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HAIF dot com fundraiser is over!


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4thGenHoustonian -- someone with just 34 posts has decided to pledge $50 to our project. How cool is that?

I know there are a lot of lurkers out there. Feel free to PM me your pledge, too!

We're now at $810 -- 54% of our goal!

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4thGenHoustonian -- someone with just 34 posts has decided to pledge $50 to our project. How cool is that?

I know there are a lot of lurkers out there. Feel free to PM me your pledge, too!

We're now at $810 -- 54% of our goal!

How did you insert HTML for the funding thermometer, whereas I can't?


Edited by Pumapayam
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How did you insert HTML for the funding thermometer, whereas I can't?

Only moderators and administrators can insert HTML. Can you imagine the chaos around here if just anyone could?


Another pledge! Another pledge!

Moderator bachanon is chipping in $50.

That brings the total to $860 -- 57% of our goal!

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Another business is on board to help HAIF!

Poison Girl Bar / Antidote Coffee is pitching in $100 to turn this little .info into a .com!

We're at $960! 64% of the way there!

I can't believe we made it so close to a thousand dollars so quickly. Everyone's been so generous.

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Only moderators and administrators can insert HTML. Can you imagine the chaos around here if just anyone could?


Another pledge! Another pledge!

Moderator bachanon is chipping in $50.

That brings the total to $860 -- 57% of our goal!

Can you bring in some clowns or cheerleaders when you get another contribution?

Maybe a baloon. :)

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any more news today? let's keep it going!

way to go haifers!! you're the best.

Nope. No new pledges today. But weekends are usually slow around HAIF. I hope things will pick up on Monday. Maybe we can get this thing squared away by the end of the week!

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Nope. No new pledges today. But weekends are usually slow around HAIF. I hope things will pick up on Monday. Maybe we can get this thing squared away by the end of the week!

*cough* thermometer in the banner *cough*

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How exactly would you donate to HAIF? PayPal?

If I had I Paypal account, I *might* donate.

I can hear it now...

IronTiger has pledged one dollar for HAIF!


Wait a minute! If the HAIF becomes a dot com, we'll have to call this the HACF!

Edited by IronTiger
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Still, though, would getting the .com mean that its the HACF (HoustonArchitecture dot Com Forum) soon?

I guess not, since now the HAIF really doesn't mean anything...

The idea popped into my head a couple of days ago, but I decided not to think about it right now. It's a little like putting the horse before the cart. Maybe the donors could vote on it. Or maybe something more broad.

HACF sounds like a phlegm-clearing exercise.

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The idea popped into my head a couple of days ago, but I decided not to think about it right now. It's a little like putting the horse before the cart. Maybe the donors could vote on it. Or maybe something more broad.

HACF sounds like a phlegm-clearing exercise.

Naw, despite that we have a .info domain, I think the meaning still resonates.

It will alway be the Houston Architecture "Information" Forum to me, because that is what is it, a forum that has architecture information about Houston.

Also, you'd render theHAIF.com useless is you changed our acronym.

And so Puma doesn't have a fit...

Banner. . . :P

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Still, though, would getting the .com mean that its the HACF (HoustonArchitecture dot Com Forum) soon?

I guess not, since now the HAIF really doesn't mean anything...

Naw, despite that we have a .info domain, I think the meaning still resonates.

It will alway be the Houston Architecture "Information" Forum to me, because that is what is it, a forum that has architecture information about Houston.

Also, you'd render theHAIF.com useless is you changed our acronym.

Banner. . . :P

Probably leaving it how it is would be much simpler and if anyone asks we can all tell them why it is Haif. I more agree with Pumapayam, I call it Haif based more on that rather than it being a .info site.

I would like to make a donation, but can't right now. Will you still accept a donation in 2 months that can go for something else?

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I would like to make a donation, but can't right now. Will you still accept a donation in 2 months that can go for something else?

Sure, there's always something I can use a donation for. No hurry.

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Naw, despite that we have a .info domain, I think the meaning still resonates.

It will alway be the Houston Architecture "Information" Forum to me, because that is what is it, a forum that has architecture information about Houston.

Also, you'd render theHAIF.com useless is you changed our acronym.

That's true. The "Houston Architecture Information Forum". It works.

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Our first pledge of the day is actually something of a challenge grant, and it's a big one.

Jenni's Noodle House at 2027 Post Oak Boulevard has offered to pick up the final $250!

That means instead of having to raise $1,500 -- we only need to raise $1,250!

So since we're currently at $1,160 -- that means we only need to raise 90 more dollars.

Or to put it in terms that Puma would understand:


So, if you're looking for a place for lunch today -- think Jenni's Noodle House! Let it know you appreciate its support of HAIF!

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Our first pledge of the day is actually something of a challenge grant, and it's a big one.

Jenni's Noodle House at 2027 Post Oak Boulevard has offered to pick up the final $250!

That means instead of having to raise $1,500 -- we only need to raise $1,250!

So since we're currently at $1,160 -- that means we only need to raise 90 more dollars.

Or to put it in terms that Puma would understand:


So, if you're looking for a place for lunch today -- think Jenni's Noodle House! Let it know you appreciate its support of HAIF!

bumped for lunch

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Our first pledge of the day is actually something of a challenge grant, and it's a big one.

Jenni's Noodle House at 2027 Post Oak Boulevard has offered to pick up the final $250!

That means instead of having to raise $1,500 -- we only need to raise $1,250!

So since we're currently at $1,160 -- that means we only need to raise 90 more dollars.

Or to put it in terms that Puma would understand:


So, if you're looking for a place for lunch today -- think Jenni's Noodle House! Let it know you appreciate its support of HAIF!

Just for that, I will make that a random summer stop and check them out!

Thank you Jenni!

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Why not nine $10 donors...or eighteen $5 donors...or ninety $1 donors...or nine hundred people who donate a penny each?

"Hello, sir, have you considered donating the HAIF? Just one penny for the best Houston forum on the web!"


"One down, eight hundred ninety-nine to go..."

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Why not nine $10 donors...or eighteen $5 donors...or ninety $1 donors...or nine hundred people who donate a penny each?

"Hello, sir, have you considered donating the HAIF? Just one penny for the best Houston forum on the web!"

A couple of reasons...

  1. Because expediency is important. The person offering to sell the domain to us is only willing to wait so many days before he offers it to someone else.
  2. Because part of my contribution to this exercise is covering the credit card and PayPal fees for the donations made. The smaller the donation, the greater percentage is eaten by fees. Eventually you get to a point of diminishing returns.
  3. See reason #1 again. Seriously, time is running out. I'll take two $45 donors is no one wants to be the $50 donor. But I got a reminder e-mail letting me know once again that there is a deadline on the offer. Collecting donations from two people is a heck of a lot faster than collecting donations from ten people.

Anyone got 45 dollars in search of a good cause?

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So close... and yet so far.

No new pledges today, yet we're only $90 away from our goal.

C'mon, HAIFers! Let's pull together and get this done!

Fundraiser Thermometer + Banner + Link to this thread = Done. :D

You just don't listen! :P

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