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HAIF dot com fundraiser is over!


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Anyone go to that pasta place yesterday?

I've been to the Jenni's Noodle House on Sheperd a number of times. It's good and it's quick; my only qualm is that they overdo the soy sauce on some noodle dishes. I like the ginger chicken and vermicelli salads quite a bit though.

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Stick a fork in it! It's done!

Scharpe Street Guy's upcoming company has donated $200 to the cause. That's more than we needed, so with his permission I'm putting the extra cash toward the HAIF server bill.

Thanks to everyone who pledged their support:

  • Lockmat
  • Daniepwils
  • Pumapayam
  • sevfiv
  • Barracuda
  • Ricco67
  • EMME
  • Sozavac
  • Lunatic Fringe
  • Cottonmather0
  • Elecpharm
  • 4thGenHoustonian
  • Poison Girl Bar / Antidote Coffee
  • bachanon
  • Chamo
  • Talbot
  • Heights Beer Club
  • Jenni's Noodle House
  • Scharpe St Guy

Those of you who haven't already paid will receive a PM with information on making your payment.

Once again, it's very touching to see how the HAIF community can pull together and get something like this done. By this time next week hopefully we'll be a big fat dot-com!

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Stick a fork in it! It's done!

Scharpe Street Guy's upcoming company has donated $200 to the cause. That's more than we needed, so with his permission I'm putting the extra cash toward the HAIF server bill.

Thanks to everyone who pledged their support:

  • Lockmat
  • Daniepwils
  • Pumapayam
  • sevfiv
  • Barracuda
  • Ricco67
  • EMME
  • Sozavac
  • Lunatic Fringe
  • Cottonmather0
  • Elecpharm
  • 4thGenHoustonian
  • Poison Girl Bar / Antidote Coffee
  • bachanon
  • Chamo
  • Talbot
  • Heights Beer Club
  • Jenni's Noodle House
  • Scharpe St Guy

Those of you who haven't already paid will receive a PM with information on making your payment.

Once again, it's very touching to see how the HAIF community can pull together and get something like this done. By this time next week hopefully we'll be a big fat dot-com!


Shot me a message man with the info via HAIF or Facebook.

Pumapayam sponsored forum section here I come :P

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So when will HoustonArchitecture.COM launch? And will .info redirect to it?

And as much as I'd like to see a thanks given to those who donated, I'd hate to see the HAIF overrun with something like "SPONSORED BY JENNI'S NOODLE HOUSE" or whatever.

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So when will HoustonArchitecture.COM launch? And will .info redirect to it?

The .info will redirect to the .com. I'm thinking of turning TheHAIF.com into a shortcut to HAIF:now. We'll see.

I'm hoping everything will be online by the end of next week. It will take a day or three for everyone's payments to get to me (depending on how many people send checks). It takes three to four business days for money from credit cards and PayPal to get moved into the HAIF bank account. Once that's done, I can buy the domain. Transfer should only take a day. Then I have to modify HAIF so that Google and other search engines understand that the forum has moved, and not disappeared. That's the part I'm most worried about. If I don't screw it up, we can be on the new domain the next day.

And as much as I'd like to see a thanks given to those who donated, I'd hate to see the HAIF overrun with something like "SPONSORED BY JENNI'S NOODLE HOUSE" or whatever.
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Umm...I don't think you finished the second part of your post.

I didn't like what I wrote, so I erased it and wrote something else, which I also didn't like so I erased that. I decided it would be better not to write anything in that space.

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Cool, that's good to know. I never put any sort of tracking on that domain to see if anyone used it, so I'll keep it as it is.

I have it bookmarked or I use the history in the url bar to find it, but if I don't use either of those methods, I too use thehaif.com

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I have it bookmarked or I use the history in the url bar to find it, but if I don't use either of those methods, I too use thehaif.com

I have Firefox and I always save my tabs when I close it, so I restore my session when I click it back up. :)

And editor, how much extra traffic do you expect the new domain to bring?

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Usually anything location based + Houston picks up HAIF on Google. We here have covered so much, it's bound to show up on Google.

No, it doesn't work that way. I wish it did. If the transition isn't done right, it will be like starting all over again with Google. All of our links and reputation will be lost. For those who aren't regulars (60% of our daily visitors) we will simply not exist. That's why I'm going to take my time with it and make sure it's done right.

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Why cant houstonarchitecture.com be just like haif.com and just acts as a portal that forwards to .info

Wouldn't that be an the easy way out as far as playing nice with google search ?

Because then all of the search results will still say ".info." If we can convert them to ".com" then we'll get all of those extra people who won't go to a .info or whose companies, ISPs, schools, or other networks prevent access to .info domains.

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Guess i'm just unobservant.

I didn't realize/remember this was an .info and not a .com until this thread. And i didn't realize there was a stigma attached to .info that prevented people or companies from trusting them.

Even before I had Haif bookmarked.. seems i would get here by googling HAIF and just clicking the top link. The fact that the top link pointed to an .info never stood out. And for me, it certainly wouldnt have stopped me from clicking had i noticed.

I also just assumed the I in HAIF referred to Information about Houston Architecture... not the fact that it was only a .info.

If its better for HAIF, so be it, and good luck implementing it.

Edited by Highway6
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Once again I'd like to thank everyone who pledged, and everyone who made their payments already.

We have just two people/organizations that have pledged but not yet paid. I've PMed the people behind them twice, but not gotten any response.

So this is a reminder that if you're sending a check, let me know. And if you want to pay by credit card, let me know and I'll e-mail you a payment link.

We're in a holding pattern until these two payments come in, and I hope that someone doesn't swoop in and buy the domain out from under us while we're waiting.

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...that would suck.

Things are looking up. All pledges are accounted for, though one is still in the mail, and a second I'm going to float the donor for a couple of weeks. And a few of the early donations have already been swept from the credit card processor into the HAIF checking account, so I might be able to buy the domain on Tuesday or Wednesday!

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