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I've added a new feature to HAIF called HAIF:Maps. It's partly inspired by dbigtex56's wish for a geographic way to search HAIF.

HAIF:Maps doesn't accomplish that yet, but this is a first step toward that goal.

At the top of each thread page is now a map link.

If there is no map associated with the thread you're reading, it looks like this:


You can click the "Add a map" to zoom around a Google Map until you get to the right place. When you pause while dragging the map, the web page will try to figure out the address of where the pointer is. This could be as specific as "10 Oak Court" or as vague as "Second Ward." It's really just a guide to help you find what you're looking for.

Once you've found the location you want to show, make sure the map is zoomed out enough to give it some context, then click "Mark."

You'll be taken back to the thread page where you started and you'll see the map you just added at the top of the thread.

If you like the way it looks, then you're done. If you want to make an adjustment, click the "change" button and you'll continue editing the map where you left off.

If the thread you're reading already has a map, it will look something like this:


If the map isn't quite right, click the "change" link and you'll be able to make an adjustment to the current map. Just like with making a new map, the system will try to figure out and display the address of what you're pointing to when you stop dragging the map. Set your zoom, and click "Mark."

Right now the feature is in testing, so it's only available to subscribers. But I plan to roll it out to everyone in the next week.

Yes, I mean EVERYONE -- subscribers, registered users, and even NON-registered users.

Why? Well, call it an experiment in interaction. It's a way for the 10,000 or so people who regularly visit HAIF but are not members to be able to contribute a little bit to the forum without sacrificing anonymity. It also makes HAIF a little more interactive, and I just like the idea of giving the entire world a chance to get their fingers into HAIF. Maybe a little taste will encourage more people to register.

What about vandals? Well, I'm not too worried. The system tracks every change made. If someone decides to do something stupid I can instantly delete every map change ever made by that person, whether they're a registered user or not. Registered users who misbehave will probably find some kind of punishment. Non-registered users will have their access to the maps function blocked.

So, subscribers -- kick the tires. Tell me what you think. I'm going to make a couple of changes before it is available to everyone, so let me know how you would change it. It works pretty well right now, but any suggestions are welcome.

I've seeded a few threads with maps already. You can see them here:




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And I see Lockmat is the first person to add a map. He added one to the Earth Quest Adventure thread. This is a great example of what I'm trying to achieve here.

I've seen the EQA thread a number of times, but didn't really understand where the project was going to be put. Now with Lockmat's help I (and perhaps others) understand better and can take a greater interest in the thread.

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I think this is one of the best HAIF ideas yet.

It's not showing the map at the top of the page for me, but I think it has more to do with my company settings and not HAIF.

Shoot me a message from http://www.houstonarchitecture.com/Contact.php and it'll provide me with some diagnostic information I might be able to use to make it work for you.

I assume you have Javascript enabled?

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I think this is one of the best HAIF ideas yet.

It's not showing the map at the top of the page for me, but I think it has more to do with my company settings and not HAIF.

I see that map at the top of the page.

If you mistag and try to retag, as I did in the Legacy Condo, it won't correct it.

Edited by Pumapayam
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I've added a grey frame around the map creation and adjustment crosshairs to give you an idea of how much of the map (vertically) will show on the thread page. This should help people pick the right level of zoom.

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I've added a grey frame around the map creation and adjustment crosshairs to give you an idea of how much of the map (vertically) will show on the thread page. This should help people pick the right level of zoom.

ahhh, I was wondering what that was. Good idea

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I just dropped that grey frame. It was getting in the way of the dragging. I'll have to find another way.

Yeah, I noticed that too. I just dragged on the outside of it. At least I have a frame of reference in my mind now.

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can the map be moved above the user tool bar (the one with View New Posts and so on)?

It may just be me, but I intuitively expect to see the map directly above the first post of the page..

I could probably move it there.

Here's another idea -- what if I can figure out how to make the map appear after the first post of the thread? Would that be a little more coherent, and less cluttered?

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As stated earlier, this is only currently enabled for subscribers. You are not a subscriber.

Burn.. yah, i missed that part too.

I'd rather see the map, or space with option to see map, at the top of each thread page.... not just the first post of the thread.

How many threads out there are 10+ pages long that the earlier pages never get frequented...

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Do you see a big empty space where the map should be, or do you see nothing at all?

Empty space.

Also, I experimented with a mark on an existing thread. It would not forward me out of the posting page, thanking me for my contribution. So I clicked the impatient man's hyperlink, and it zapped me back out to the main, non-forum page. I went back into the thread that I marked (man, that sounds like something my porchie cats would do the neighbor's car ^_^ ) I clicked change, and it showed the mark over Downtown.

Yesterday, however, I observed that Lockmat had marked the Biodiesel plant sucessfully. Still could not see the map on the thread, though. There was just blank space at the top.

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