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Does Obama Hate Texas?


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I'm trying to remember well -known references to Texan culture from the late 70s and early 80s, and so far all I've got is Cissy getting the crap beat out of her in a Pasadena trailer (Urban Cwboy) and Who Shot JR? (Dallas). Not what I would call inpsirational.

On a related note, why don't we see more Texas-filmed major movies and prime-time TV shows?

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On a related note, why don't we see more Texas-filmed major movies and prime-time TV shows?

There's probably just not the demand for it. Trends come and go... although the whole "Texas" image might have been big years ago it's just not right now... that's not to say it won't become big once again someday.

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So why was Texas listed as a foreign country on the dept of state website? I don't think it has anything to do with Obama, it sounds like it was probably done by somebody who works on the dept of state website, and most likely that person has been fired. Everything that happens on a US government website isn't directly caused by Obama. I don't think he hates Texas. When I saw him in Houston he sure didn't seem to hate it. I can see why he might not like Rick Perry though. Hopefully any President would dislike a governor for talking about secession.

Edited by Jax
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So why was Texas listed as a foreign country on the dept of state website? I don't think it has anything to do with Obama, it sounds like it was probably done by somebody who works on the dept of state website, and most likely that person has been fired. Everything that happens on a US government website isn't directly caused by Obama. I don't think he hates Texas. When I saw him in Houston he sure didn't seem to hate it. I can see why he might not like Rick Perry though. Hopefully any President would dislike a governor for talking about secession.

If anyone actually believes Obama had anything to do with what appeared on the state dept. website... well, they are morons. It was probably done as a joke by someone who has since been fired or at least reprimanded.

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So why was Texas listed as a foreign country on the dept of state website? I don't think it has anything to do with Obama, it sounds like it was probably done by somebody who works on the dept of state website, and most likely that person has been fired. Everything that happens on a US government website isn't directly caused by Obama. I don't think he hates Texas. When I saw him in Houston he sure didn't seem to hate it. I can see why he might not like Rick Perry though. Hopefully any President would dislike a governor for talking about secession.

Do Canadian Provinces have more power than U.S. States? Can they secede from Canada if they wanted?

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Do Canadian Provinces have more power than U.S. States? Can they secede from Canada if they wanted?

No, but many people in Quebec still wants to separate from Canada. They had a referendum in the 90s and lost. They blamed it on the immigrants who largely didn't want to suddenly be in a new country with a questionable future after immigrating to Canada. Quebecois (people from Quebec) aren't considered very patriotic Canadians in general, despite the fact that a large percentage of our Prime Ministers have been from Quebec. Many of them refused to fight with Canada/Britain in WW1 and WW2 because they did not consider themselves Canadians. I hope Texas does not get to that point.

Here's a decent article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quebec_sovereignty_movement

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Alot of you sound like you hate the Texas culture, and I don't understand that. This is Texas folks, and with that fact there are people that wear cowboy hats, talk with accents, ride horses, raise cattle, drive trucks, etc, etc. Why do some of you want to shun that image? Who gives a rats behind what other people think? To borrow a little of what Kimberly said, I think the gangster image and dress is the goofiest thing I've ever seen, yet for some reason it's celebrated as some "urban" concept that makes one cool.

I remember back in the late 70's and early 80's the whole country embraced the Texas culture. Now it's looked at as a bunch of back woods idiots, who don't know their ass from a whole in the ground. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I say again... What's wrong with the Texas culture, and individuals promoting it.

I have been on vacation, so I missed replying to this topic while it was still the topic of the day - nonetheless, I am going to reply now.

I personally think Texas is the greatest state in the Union - Though I am depressed in the current direction that it is headed.

Texans have historically been fiercely independent people. People who do not have to sit around and wait for someone else to help them solve their problems. Texas has everything it needs inside its own territorial borders. Texas has oil, natural gas, nuclear power, green energy, an enormous manufacturing industry, lots of white and blue collar jobs, ports, some of the most fertile and productive farmland in the country, some of the best pasture land for cattle, a moderate climate, and at least in the past, an attitude from its people, that we can fix whatever is broken ourselves.

