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Is this really our new license plate?

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I wonder how much these things cost?

It's the new standard plate. It was supposed to have been out already, but slow auto sales have created a backlog in "old" plates.

I wonder if the state wanted to make the plates either "love 'em or hate 'em" to boost speciatly plate sales? ;)

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Our license plates seem to have gone through a progression if increasing gayness. What was wrong with inexpensive, plain 80's plates?

Gayness? I don't think any self respecting homo would have designed that license plate. It looks more like something a old rural conservative would have dreamed up.

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Gayness? I don't think any self respecting homo would have designed that license plate. It looks more like something a old rural conservative would have dreamed up.


That's what I was thinking. Gays have much better sense of style than that POS plate.

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Our license plates seem to have gone through a progression if increasing gayness.

I don't what's gayer, the plates, or the fact that folks are actually whining over some frickin plates! If you don't like em', go to Louisiana or California, they've got nice bland plates there. :rolleyes:

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Gayness? I don't think any self respecting homo would have designed that license plate. It looks more like something a old rural conservative would have dreamed up.

OK, I'll pull out the dictionary.


I see eight definitions and #2 applies adequately.


  /geɪ/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [gey] adjective, -er, -est, noun, adverb


1. having or showing a merry, lively mood: gay spirits; gay music.

2. bright or showy: gay colors; gay ornaments.

3. given to or abounding in social or other pleasures: a gay social season.

4. licentious; dissipated; wanton: The baron is a gay old rogue with an eye for the ladies.

5. homosexual.

6. of, indicating, or supporting homosexual interests or issues: a gay organization.


7. a homosexual person, esp. a male.


8. in a gay manner.


1275–1325; 1950–55 for def. 5; ME gai < OF < Gmc; cf. OHG gāhi fast, sudden

Related forms:

gayness, noun

Dictionary.com Unabridged

Based on the Random House Dictionary,

Edited by TheNiche
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I'd rather have one of these:


City of Gotham? What counrty is that plate from?

I Voted for the one with the skylines at the bottom. They were all ugly. Why does everything in Texas have to be the generic RED, WHITE, and BLUE? I know there our National colors, but can't we come up with something else? Same goes for Houston Sports Teams (except the Dynamo and the Hockey team).

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City of Gotham? What counrty is that plate from?

I Voted for the one with the skylines at the bottom. They were all ugly. Why does everything in Texas have to be the generic RED, WHITE, and BLUE? I know there our National colors, but can't we come up with something else? Same goes for Houston Sports Teams (except the Dynamo and the Hockey team).

Perhaps you need to adjust the color on your TV set. Almost none of the Houston teams are currently, or ever been red white and blue.


Originally the rainbow colors of red, yellow, orange and blue. Later, that failed experiment of navy blue and gold, now brickyard red, black and sand.


Originally red and yellow and basketball orange, they went to the pinstripes and cartoon rocket in the 90s, with red, metallic blue and bright blue. Currently, red, white and silver.




Only the Texans have the US and Texas colors of red, white and blue. And, I very much agree that the colors, along with the name, are as unoriginal and boring as one could get. The uniforms look like a business suit. All they need is a tie to complete the ensemble. But, no one ever accused Bob McNair of being Mr. Excitement.

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City of Gotham? What counrty is that plate from?

I Voted for the one with the skylines at the bottom. They were all ugly. Why does everything in Texas have to be the generic RED, WHITE, and BLUE? I know there our National colors, but can't we come up with something else? Same goes for Houston Sports Teams (except the Dynamo and the Hockey team).

You're thinking of METRO, aren't you?

The new license plate looks profoundly ugly, and it is only that because of the pesky crayon art in the upper left. I don't think a gay can make a better license plate (ANYONE probably could) but we shouldn't be tossing around the word as a way to say something looks sucky.

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Well, if we said it looked homo, it wouldn't sound right.

It could work for "homogenized". Seriously, all the other states have goofy logos like this.

The really bad thing about the license plate is the uneven SEVEN CHARACTERS! Ick!

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I actually like the bland California plates and the older white Louisiana plates. I guess I just have to see how these look in person.

I agree with the placement of the 7 characters though. I don't know why they don't do XXXXXXX instead of XXX-XXXX.

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Maybe to add variety, we should start adding the names of the counties in which the car is registered on the plates like Georgia does. It'll make it easier for crooked State Troopers to pull over out of towners on US 59 near Lufkin who will rather pay the fine rather than drive all the way back up there to show up in court against the trooper.

Heck, while we're at it, let's abolish front plates too. I want to see some tacky, cheap, faded out Wal-Mart bought front plates with pictures of Tweety Bird on them around here.

City of Gotham? What counrty is that plate from?

Aww man, c'mon, don't tell me you don't know what that reference is from?!

Edited by JLWM8609
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I actually like the bland California plates and the older white Louisiana plates. I guess I just have to see how these look in person.

I agree with the placement of the 7 characters though. I don't know why they don't do XXXXXXX instead of XXX-XXXX.

Everything you said I agree with. I like the California plates. And I was wondering the same thing about the XXX-XXXX.

Aww man, c'mon, don't tell me you don't know what that reference is from?!

Batman. But where did that come from. I looks like its real.

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My dad was just in Texas and he was talking about how cool he thought the Texas license plates were (They've the lone star, a space shuttle, a cowboy, a cactus, and some other cool stuff). Why are they changing it?

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  • 1 month later...

HOUSTON (KTRK) -- You'll soon notice something different on the roads. There's a new addition to Texas license plates.

Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector Leo Vasquez showed off the new license plates the county will start selling in about a week.


They will also have a combination of seven letters and numbers to provide enough combinations for vehicles in Texas for 35 years.


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