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Houston second in population growth for 2008

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H-Town, in 8 posts on this thread you have yet to post a single "view". You cited one statistic, the one that could be seen in the thread title. You gave one opinion, not backed up by any data. All of the rest of your posts have been whining and carping because I ran circles around your unsupported opinion.

EDIT: Insulting comment directed at petty poster deleted.

Edited by RedScare
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H-Town, in 8 posts on this thread you have yet to post a single "view". You cited one statistic, the one that could be seen in the thread title. You gave one opinion, not backed up by any data. All of the rest of your posts have been whining and carping because I ran circles around your unsupported opinion.

EDIT: Insulting comment directed at petty poster deleted.

I thought you were going to ignore me, Red. But since you can't, I will say that my original "view" in this discussion was that Houston seems to be economically vulnerable in coming decades, considering the extent to which we rely on one industry, energy. You say that I did not cite any facts, but I did - I posted a list of our 25 largest companies in 2008, so that people could see the extent to which we rely on oil. I mentioned two recent corporate relocations to Dallas, and wondered when was the last time Houston had a corporate relocation that was non-energy related.

You had this to say:

its diversified economy is largely responsible for what Houston looks like today, rather than its oil economy. The oil economy is more like icing on the cake, and will be more so in the future.

In light of the list of our largest companies that I posted, I think this looks absurd. I wasn't going to call you out until you made this a person-to-person argument rather than a friendly discussion, but honestly, do you really think that the oil economy is only the "icing on the cake" for Houston?

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Sorry, H-Town, but I agree with Red on this one. Just because you got dogpiled doesn't mean people hate you.

Maybe "hate" was too strong a word, but I find it amazing that when someone tries to start a discussion on a city's economic future, they are characterized as "woe is me," the "height of ignorance," "petty," and whatever "insulting comment" RedScare had to delete. The mere fact that I got "dogpiled" for suggesting that Houston should take more steps to diversify its economy begs the very worthwhile question, why on earth dogpile someone for an opinion on an urban issue? If you think the facts are on your side, then just stating the facts would probably be more effective than anything.

There is something called ad hominem argumentation that I think a forum on architecture and urban issues could do much better without. There used to be people around here who agreed with me about that and would send me PM's to tell me they thought so, but I guess they all left.

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To change the subject back to an earlier rant, why in the world does anyone think lower Westheimer is hard to drive on? Unless you are in a Hummer/Escalade/Excursion/Tahoe/etc... that street is perfectly fine. I drive on it almost daily now and there's hardly any traffic and I've never had any problems using it to get east-west. It's also one of the most interesting streetscapes to drive along too.

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To change the subject back to an earlier rant, why in the world does anyone think lower Westheimer is hard to drive on? Unless you are in a Hummer/Escalade/Excursion/Tahoe/etc... that street is perfectly fine. I drive on it almost daily now and there's hardly any traffic and I've never had any problems using it to get east-west. It's also one of the most interesting streetscapes to drive along too.

I don't think we're talking about lower Westheimer, at least not the part I consider "lower".

From Montrose to Bagby is OK traffic-wise, but impossibly narrow when METRO buses are near. They just don't fit in the lanes, so even if you're narrow car there isn't really room to pass them.

Montrose to Shepherd, on the other hand, has horrible traffic whenever the shops are open. Street parking narrows it to 2 lanes and cars turning left create lengthy delays. That's the stretch I avoid.

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To change the subject back to an earlier rant, why in the world does anyone think lower Westheimer is hard to drive on? Unless you are in a Hummer/Escalade/Excursion/Tahoe/etc... that street is perfectly fine. I drive on it almost daily now and there's hardly any traffic and I've never had any problems using it to get east-west. It's also one of the most interesting streetscapes to drive along too.

Thank you for that little shot of reality. My thoughts exactly.

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To change the subject back to an earlier rant, why in the world does anyone think lower Westheimer is hard to drive on? Unless you are in a Hummer/Escalade/Excursion/Tahoe/etc... that street is perfectly fine. I drive on it almost daily now and there's hardly any traffic and I've never had any problems using it to get east-west. It's also one of the most interesting streetscapes to drive along too.

I've driven many vehicles on Westheimer... When your on the outter lanes, like when the street curves, I always hear my wheels hit some huge pothole or bump in the road, even when going under 20mph, shaking the sports car/sedan/car/jeep/mini/suv. Which happens on Shepard, around the KFC.

Ever been on Westheimer after 6pm? Infront of Agora is particular, because of the cars parked on the street. Busy Busy.

I get nervous driving a Jetta down the narrow parts, not my driving, but the others who don't know how to stay in the lanes & try to avoid the potholes & bumps in theirs. As Meme mentioned, the Metro Buses might as well drive in the middle, because I have yet to see someone with the audacity to pull around them unless there is no traffic coming in the other direction.

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Or me for that matter.

It's possible, but you really need to be sure of your driving skills and time the whole thing right.

Lower Westheimer can be a bit of a challenge, but it is no place for people who can't concentrate STRICTLY on their driving (i.e. Talking on Cell, Passengers, Eating, etc), because if they can't; they will have some modifications to the body of their cars.

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There are a couple of curves on lower Westheimer that could stand to be redesigned. For instance, buses have to basically take up both lanes to negotiate that turn cleanly (the same could be said for vans and other larger vehicles). But other than that, Westheimer isn't that difficult to handle.

The potholes are another issue, though.

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