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Dallascaper does Houston

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As a suggestion to Houston, and speaking as one from Dallas, three little letters: L E D

Actually, the buildings you were looking at all have LEDs or otherwise have a crown of lighting devices installed on them. The Downtown Management District got most of the building owners to turn them off as part of an organized attempt to make Houston appear more energy-efficient and "green".

Every now and then a professional photographer will be doing downtown, and the District will coordinate to make sure that all the buildings are lit at once. That's always a very impressive sight. We also light up everything for special events.

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I concur... wonderful photos.

Which bldg is the one porchman and lockmat singled out. You've managed to shoot that building in such a unique and wonderful way that i cant even identify it.

Cool pics!! Thanks ... Likewise I wonder which building this is....

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Actually, the buildings you were looking at all have LEDs or otherwise have a crown of lighting devices installed on them. The Downtown Management District got most of the building owners to turn them off as part of an organized attempt to make Houston appear more energy-efficient and "green".

Every now and then a professional photographer will be doing downtown, and the District will coordinate to make sure that all the buildings are lit at once. That's always a very impressive sight. We also light up everything for special events.

Okay, that make sense. I have seen photos of the downtown skyline illuminated, but Friday night it was quite dark - now I know why. Next time I am in town I'll call the mayor - I'm sure he'll turn the lights on for me.

Which bldg is the one porchman and lockmat singled out. You've managed to shoot that building in such a unique and wonderful way that i cant even identify it.

Highway6, the building is the hotel next to Discovery Green, the Hilton Americas, I think.

Thanks, everyone for your comments.

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Technical question: What are you shooting and what are your settings?

Thanks for contributing!

Body: Nikon D80

Lens: Nikkor 18-200mm VR

Tripod: Manfrotto 190XB, 322RC2 ball head

Post Processing: Adobe Lightroom & Fireworks

Most of the images were taken in manual mode, maximum aperture, ISO 100, with 2 - 10 second exposure.

Hope this helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually, the buildings you were looking at all have LEDs or otherwise have a crown of lighting devices installed on them. The Downtown Management District got most of the building owners to turn them off as part of an organized attempt to make Houston appear more energy-efficient and "green".

Every now and then a professional photographer will be doing downtown, and the District will coordinate to make sure that all the buildings are lit at once. That's always a very impressive sight. We also light up everything for special events.

Do you have a website that might have information on dates that these shoots will happen? I miss the lights of downtown and I wish they would bring them back like they were before. I have not seen downtown lit up since Christmas and Valentine's day and I would love for my children to see downtown as it was meant to be seen. If the downtown management district really wanted downtown to be energy- efficient; they would have the building owners turn off the lights in unoccupied offices at night. There are some nights where at least 25% of the office lights are on at midnight, so that is where the real waste is coming from. We are the fourth largest city in the United States and our downtown looks like a ghost town at night without the decorative lighting. Dallas and Austin's downtown's look better at night than ours and that is a shame.

Edited by Johnme
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