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English (British) accents in the media


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I've always heard them, but doesn't it seem that recently there has been a spike in the accents in non-british product commercials, the national media, tv shows and tv hosts?

It seems to be a trend. I guess because it's different?

I've noticed it a lot of unnecessary British accents in cheesy late night info-mercials. Also it seems to be popular with DIY shows to have a Brit or Austrailian stud doing the remodel work. I saw a story on the news once while in the UK saying how a study showed Americans hear a British accent promoting a product and think "fancy" or "quality", and vice versa for the Brits. Most of the British accents I hear on TV are very common and what the Brits consider, low class. I did find it interesting to hear that the Brits like an American "accent", even though we don't have one! I got that all the time. "I Love your American accent." What accent?

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I've noticed it a lot of unnecessary British accents in cheesy late night info-mercials. Also it seems to be popular with DIY shows to have a Brit or Austrailian stud doing the remodel work. I saw a story on the news once while in the UK saying how a study showed Americans hear a British accent promoting a product and think "fancy" or "quality", and vice versa for the Brits. Most of the British accents I hear on TV are very common and what the Brits consider, low class. I did find it interesting to hear that the Brits like an American "accent", even though we don't have one! I got that all the time. "I Love your American accent." What accent?

Also note that whenever we require a classically "evil" character, they also tend to speak with a refined British accent.

It's funny, though, you never hear the more common blue collar British accent just about anywhere. It's painfully annoying.

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It's funny, though, you never hear the more common blue collar British accent just about anywhere. It's painfully annoying.

I hear a multitude of blue collar British accents, but I hear them on British TV. They've become popular among politicians recently. MPs that used to speak with a clipped, "received pronunciation" seem to have adopted "estuary english" almost overnight.

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I noticed this trend some time back. I think people tend to tune in or pay attention to an accent that is different.

Why is it that the Brits sing in American? Are we a language of singers?

I agree with Niche on the Cockney, blue collar accent. Blimey!

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Why is it that the Brits sing in American? Are we a language of singers?

Blame the cold war. The US military folks brought rock & roll and rhythm & blues records to the UK in the 50s. British kids dug them and imitated them.

US punks often imitate British accents because of the Sex Pistols.

And British ska & reggae bands and fans imitate Jamaican accents.

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Also note that whenever we require a classically "evil" character, they also tend to speak with a refined British accent.

It's funny, though, you never hear the more common blue collar British accent just about anywhere. It's painfully annoying.

Actually, if you can stomach watching late night tv, you'll see a couple of barkers with the more common accent. I dated a Brit for about 3 years, from East London and his mother is a true Cockney. She was ever so nice, but that accent! I spent plenty of time there, but any more than 4 or 5 days at a time, I was thinking "The accent was quaint for the first few days, but come on!" Also they seem to be judges on "reality" shows, like American Idol, Dancing in the Stars...i gotta stop. I'm gonna puke.

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I did find it interesting to hear that the Brits like an American "accent", even though we don't have one! I got that all the time. "I Love your American accent." What accent?

Actually there is a very distinct American accent. It is hilarious to hear non-Americans do American accent imitations.

Isn't the term "Brits" somewhat an Americanism?

It's funny, though, you never hear the more common blue collar British accent just about anywhere. It's painfully annoying.

Oi! :D

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I hear a multitude of blue collar British accents, but I hear them on British TV. They've become popular among politicians recently. MPs that used to speak with a clipped, "received pronunciation" seem to have adopted "estuary english" almost overnight.

Isn't it just that the received pronunciation became increasingly rare over time? A year or so ago there was a story about how the BBC was having a difficult time casting the role of a girl before World War 2 because it was so hard to find "gaels" who had learned that pronunciation.

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Apparently I am pretty ignorant of what's on TV these days. I just discovered that show 'House'. (the grouchy doctor who walks with a cane). He's one of the guys from the old Black Adder show! And ended up on American tv, sporting a really good American accent. Everyone associates the working class accent with east London, but if you want to be challenged to understand the English language, some some time around Yorkshiremen. Oi, indeeed!

The absolute worst bad English accent is Buy Gold ad lady. Ugh.

