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Union Pacific Relocation

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Recently I read a new article which said Union Pacific had announced it will relocate its rail lines away from inner Houston areas in order to speed up its rail traffic. Does anybody know anything about this, or a timeframe when they will actually move the rails? and also your opinions on the impact it will have in general to Houston.

Thank you,


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Here goes the article, I found it:


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Guest danax

"In Houston, Gov. Rick Perry announced an agreement with Union Pacific Corp. to move an unspecified number of freight rail lines out of densely populated areas of the state's major cities."

Yes! I don't read the paper so this is the first actual evidence I've seen of progress.

"This week, White met with several Houston-area members of Congress and federal transportation officials. Afterward, White singled out Union Pacific for blocking traffic with its trains."

"They just run a sloppy operation," White said"

You tell em, Billy boy. This is another step that Mayor White has taken to really improve life here. Heavy trash fines, bandit signs now this. I'm wondering if maybe he lives in my neighborhood. If his next step is to announce a zero-tolerance policy on free-roaming roosters, then I'll know he does.

"Local officials in Houston and other affected cities will work with the railroad to identify areas where relocation is feasible and mutually beneficial, Perry said. Perry and Davidson said the project would be lengthy and costly."

I suppose that means the more affluent neighborhoods get served first. Time to get a petition started over here.This will take time, perhaps generations, but our grandchildren will thank us turn-of-the-century folks for finally doing something about this old problem. It will be interesting to see where they decide to reroute the tracks to.

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"In Houston, Gov. Rick Perry announced an agreement with Union Pacific Corp. to move an unspecified number of freight rail lines out of densely populated areas of the state's major cities."

Yes! I don't read the paper so this is the first actual evidence I've seen of progress.

"This week, White met with several Houston-area members of Congress and federal transportation officials. Afterward, White singled out Union Pacific for blocking traffic with its trains."

"They just run a sloppy operation," White said"

You tell em, Billy boy. This is another step that Mayor White has taken to really improve life here. Heavy trash fines, bandit signs now this. I'm wondering if maybe he lives in my neighborhood. If his next step is to announce a zero-tolerance policy on free-roaming roosters, then I'll know he does.

"Local officials in Houston and other affected cities will work with the railroad to identify areas where relocation is feasible and mutually beneficial, Perry said. Perry and Davidson said the project would be lengthy and costly."

I suppose that means the more affluent neighborhoods get served first. Time to get a petition started over here.This will take time, perhaps generations, but our grandchildren will thank us turn-of-the-century folks for finally doing something about this old problem. It will be interesting to see where they decide to reroute the tracks to.

White can make all the noise he wants. State officials (republicans) and DeLay will never do anything about it as long as they are in bed with the railroads.

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All you people that are anit Trans Texas Corridor, I hope you know that this push to move these rail lines out of metro areas is part of the TTC project. All TTC corridors are being masterplanned to have a rail corridor parrallel the roadway for freight and lines for passenger rail. Perry's involvement is becasue the relocation will promote the TTC project.

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WHEREAS, the Governor of Texas, on behalf of the citizens of the State of Texas, acting through the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), plays a key role in transportation planning and the impact such planning has on communities and citizens all across the state of Texas; and

WHEREAS, TxDOT is authorized to participate in the planning, design, and development of multiple modes of transportation within the state; and

WHEREAS, investments in the state

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White can make all the noise he wants. State officials (republicans) and DeLay will never do anything about it as long as they are in bed with the railroads.

That's an amazingly ignorant statement, since Perry has been pushing rail relocation for several years, and DeLay is also now involved in trying to formulate the southern relocation, which affects his district. As are several Austin and San Antonio area Republicans who have put forth bills this session to fund such. As are Steve Radek (sp?) and Judge Eckels here in Houston, both Republicans.

And how exactly are Perry and DeLay 'in bed' with the railroads? Please be specific. Or is that just another example of liberal BS slander without a shred of truth? Actually you contradicted yourself, because if they are 'in bed' with the railroads, wouldn't they funnel lots of state money to pay for these relocations? Not that logic or facts would ever get in your way.

How about addressing an issue that you do know about. Why did you take on the forum moniker of another person who routinely posted as LtAWACS on several urban issue boards, including this one? You've been repeatedly asked that, included by the person whose handle you expropriated, but you have never answered.

(http://www.houstonarchitecture.info/haif/i...330entry21330 , posts #16, and 20.)

Why won't you answer? What are you afraid of? Share the truth. I promise to listen.

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