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HAIF dot com fundraiser is over!


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I was recently approached by someone interested in selling something that HAIF might be interested in: the HoustonArchitecture.COM domain.

It would be a chance for HAIF to migrate out of the .info ghetto and give us not only some extra credibility, but some extra exposure since there are a number of companies that don't let their employees surf to .info domains, thinking they're all scams.

The deadline for the offer is July 1, 2009.

Even though I know a lot of you would like to contribute to this effort, I'm not going to try to raise the money from HAIFers $1 or $5 at a time, because if we don't make it to $1,500 then returning the money will be a massive hassle.

Instead, I'm looking for a few good HAIFers who can pledge somewhere between $200 and $600 each so we can make the goal.

Or even a single HAIFer who can donate $1,500.

What will you get in return?

Aside from my gratitude, and a warm fuzzy feeling inside, I'll throw a metric assload of free advertising your way (exact amount to be determined by the number of people who contribute), and permanent sponsorship of one of the forum sections for you or your company or some tasteful charity or other cause of your choice.

$1,500 is a lot of money, especially these days. But I think it could go a long way toward making HAIF a better forum.

So... who's going to make the first pledge? (If you don't want to pledge publicly, you can PM me.)

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I was recently approached by someone interested in selling something that HAIF might be interested in: the HoustonArchitecture.COM domain.

It would be a chance for HAIF to migrate out of the .info ghetto and give us not only some extra credibility, but some extra exposure since there are a number of companies that don't let their employees surf to .info domains, thinking they're all scams.

The deadline for the offer is July 1, 2009.

Even though I know a lot of you would like to contribute to this effort, I'm not going to try to raise the money from HAIFers $1 or $5 at a time, because if we don't make it to $1,500 then returning the money will be a massive hassle.

Instead, I'm looking for a few good HAIFers who can pledge somewhere between $200 and $600 each so we can make the goal.

Or even a single HAIFer who can donate $1,500.

What will you get in return?

Aside from my gratitude, and a warm fuzzy feeling inside, I'll throw a metric assload of free advertising your way (exact amount to be determined by the number of people who contribute), and permanent sponsorship of one of the forum sections for you or your company or some tasteful charity or other cause of your choice.

$1,500 is a lot of money, especially these days. But I think it could go a long way toward making HAIF a better forum.

So... who's going to make the first pledge? (If you don't want to pledge publicly, you can PM me.)

If a few HAIFers who really wanted to and have the means could donate $1-200 and the rest of us could donate by getting semi or annual subscriptions, it's a win/win.

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If a few HAIFers who really wanted to and have the means could donate $1-200 and the rest of us could donate by getting semi or annual subscriptions, it's a win/win.

Yeah, but if enough isn't collected, the refund process would be a nightmare for me.

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Well, I've had about three private inquiries, so that's nice.

So far, Lockmat is the only contributor. With his $50, that brings the current total pledged to...


Or .03% of our goal.

Anyone else out there feeling generous? All major credit cards are accepted!

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Another pledge just came in...

Pumapayam has pledged $55 to the domain effort.

That brings our total to $205, or 14% of our goal!

That was really quick, guys. I really appreciate it.

You can pay by Visa, Mastercard, EuroCard, American Express, Discover, PayPal, Google Checkout, or even a check!

Who wants to keep the ball rolling?

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Another pledge just came in...

Pumapayam has pledged $55 to the domain effort.

That brings our total to $205, or 14% of our goal!

That was really quick, guys. I really appreciate it.

You can pay by Visa, Mastercard, EuroCard, American Express, Discover, PayPal, Google Checkout, or even a check!

Who wants to keep the ball rolling?

The random number is a combo "6 months HAIF membership" ($25) and a month sponsorship ($30/month), just for this that are wondering why the random $5 tacked on top of a $50.

I re-read the thread, and did not want to come across like I was pulling a stunt. ;)

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Another pledge just came in (I feel like Jerry Lewis)!

sevfiv has pledged $50 toward the domain name effort.

That brings the total to $255, or 17% of our goal -- way more than I thought we'd get in such a short time.

Keep it coming, people! I know I was hoping for a few big donations, but maybe we can make it $50 at a time! That would take just 30 pledges!

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Another pledge just came in (I feel like Jerry Lewis)!

sevfiv has pledged $50 toward the domain name effort.

That brings the total to $255, or 17% of our goal -- way more than I thought we'd get in such a short time.

Keep it coming, people! I know I was hoping for a few big donations, but maybe we can make it $50 at a time! That would take just 30 pledges!

Another way we can raise cash is to have a HAIF Bachelor Auction. :lol:

Starting bids anyone, I can give a mean back massage :P

BTW, what was the going rate for the premium doman, www.haif.com?

It supposed to be for Budapest University of Technology and Economics, ELTE, Slot Consulting Ltd., Bonn Hungary Ltd, SGF Ltd., BL Electronics and KFKI AEKI.

Edited by Pumapayam
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Another way we can raise cash is to have a HAIF Bachelor Auction. :lol:

Starting bids anyone, I can give a mean back massage :P

BTW, what was the going rate for the premium doman, www.haif.com?

It supposed to be for Budapest University of Technology and Economics, ELTE, Slot Consulting Ltd., Bonn Hungary Ltd, SGF Ltd., BL Electronics and KFKI AEKI.

I've contacted the owners of haif.com a number of times (it's a domain squatter in Saudi Arabia), but never get a response. I don't know if it's a language barrier or he just doesn't want to give it up.

Since Artefaqs owns the trademark to the word "HAIF" I could file a dispute with the WIPO to get it from him by force, but that requires a $1,500 procedural fee. WIPO almost always gives domains to the trademark holder (me), but there's no guarantee that it would happen.

Maybe if we reach the $1,500 we can take a vote amongst those who pledged to see if there's interest in using the money to get haif.com instead.

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Thanks to EMME for adding $75 to the pool.

The new total is $410 -- 27% of what we need for the new domain!

Fundraising Thermometer


It's pretty ugly, but it works, just type in goal/current value and upload to haif as it changes.

I found another HTML based version here.

Update: Ah heck, there are tons on the net.

Edited by Pumapayam
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You should put that gauge up on by the banner to get site wide exposer and link it back to this thread. :D Don't be afraid to pimp this out. :P

I was going to, but TheNiche Day was coming up, so I'm going to wait until tomorrow.

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We've got our first big corporate donation!

Cottonmather0's company has pledged $200 toward the domain name effort, and in return gets a chunk of free HAIF advertising.

That makes our total now $710 -- 47% of the goal -- we're almost half way there!

Any other companies want to get on board and get some free HAIF ads?

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Likely by next weekend you should have this in the bag.

Great support everyone.

Hopefully, you're right. The pledges have kind of slowed down today. It would be a shame to get half way there and have it fizzle out.

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I guess this would mean the end of browsing and posting on the HAIF from school.

I say no.

Well, you won't be in school forever, so think of it as more time to study until you get out.

You can still use HAIF via mobile or at home.

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