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Apparently I am pretty ignorant of what's on TV these days. I just discovered that show 'House'. (the grouchy doctor who walks with a cane). He's one of the guys from the old Black Adder show! And ended up on American tv, sporting a really good American accent. Everyone associates the working class accent with east London, but if you want to be challenged to understand the English language, some some time around Yorkshiremen. Oi, indeeed!

The absolute worst bad English accent is Buy Gold ad lady. Ugh.

House is the best show ever. The best bad english accent ever goes to Kevin Costner when he was Robin Hood. Oh wait, he didn't even try to do an accent because he can't act.

EDIT: Anyone see Valkyrie? I did not, but from previews it looked like Cruise wasn't even trying to do any accent.

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Apparently I am pretty ignorant of what's on TV these days. I just discovered that show 'House'. (the grouchy doctor who walks with a cane). He's one of the guys from the old Black Adder show! And ended up on American tv, sporting a really good American accent. Everyone associates the working class accent with east London, but if you want to be challenged to understand the English language, some some time around Yorkshiremen. Oi, indeeed!

He was also in a great sketch comedy show, "A Bit of Fry and Laurie", and both of them were in "Jeeves and Wooster". My work spouse kept telling me that House was just like me, so I had to see what he was on about. It's one of 2 network shows I watch (the other is "30 Rock"), but I think it jumped the shark. They even had a gag in the open of last weeks show where House builds a Hot Wheels ramp so a car can jump a toy shark.

House is the best show ever. The best bad english accent ever goes to Kevin Costner when he was Robin Hood. Oh wait, he didn't even try to do an accent because he can't act.

I'd have to vote for Keanu Reeves in "Much Ado About Nothing".

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He was also in a great sketch comedy show, "A Bit of Fry and Laurie", and both of them were in "Jeeves and Wooster". My work spouse kept telling me that House was just like me, so I had to see what he was on about. It's one of 2 network shows I watch (the other is "30 Rock"), but I think it jumped the shark. They even had a gag in the open of last weeks show where House builds a Hot Wheels ramp so a car can jump a toy shark.

I'd have to vote for Keanu Reeves in "Much Ado About Nothing".

Do you mean Fry as in Stephen Fry? I have to admit I thought House was pretty damn hot. Maybe it's because he has a limp and a motorcycle. And I think in one episode he was wearing a Joy Division tshirt. The other people on that show are sort of awful.

oh, I was thinking in terms of stuff currently on air. All time bad--Keanu Reeves could also win for Dracula. Horrid. Just horrid. I did not see Kevin Costner as Robin Hood. I would imagine that's worse than a whole day's worth of Keanu movies.

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Do you mean Fry as in Stephen Fry?

Yup. You can get the series from Netflix. Very funny. And Laurie's teeth were still "english".

I have to admit I thought House was pretty damn hot. Maybe it's because he has a limp and a motorcycle. And I think in one episode he was wearing a Joy Division tshirt. The other people on that show are sort of awful.

I like Lisa Edelstein. Kal Penn (Kumar from "Harold and Kumar" movies) is on now, and he plays the character almost exactly like he played Kumar. I like to imagine Kumar eventually became a doctor and ended up working for House.

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There are two actors on the show Brothers and Sisters. Gay son Kevin (Matthew Rhys) is from Wales and older daughter Sarah (Rachel Griffiths) is Australian. They seem to speak with perfect American accents on the show. Then, I've seen them in interviews using their natural languages and OMG both were really hard to understand. Question: Is it easier for others to speak American than it is for us to try and speak with their accents?

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Question: Is it easier for others to speak American than it is for us to try and speak with their accents?

nope. just takes the exposure IMO. i work with someone who has a british accent now but when they first started they didn't. LONG story.

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There are two actors on the show Brothers and Sisters. Gay son Kevin (Matthew Rhys) is from Wales and older daughter Sarah (Rachel Griffiths) is Australian. They seem to speak with perfect American accents on the show. Then, I've seen them in interviews using their natural languages and OMG both were really hard to understand. Question: Is it easier for others to speak American than it is for us to try and speak with their accents?

I'd guess yes. I wonder if there are many American actors on British or Australian TV doing the same thing? Another one--I was just told that there's an English guy on one of the Law and Order shows doing a passable American accent. They're everywhere! :D

Are there any non-American, native English speaking HAIFers? I suppose I never really considered what my accent sounds like to others.

