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Transportation secretary says taxing how much we drive may replace gasoline tax


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Wouldn't be fair in a state like Texas where you have to drive forever to get anywhere.

Actually, it would be fair that those who use more roads pay more taxes for those roads...unless, of course, you advocate a socialistic policy of a shared responsibility for an efficient transportation system...something that cities have done for 100 years or more.

At first blush, the suggestion of a VMT sounds like an outrage. But, we only have a few hundred thousand hybrids on the road today. As electric vehicles gain market share, and those vehicles use little to no gasoline, the taxing mechanism for a larger portion of vehicles will disappear. At that point, a new way of collecting road taxes will become necessary. While I abhor the idea of GPS devices in my vehicle controlled by government, a road tax payable with the vehicle registration doesn't sound as Orwellian. It could be tied to vehicle weight, giving an incentive to purchase more efficient vehicles, especially considering that vehicle weight is the biggest contributor to road deterioration.

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Tax per gallon in fuel efficient cars is less than tax per mile, which would be equal across the board.

That's why I said basically and not perfectly. In general, lighter cars use less gas despite some few statistical aberrations. Besides, efficiency is a good thing to encourage.

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Let's hope so. A straight carbon tax is our best option.

Our best option for fair pay based on usage of roads, or the best option for driving us away from fossil fuels? I think the latter, but definitely not the former.

I understand the theory behind charging those who use the roads more, but everyone, even those who use only mass transit, depend on roads. Hell even someone who walks everywhere - all the groceries they walk to go buy come in on the roads, etc.

I don't think our current system is unfair, what is the driver for change? I think as hybrids and alternative fuel vehicles become more common, and less tax is realized from fuel purchasing, I think we'll see a drastic increase in vehicle registration fees and also toll roads.

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This could be counterproductive in their attempts to increase the number of "alternative energy" or hybrid vehicles, since those could be an option/loophole for those who want to escape the gasoline tax. Something just does not click here...

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Here's something that just occurred to me. There are those that are bitching about the cost of gas, and the "HUGE" profits that the Oil Companies make, but what about the amount of taxes being gathered up by each state, that is a healthy little some right there as well. Where is the outrage ???

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