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METRO Next Generation Light Rail Trains

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While perusing the METRO site, I noticed that the next generation LRTs are to be manufactured by CAF USA, Inc. Naturally, I started searching for this company, since I had assumed that METRO would probably buy from Siemens again. Lo and behold, the CAF USA website does note that they are building trainsets for Houston. The trains will be 5 car articulated units. Most notably, as I had suggested in other threads, the new sets will be 102 feet long, and carry 282 passengers. A 2-train set would be 205 feet, which would fit comfortably inside a downtown Houston block of 250 feet. Max capacity of 564 is a 41% increase over the 400 that Siemens trainsets carry.

CAF light rail trains

Naturally, I wanted to know what these trains look like. I started comparing the specs on the Houston trains to some of the other transit systems that CAF is supplying. It appears that the Seville, Spain system is a perfect match.

Seville light subway

Here is a link to some pics of the Seville LRT in action.


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