saw a coffin on a dais, and soldiers at either end. A captain stood nearby, and I addressed him 'Who is dead in the White House' say I. 'The President,' is his answer, 'he was killed by an assassin.' In the coffin was a corpse in funeral vestments, but the face was obscured. A loud sob left the crowd, and I awoke."

Another Phenomena is the sightings of Lincoln's Ghost in the Lincoln Bedroom. He had been sighted on many occasions. One that sticks out from what I've heard was an encounter by Winston Churchill. From Churchill's account, he had just gotten out of a bath, wearing nothing other than a cigar in his mouth. The ghost of Lincoln manifested in front of him. He said to Lincoln's Ghost "Good evening, Mr. President. You seem to have me at a disadvantage." Lincoln's ghost softly smiled, and vanished.

Then the Lincoln - Kennedy coincidences... Here are some facts copy and pasted from Wikipedia that haven't been debunked:

* Both presidents were elected to the presidency in '60.

* Both presidents were elected to the United States House of Representatives in '46.

* Both were runners-up for the party's nomination for vice-president in '56.

* Both assassins were born in '39.

* Both successors were Southern Democrats named Johnson born in '08.

* Both presidents were concerned with the problems of American blacks and made their view strongly known in '63. Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation in 1862, which became law in 1863. In 1963, Kennedy presented his reports to Congress on Civil Rights, and the same year was the famous March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.

* Both presidents were shot in the head.

* Both presidents were shot in presence of their wives.

* Both presidents were shot on a Friday.

* Lincoln was shot at Ford's Theatre. Kennedy was shot in a Ford car; a Lincoln limousine.

* Lincoln had a secretary named Kennedy who told him not to go to the theatre. Kennedy had a secretary named Evelyn Lincoln (whose husband Harold's nickname was Abe), and she warned him not to go to Dallas.

* Both Oswald and Booth were assassinated before they could be put on trial.

* Lincoln and Kennedy each have 7 letters.

* Lincoln and Kennedy both had five syllables in their full name (which counts Kennedy's middle initial).

* John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald each have 15 letters.

* There are 6 letters in each Johnson's first name.

* Booth shot Lincoln in a theater and hid in a warehouse, while Oswald shot Kennedy from a warehouse and hid in a theater.

* Both presidents married women who could speak French.

Some of these are not that amazingly coincidental, but some are. Interesting, yes? Happy President's Day!


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Wikipedia said Lincoln said that? Sorry, my BS reader is picking up definite vibes.

Yes, Wikipedia said that. If you do not trust the information found on Wikipedia, you are not alone, however I used that source as a generalized source for that "quote". If it is not an actual quote, it is an accurate paraphrasing to what Lincoln may have told of his nightmare, the way he would have spoken it.

My primary source as to the Lincoln Nightmare, was hearing this account on History Channel. The Lincoln/Kennedy similarities as well as the accounts of Lincoln's Ghost I've been hearing for years, Wikipedia in this case was also a way to present this information as generalized information. I linked to it only as proper etiquette in providing my source for the copy and paste. Other websites searched through Google (or whatever your search engine tastes) can bring up many more Lincoln/Kennedy coincidence lists +/- the same information I got off Wikipedia.

Disappointing if Lincoln didn't have a secretary named Kennedy. That is the one everyone remembers. What is your source, Kylejack, to debunk this one? I have no doubts this may be flubbed to further enhance the coincidences, I'm just wondering where you heard it.

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Disappointing if Lincoln didn't have a secretary named Kennedy. That is the one everyone remembers. What is your source, Kylejack, to debunk this one? I have no doubts this may be flubbed to further enhance the coincidences, I'm just wondering where you heard it.

Snopes, for one. Lincoln had two secretaries, Nicolay and Hay. http://www.snopes.com/history/american/lincoln-kennedy.asp

Its not the only falsehood either. Booth was born in '38, not '39.

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Here is an interesting, although somewhat silly and slightly off topic, President's day tidbit.


R O N A L D (6 letters) W I L S O N (6 letters) R E A G A N (6 letters)

666....Coincidence? I think not! ewwwwwwweeeeeooooh..... :lol:

Edited by west20th
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Funny you mention Regan, cause it was his time in office that broke the famous "0 Year Curse" in which every president since William Henry Harrison, elected in 1840 dies before completing their presidency. This continued with Lincoln in 1860, Garfield in 1880, McKinley in 1900, Harding in 1920, FDR also died as president during his 4th term, but he was also re-elected in 1940, technically he counts, JFK in 1960.

Regan was elected in 1980, and narrowly escaped death via an assassination attempt. It was said the Ronald and Nancy Regan knew of this curse and were able to break it.

George W. Bush in 2000 also escaped a near assassination attempt, via choking on a Pretzel in 2002 :lol:

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Funny you mention Regan, cause it was his time in office that broke the famous "0 Year Curse" in which every president since William Henry Harrison, elected in 1840 dies before completing their presidency. This continued with Lincoln in 1860, Garfield in 1880, McKinley in 1900, Harding in 1920, FDR also died as president during his 4th term, but he was also re-elected in 1940, technically he counts, JFK in 1960.

Regan was elected in 1980, and narrowly escaped death via an assassination attempt. It was said the Ronald and Nancy Regan knew of this curse and were able to break it.

George W. Bush in 2000 also escaped a near assassination attempt, via choking on a Pretzel in 2002 :lol:

Interesting. As a proud ex-Ohioan I will point out that Harrison, Garfield and Mckinley are all from Ohio. Most of the Ohio president's were not a lucky bunch. I remember a school trip to McKinley's tomb near Canton. His whole family is buried there. I always thought it was so sad that his wife lived through her husband's assassination and survived all of their children.

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Funny you mention Regan, cause it was his time in office that broke the famous "0 Year Curse" in which every president since William Henry Harrison, elected in 1840 dies before completing their presidency. This continued with Lincoln in 1860, Garfield in 1880, McKinley in 1900, Harding in 1920, FDR also died as president during his 4th term, but he was also re-elected in 1940, technically he counts, JFK in 1960.

Regan was elected in 1980, and narrowly escaped death via an assassination attempt. It was said the Ronald and Nancy Regan knew of this curse and were able to break it.

George W. Bush in 2000 also escaped a near assassination attempt, via choking on a Pretzel in 2002 :lol:



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