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Hate Delay, Join The Club


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I had drinks with my friend who resides in DeLays district today and he said he didn't care if Monica Lewinsky was doing Clinton under his desk or if Ann Coulter was doing Shawn Hannity under his but he drew the line with Delay trying to do him with pants on. He was a little loopy but I picked up on his drift. :lol:


BTW-not much of a betting man here, but anyone have odds on DeLay's survival?

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I had drinks with my friend who resides in DeLays district today and he said he didn't care if Monica Lewinsky was doing Clinton under his desk or if Ann Coulter was doing Shawn Hannity under his but he drew the line with Delay trying to do him with pants on. He was a little loopy but I picked up on his drift. :lol:


BTW-not much of a betting man here, but anyone have odds on DeLay's survival?

Politically? Gary Coleman has a better chance at becoming president.

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A huge crowd was outside the Galleria on the 5th protesting against DeLay, but what cracks me up is this:

According to the Houston Chronicle, DeLay’s staff alleged that most of the protesters were professionals from as far away as San Francisco. Local activists scoffed at the claim, noting that most of the protesters were Houston residents.

:lol: I guess because home is where the heart is right?

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Top court to review Texas redistricting plan

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court said on Monday that it would decide a challenge by Democrats and minority groups to the controversial 2003 Republican-supported congressional redistricting plan in Texas.

The justices agreed to review a ruling by a federal three-judge panel that upheld the bitterly contested map, which had been strongly supported by U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay of Texas.

DeLay, the former second-ranking Republican in the House of Representatives, faces money laundering charges in Texas as part of a campaign finance investigation. He has denied any wrongdoing.

The Texas Legislature adopted the redistricting plan after calling three special sessions. Democrats stymied efforts to approve the plan at the first two sessions by leaving the state and denying Republicans a quorum.

Those challenging the redistricting plan argued it amounted to an unconstitutional partisan gerrymander by manipulating voting districts to give one party an unfair advantage and that it diluted the voting strength of minorities.

They said the plan shifted more than 8 million Texans into new districts and that it was designed in 2003 to protect all 15 Republican members of Congress and to defeat at least seven of the 17 Democratic members.

They said the redistricting plan relied on outdated, inaccurate data from the 2000 Census and that the sole motivation for it was to gain political advantage.

Earlier this month, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales defended the decision by political appointees in the Justice Department to approve the redistricting plan. Career employees objected to the plan and said it would harm minority voters.

The justices will hear two hours of arguments in the case most likely in April next year, with a decision expected by the end of June.

© Reuters 2005. All Rights Reserved.

I also heard that Justice Department lawyers all agreed that the plan was unconstitutional, but Ashcroft's DoJ approved it anyway. If DeLay truly is on his way out the door, its good to know that we can still unravel his legacy.

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Cheney's doing a fundraiser for a dude who seems to have everyone in town (from both parties) turning against him?

Okay, so that's two people we know are not running fro president in '08. ( I wonder how many people other than protesters showed up at that fundraiser..

I don't hate Delay, but yeah, I think the dude is guilty. But I also thought the Republican slogan for 2008 would have been "Blame Delay, for all of society's mishaps"....

No WMDs found in Iraq? Blame Delay <_<

Why Paris Hilton made the sex tape? Blame Delay B)

Why kids still slept at the Neverland Ranch? Blame Delay

Hurricane Katrina relief at a snail's pace? Blame Delay

Texans and Rockets having losing seasons? Blame Delay :angry:

Boy Bands existing. Blame Delay :(

Donald Trump's hair. Blame Delay :rolleyes:

Janet Jackson's titty. Blame Delay :o

Nick and Jessica's breakup. Blame Delay :unsure:

Terrell Owens. Blame Delay :blink:

Baby Stewie's attitude. Blame Delay

Dan Patrick's attitude. Blame Delay

Vanilla Ice's career. Blame Delay

Why Adam and Eve bit that apple. Blame Delay

Why there were so many hurricanes this year. Delay farted. Blame Delay :mellow:

Why Oprah and Letterman "feuded". Blame Delay :huh:

Why DJ V Lawrence never makes sense. Blame Delay. Bastard.

Your point?

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Your point?

Blame Delay.

Nah, for real, my main point is that I'm surprised that so many high ranking Republicans are still endorsing Delay, while so many low-ranking Republicans and just about everyone else is hating on them. I thought the high-ranking dudes would blame Delay for all their party's mishaps like everyone else...

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  • 2 months later...
Let's have a HAIF poll before the polls close tonight.

Question: Will Tom DeLay be in a runoff?

We'll find out tomorrow.

I think there's a decent chance that may happen. It's hard for a damaged politician like DeLay to garner 50% when he has 3 opponents from his own party. Of course the ideal result from where I stand is that he is knocked out of the race completely tonight.

My other fantasy is that I will win the next Mega Millions...something the plate in my head told me would happen when the sun rises in the west.


BTW Ashikaga, why don't you cast the first vote in your poll. :)

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I think there's a decent chance that may happen. It's hard for a damaged politician like DeLay to garner 50% when he has 3 opponents from his own party. Of course the ideal result from where I stand is that he is knocked out of the race completely tonight.

My other fantasy is that I will win the next Mega Millions...something the plate in my head told me would happen when the sun rises in the west.