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I became acutely aware of my accent when traveling with drum corps. I met kids from all over the US and a few from England and Canada. We were all fascinated by each others' accents. I learned that mine was more influenced by TV than where I grew up.

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I became acutely aware of my accent when traveling with drum corps. I met kids from all over the US and a few from England and Canada. We were all fascinated by each others' accents. I learned that mine was more influenced by TV than where I grew up.

Mine too. If I had an accurate regional accent, I'd sound like Carlos Mencia's fictional older brother.

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People never believe I'm from Louisiana. I tell them the same thing, I learned to "talk right" from the tv, not my relatives (Mississippi and LA).

Brothers and Sisters is the worst show in the history of the universe. It makes me want to vomit and punch puppies.

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I became acutely aware of my accent when traveling with drum corps. I met kids from all over the US and a few from England and Canada. We were all fascinated by each others' accents. I learned that mine was more influenced by TV than where I grew up.

So, is Drum Corp is what you do after years of Band Camp? Sorry, can't resist. :D (I also have no room to talk, as I spent my summers at Debate Camp.)

I start doing public speaking at a fairly young age so I guess I was taught tv newswoman voice, and had any regional accent trained out of me early on.

Mine too. If I had an accurate regional accent, I'd sound like Carlos Mencia's fictional older brother.

I think you have a fairly strong central/west Texas accent. But I guess technically you're a (Rio Grande) Valley Boy?

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I hear a multitude of blue collar British accents, but I hear them on British TV. They've become popular among politicians recently. MPs that used to speak with a clipped, "received pronunciation" seem to have adopted "estuary english" almost overnight.

I would guess that American pronunciation - and even more so intonation - has changed significantly over time as well. If you watch old movies from the 1930s there is a noticeable difference in accent from what is common today.

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So, is Drum Corp is what you do after years of Band Camp?

Absolutely! It's like band camp that lasts for months and you have to sleep on a bus. And there are no flutes.

I would guess that American pronunciation - and even more so intonation - has changed significantly over time as well. If you watch old movies from the 1930s there is a noticeable difference in accent from what is common today.

There are a lot of American accents, and they are always changing. What you may be thinking of is the Mid-Atlantic accent that used to be popular in Hollywood. That came from the stage.

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I think you have a fairly strong central/west Texas accent. But I guess technically you're a (Rio Grande) Valley Boy?

Actually, come to think of it, several people I know have mentioned that an accent emerges if I get excited or frustrated...or inebriated. And whenever I happen to even drive through west Texas, I come home having picked up the accent, maintaining it for a few days afterward. So maybe there's something to that.

In a mellow state, though, I'm on a low-volume TV accent.

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House is the best show ever.

EDIT: Anyone see Valkyrie? I did not, but from previews it looked like Cruise wasn't even trying to do any accent.

House is terrible!! Valkryrie was pretty much all in English.

People never believe I'm from Louisiana. I tell them the same thing, I learned to "talk right" from the tv, not my relatives (Mississippi and LA).

That makes sense. I have a huge number of family members over there, and of about 26 something cousins or so, only 3 of them don't have accents... until they are around their family...

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Actually, come to think of it, several people I know have mentioned that an accent emerges if I get excited or frustrated...or inebriated.

In a mellow state, though, I'm on a low-volume TV accent.

Most people's voices go higher or lower when excited or inebriated. But, the innate always comes out some way or another. You have a rather deep voice, though. Or maybe just well-modulated when talking to people you don't well.

House is terrible!! Valkryrie was pretty much all in English.

The House guy is pretty damn good. But he's probably like your dad's age, and it is sort of a slow moving newtork show.

But what the hell is Valkyrie? Other than than the myth/opera?

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The House guy is pretty damn good. But he's probably like your dad's age, and it is sort of a slow moving newtork show.

But what the hell is Valkyrie? Other than than the myth/opera?

I watched a couple episodes and didn't like it either. It struck me as that the creators probably saw how popular a character Dr. Cox was on Scrubs, then decided to clean him up to make him the central character in a more serious show.

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I watched a couple episodes and didn't like it either. It struck me as that the creators probably saw how popular a character Dr. Cox was on Scrubs, then decided to clean him up to make him the central character in a more serious show.

Agreed. The show just looks annoying.

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