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Do you hear the crickets? *chirp*chirp*


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So, things have been quiet around HAIF lately. I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but I have.

The reason is our transition from .info to .com.


As you can see on this graph, we officially took possession of the .com on June 14th.

A few days later we moved the web site from .info to .com

A couple of days after that, Google erased almost all of the 19,000+ links we had in its index. You can see the number of HAIF visitors trailing off over the next couple of days as the change was copied to Google servers across the country and around the world.

Three days ago (not shown on the chart), Google finally started crawling the dot-com. I also filed a sitemap to help it with the chore.

Today-- some positive movement. We're still virtually invisible compared to how we used to be, but at least things are improving.

How did this happen? Well, it all goes back to one of the basic truths of HAIF -- 60% of our visitors are drive-bys who are searching for something on Google, Google points to us, they get the information they need and then move on.

I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but it's a pretty good illustration of how dependent on the big G we are.

So, if you haven't already done so -- talk to your neighbors, your friends, your family members, the homeless guy wheezing the free wifi at Panera Bread with the stolen laptop, and let them know that HAIF is a good place to blow a metric assload of their valuable time while unexpectedly learning new things about their city.

I have no doubt that HAIF will recover in time, but it we can reach the goal faster if we all get out and push.

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Being a bit of a stat freak (OK, a LOT of a stat freak), I occasionally play around on the state page. I have noticed little to no dropoff in the number of actual posts. Today is at around 260, for instance. Knowing that you are looking at a completely different stat lists, the number of visitors and page views, etc., I see your concern. However, those of us in the trenches, typing out utterly useless posts for the amusement of others, have noticed few ill effects from the switchover to dotcomdom.

I pledge to redouble my efforts at posting incendiary and inflammatory rhetoric in an effort to spur more viewers to the site.

You're welcome. ;)

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Monday and Tuesday are big because it's people coming back to work and catching up on stuff they didn't read over the weekend. A surprising number of those people also don't have computers at home and rely on their work connection to HAIF.

Notice the little bump from Saturdays to Sundays? You see that in TV news ratings as well. It's people cramming themselves full of information to prepare themselves for the work week ahead.

A lot of what I learned about TV ratings work for web statistics, too.

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Monday and Tuesday are big because it's people coming back to work and catching up on stuff they didn't read over the weekend. A surprising number of those people also don't have computers at home and rely on their work connection to HAIF.

It's not that we don't have computers, it's just more fun to read HAIF during work hours... :P

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So, things have been quiet around HAIF lately. I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but I have.

The reason is our transition from .info to .com.


As you can see on this graph, we officially took possession of the .com on June 14th.

A few days later we moved the web site from .info to .com

A couple of days after that, Google erased almost all of the 19,000+ links we had in its index. You can see the number of HAIF visitors trailing off over the next couple of days as the change was copied to Google servers across the country and around the world.

Three days ago (not shown on the chart), Google finally started crawling the dot-com. I also filed a sitemap to help it with the chore.

Today-- some positive movement. We're still virtually invisible compared to how we used to be, but at least things are improving.

How did this happen? Well, it all goes back to one of the basic truths of HAIF -- 60% of our visitors are drive-bys who are searching for something on Google, Google points to us, they get the information they need and then move on.

I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but it's a pretty good illustration of how dependent on the big G we are.

So, if you haven't already done so -- talk to your neighbors, your friends, your family members, the homeless guy wheezing the free wifi at Panera Bread with the stolen laptop, and let them know that HAIF is a good place to blow a metric assload of their valuable time while unexpectedly learning new things about their city.

I have no doubt that HAIF will recover in time, but it we can reach the goal faster if we all get out and push.

How much would a Billboard on the West Loop Cost? HAIF would get a lot more exposure then.

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it took us less than a week for the dot com. Maybe two or three for the billboard?

We need some lifetime HAIF subscribers

I don't know if the riff raff of curious internet surfers joining based on a freeway billboard would be helpful.

Could lead to more trolls.

Sticking with our target demographic with specialize magazine ads or sponsoring local events I think would be more beneficial.

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it took us less than a week for the dot com. Maybe two or three for the billboard?

I'm tired of asking people for money. Bad mojo. Especially in this economy.

Sticking with our target demographic with specialize magazine ads or sponsoring local events I think would be more beneficial.

What exactly is our target demographic?

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What exactly is our target demographic?