BTW Ashikaga, why don't you cast the first vote in your poll. :)

Oh well, he won the primary. Hopefully he won't win the general. What is even scarier is that right-wing fanatic Dan Patrick winning.

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I remember when Dan Patrick first became a sportscaster for Channel 11. I thought he was the biggest weenie I had ever seen on local TV. Although I have not followed his career, and do not know his politics, he really impressed me with by being one of the few voices of reason regarding the then proposed baseball stadium.

Few voiced opposition to the stadium, and most of the many who were for it stood to gain from it in one way or another. Therefore, there was no

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  • 4 weeks later...
Dan Patrick will do what all far-right Republicans do.

He will scare the crap out of you with tales of Ever Higher Taxes!

Gays Gettin' Married: They will DESTROY your marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Uninformed Voter.

Guns? You may need to have more of them to protect you from gays who want the same rights you do [GASP] and protect you from Juan and Juanna-the illegals you pay out of your pocket to do your yard and clean your toilet.

And Liberals? You mean the baby killing, satan worshiping gay homosexual LIBERALS??

Don't worry, he has a bag full of scare tactics to keep you so busy you'll never even notice his knee-jerk "YES SIR!!! RIGHT AWAY SIR!!! reaction when asked by corporations major and minor for even more government welfare than they recieve now. Before you can say, "Damn the Republican driven historicly high deficits! Make all tax cuts for the uber-wealthy permanant!" you'll wonder who just screwed you with your pants on-with a smile-while you poor suckers bleed a slow death.

Don't worry about your marriages, though. You don't need the threat of gays to maintain your obcenely high rate of divorce. Dan Patrick's gonna fix ya' right up!!!


Ok, first I was made to listen to KPFT's 30-minute accusation-without-premeses-fest at 5:30AM for lack of choices, and now I'm hearing words put into the mouths of people that are more sly than to say such things. I consider myself libertarian, but I'm almost starting to feel sorry for the religious republicans out there. All this hate-mongering against such a broad swath of them, and I'm hard-pressed to think of any that really fit the description.

Can you please quote me a republican politician (whose first name is not Pat) that has ever said "Gays will destroy your marraige," "liberals are baby-killing satan-worshipping gay homosexuals," or "you may need to have more guns to protect you from gays". Soundbyte montages where the average clip is no longer than a couple seconds don't count, btw.

nmainguy, and a bunch of other folks out there...you should know who you are...I would appeal to you to please use reason with your accusations. I don't like a lot of the things that republicans or democrats do, which is why I don't tend to vote for either of them, but that doesn't mean that slander is called for.

Ultimately, if you folks want to win people over to your side, its going to take more than badmouthing. Put some teeth on your arguments, and you may have me. As it stands, I'm finding myself increasingly right-leaning, if only because I want to be associated with the people that are scandalous with class as opposed to being scandalous without class.

Edited by TheNiche
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Could things get more bizzare?

Could it be that Tommy is moving to Virginia to become just another lobbiest?

And who will win the special election? The dasterdly Nick Lampson?

Could it be that our Tommy might be moving to government housing only to become Bunny to the big and burly Tyronne?

Stay tuned. [i couldn't make this sleeze up.] :lol:


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ahem. Back on topic:

From the Los Angeles Times:

WASHINGTON — Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, once one of the most influential Republicans in Congress, told colleagues Monday night that he was dropping plans to seek reelection — a surprise move that will end his tumultuous congressional career.

DeLay, who faces money-laundering charges in his home state of Texas, said he would probably step down in May, apparently in response to polls showing that he risked losing his seat in congressional elections this fall.

His decision, to be announced formally in Texas today, comes as Democrats have pointed to his troubles and the political corruption investigation on Capitol Hill in an effort to highlight ethics in their campaign to wrest House control from Republicans.

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I hope that people view this as a reflection on his supporters as well.

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ahem. Back on topic:

From the Los Angeles Times:

WASHINGTON — Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, once one of the most influential Republicans in Congress, told colleagues Monday night that he was dropping plans to seek reelection — a surprise move that will end his tumultuous congressional career.

DeLay, who faces money-laundering charges in his home state of Texas, said he would probably step down in May, apparently in response to polls showing that he risked losing his seat in congressional elections this fall.

His decision, to be announced formally in Texas today, comes as Democrats have pointed to his troubles and the political corruption investigation on Capitol Hill in an effort to highlight ethics in their campaign to wrest House control from Republicans.

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I hope that people view this as a reflection on his supporters as well.

Yes, what goes around, comes around. That's what he gets for pushing through that redistricting.

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  • 2 months later...
ahem. Back on topic:

From the Los Angeles Times:

WASHINGTON — Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, once one of the most influential Republicans in Congress, told colleagues Monday night that he was dropping plans to seek reelection — a surprise move that will end his tumultuous congressional career.

DeLay, who faces money-laundering charges in his home state of Texas, said he would probably step down in May, apparently in response to polls showing that he risked losing his seat in congressional elections this fall.

His decision, to be announced formally in Texas today, comes as Democrats have pointed to his troubles and the political corruption investigation on Capitol Hill in an effort to highlight ethics in their campaign to wrest House control from Republicans.

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I hope that people view this as a reflection on his supporters as well.

Now that the U.S. Supreme Court has thrown out part of Tom DeLay's map, what does that mean for the mid-term elections four months from now? Are those districts that the Court said negatively affected minorities in the Houston area?

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