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Air Condenser too big to get into back yard

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I have an itty-bitty house with an itty-bitty yard and I bought one of this energy efficient HVAC systems. Sounded great on paper.

It appears that the unit that goes outside is too wide to get through my doorways inside the house and too wide to get to the back from the side of the house (I have little room on the sides).

The guy mentioned that he could disassemble the unit (including draining the freon) and then reassemble it in my backyard.

I worry about what this would mean for my warranty.

Any suggestions?

My neighbor on one side of me is crazy so it's not possible to use her yard to get to mine (we would have to take down the fence) and the other side of me, he has a little bit of a junkyard (too much crap). The joys of living in the Heights.


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