The reason people from other states dont like Texas is because we are doing everything they do, but we do it faster, more efficiently, and for less money. Its not because we have more illegals doing the work, its because in the past we have chosen to keep life simple and not tolerate all the BS that political correctness carries with it. Unfortunately, times are changing, and Texas has become a target - the media has forced PC down everyones throat, in the name of PC we now have to walk on pins and needles for fear of offending someone.

The Texas image is about independence, its about not needing someone else to hand you what you can do for yourself. To those who are lazy or want a handout, its been called racist, its been called the good ole boy club, its been called many things - but it all comes down to doing for yourself. Look at the difference in responses to the two hurricanes, Ike & Katrina. After Ike the people here got out their own chainsaws, fired up their generators and equipment and went straight to work fixing everything. The people of New Orleans sat there asking for handouts and the government to do it for them.

The people of Texas are a great people, hard working, independent people, who just want to do things they way they think is the best, without someone telling them how, or having to ask permission to do it. Unfortunately - the government appears dead set on forcing people to ask permission to do everything, and then dictating how it should be done. Less government is the solution to our current problems and the reason Texas has been so great for so long. The larger the government gets, and the more oppresive it becomes, the less independent people become, and the more problems are created.

I love the Texas image - and for all the city people who have not had a chance to appreciate all that Texas has to offer its a shame. There is little on earth more inspiring than watching the sun set over a field that you have spent years improving, watching the water roll by, the wildlife go on without our complicated problems, and feeling that connection to something so much bigger than the complicated life we created back in the city.

I live in the city - but when Im done with work at 5 on Friday - you can be sure Im firing up my truck and getting out of dodge.

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Look at the difference in responses to the two hurricanes, Ike & Katrina. After Ike the people here got out their own chainsaws, fired up their generators and equipment and went straight to work fixing everything. The people of New Orleans sat there asking for handouts and the government to do it for them.

Although I agree with you that Texans are independent and hard working, it was a lot easier to clean up from Ike than Katrina since New Orleans was under water b/c of the levees breaking. Although Houston flooded, the water went down a lot quicker... New Orleans had to be slowly drained.

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Although I agree with you that Texans are independent and hard working, it was a lot easier to clean up from Ike than Katrina since New Orleans was under water b/c of the levees breaking. Although Houston flooded, the water went down a lot quicker... New Orleans had to be slowly drained.

Also, hindsight is 20/20 - had Ike happened first I guarantee there would have been more kinks in Houston and everyone would have been more prepared for Katrina. But, Kathleen Blanco is an idiot.

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Also, hindsight is 20/20 - had Ike happened first I guarantee there would have been more kinks in Houston and everyone would have been more prepared for Katrina. But, Kathleen Blanco is an idiot.

That is also true. I think one reason Houston did so well after Ike was b/c of lessons learned from Katrina AND Rita.

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First came Obama's refusal to send troops to the border to help Texas...then came the things that led up to the "secession speech"...and now the Obama administration apparently thinks Texas is a foreign country.


And I don't think that giving Obama a warm "howdy" and an all-you-can-eat barbecue lunch is going to change anything.

HA! That's funny. I can see a staffer putting Texas in as a joke, since Gov Perry threatened that Texas would secede, and forgot to take it out before hitting the publish button.

I am proud of my president, and there has not been a day since Jan 20 that I have felt otherwise.

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That is also true. I think one reason Houston did so well after Ike was b/c of lessons learned from Katrina AND Rita.

Also we had a mayor that was actually qualified to be in public office unlike Naigan who has to be the biggest idiot ever.

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perry is somewhere between a sleezy lawyer on the front cover of the yellow pages and a shady used car salesman somewhere on sheppard. not the biggest fan of obama but he is far and away better than perry could ever hope to be.

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