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Guessing Game 02: What City is This?


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The first one looks like an architectural model. The second, like Pasadena. The third, the Swiss Alps (is that Mount Blanc?). The rest, like Tuscany.

I'm going to take a wild guess and say Torino, Italy.

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Oooo, I like the Scotland idea. And I am aware from M.C. Beaton's Hamish MacBeth series of mysteries that Inverness is in the Scottish highlands, and has an industrial/public housing element to it. So that will be my guess. Inverness.

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Do we want to do this like Swamplot... where if someone knows it early, they can msg the answer in without revealing it in the forum ?

IF we do that, do we run the risk of someone knowing it instantly, msg it in, then all the guesses in the forum over several days being for naught, because the winner was already determined right at the start , yet nobody knows it was all for naught. To me that would get highly irritating to finally guess it only to find out someone knew it and turned in the right answer in the first 10 minutes.

I think unlike swamplot, for any given city, we're bound to have someone figure it out fast or know it instantly.

For that reason, i think we only go by answers in the forum. IF you know it early and wanna mess with people, so be it, but I still think at some point, you gotta throw out the right answer.

Maybe I'm making too much a competition out of this. Am i way off ? Thoughts ?

Good guesses from some of you so far.. Terrible guesses from others.

This is pretty fun being on this side of things.

Edited by Highway6
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Well, nobody here is going to win a prize so I don't think it's too important who guesses it first.

Secondly, even if someone guesses it correctly, that doesn't mean everyone else knows they're correct. Maybe those who know it could refrain from being so definitive. If the person knows it, they can just put their answer and no other comments. If someone only puts their answer and they are correct, if I don't know the answer, I don't know that theirs is correct, so the guessing continues anyway...

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Well, nobody here is going to win a prize so I don't think it's too important who guesses it first.

Secondly, even if someone guesses it correctly, that doesn't mean everyone else knows they're correct. Maybe those who know it could refrain from being so definitive. If the person knows it, they can just put their answer and no other comments. If someone only puts their answer and they are correct, if I don't know the answer, I don't know that theirs is correct, so the guessing continues anyway...

So.. answer has to be in forum.. pvt msg does not count.

Wait !! what ?? You don't have prizes for us Lockmat ?!?!?!

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So.. answer has to be in forum.. pvt msg does not count.

Wait !! what ?? You don't have prizes for us Lockmat ?!?!?!

Do you agree? Does everyone else? B/c to me, the fun isn't being the first one to get it correct, the fun is just being correct at all.

We'd have to do like you did and put the rules in the first post above the pictures saying, "If you know the answer, please put only the answer with no other comments, so not to ruin the fun for everyone else." and then hope people comply.

Si o No?

Maybe Editor can get us a prize...like a plane ticket to the place being guessed? Sounds like a good idea to me.

Edited by lockmat
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Might as well call this one early since the guesses have stopped rolling in.

Congrats to GMAC for his helpful clue

Great photos, great puzzle! It IS Scotland, and ye should hide the family silver.

and his correct answer in private message.

It was a lot of fun piecing together the info from the photos. Felt like detective work, haha!

I have been all over Scotland, but never to Stirling, so it took a lot of digging from the little bits of data available in what was posted.

Stirling, Scotland - Home of William Wallace and Robert the Bruce of Braveheart fame.

The last original photo is of Stirling Bridge, where William Wallace had a decisive victory against the British on the way to Scottish Independence.

Top photo is of Stirling University, just north of town.

The last two are of the National Wallace Monument, which absolutely dominates the view even more than Stirling Castle in the middle of town.

Lockmat helped come up with some guidelines to use from here on out and it appears 20thstdad had the same idea.



Duration is flexible, but shoot for a minimum of 2 days guess time for everyone.

Answer must be given in the forum, not by private msg.

If you 100% know the answer, answer in a way that doesn't indicate you know 100% to allow others to keep guessing.

This can include just stating the answer simply without backing it up. This can include throwing it out there but including false clues to throw off the other players. Etc.

GMAC... it's all yours.

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