When I first signed up, I was under the impression that mostly architects would be posting. Then I went through a period of frustration, having to hear lay people opinions of architecture, and now I've come full circle and like that fact that only a few known architects post and that the majority of admitted posters come from diverse backgrounds and levels of expertise.

Ideally, you shouldn't target any demographic except for the respectful and literate.

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I don't know if the riff raff of curious internet surfers joining based on a freeway billboard would be helpful.

Could lead to more trolls.

Sticking with our target demographic with specialize magazine ads or sponsoring local events I think would be more beneficial.

I wasn't aware that HAIF targets any particular demographic. Based on empirical evidence in the forums, the HAIF cohort is a lot of young gay men, a handful of opinionated shut-ins, a few irritable old timers prone to drinking, and teenagers who don't even live in Houston. :lol:;)

Are we really talking about ads, sponsorhips, etc? Because if HAIF has grown to the point where it is considering buying ad space, IMO it should incorporate first--as a non profit if the expectation is that money will coming from member donations.

I love the HAIF and am happy to buy subscriptions to offset operating costs, but I want the ability to see a business plan and balance sheet before I donate serious money for anything.

Edited by crunchtastic
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When I first signed up, I was under the impression that mostly architects would be posting. Then I went through a period of frustration, having to hear lay people opinions of architecture, and now I've come full circle and like that fact that only a few known architects post and that the majority of admitted posters come from diverse backgrounds and levels of expertise.

Ideally, you shouldn't target any demographic except for the respectful and literate.

we have architects posting?

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Are we really talking about ads, sponsorhips, etc? Because if HAIF has grown to the point where it is considering buying ad space, IMO it should incorporate first--as a non profit if the expectation is that money will coming from member donations.

HAIF is owned by the Artefaqs Corporation, a C Corporation registered with the Illinois secretary of state (Certificate of Good Standing available here: http://www.ilsos.gov/corporatellc/ Enter "Artefaqs" in the search field). HAIF attempts to support itself through advertising displayed on the web site. Some months HAIF covers its costs. Some months it relies on revenue from its sister sites to make up the deficit. While donations are appreciated, they have only been solicited once, which was for the purchase of the dot-com domain which was an extraordinary expense.

As for ads, HAIF has advertised in the past (Texas Monthly, Cite) and when there's a little money left over I occasionally put it into Google AdWords for HAIF.

I love the HAIF and am happy to buy subscriptions to offset operating costs, but I want the ability to see a business plan and balance sheet before I donate serious money for anything.

I've had supposedly "serious" inquiries from investors in the past, but all have come to naught. I put together big plans for HAIF once when a company approached me about investing $300k in HAIF. That plan was cancelled when that company was bought by another one.

Then about a year ago a HAIFer pledged a bunch of money to HAIF (about $100k) and talked big for several months about it. But when it came time to actually write a check it turned out he was all hat and no cattle.

I don't bother getting my hopes up anymore.

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I wasn't aware that HAIF targets any particular demographic. Based on empirical evidence in the forums, the HAIF cohort is a lot of young gay men, a handful of opinionated shut-ins, a few irritable old timers prone to drinking, and teenagers who don't even live in Houston. :lol:;)

OOoooh, I wanna be this one! I just need to be more irritable.

Get off my lawn.

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HAIF is owned by the Artefaqs Corporation, a C Corporation registered with the Illinois secretary of state (Certificate of Good Standing available here: http://www.ilsos.gov/corporatellc/ Enter "Artefaqs" in the search field). HAIF attempts to support itself through advertising displayed on the web site. Some months HAIF covers its costs. Some months it relies on revenue from its sister sites to make up the deficit. While donations are appreciated, they have only been solicited once, which was for the purchase of the dot-com domain which was an extraordinary expense.

As for ads, HAIF has advertised in the past (Texas Monthly, Cite) and when there's a little money left over I occasionally put it into Google AdWords for HAIF.

I've had supposedly "serious" inquiries from investors in the past, but all have come to naught. I put together big plans for HAIF once when a company approached me about investing $300k in HAIF. That plan was cancelled when that company was bought by another one.

Then about a year ago a HAIFer pledged a bunch of money to HAIF (about $100k) and talked big for several months about it. But when it came time to actually write a check it turned out he was all hat and no cattle.

I don't bother getting my hopes up anymore.

Thanks for the info, Ed. If I ever came into a crapload of money, I'd love to give you some.

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However, those of us in the trenches, typing out utterly useless posts for the amusement of others, have noticed few ill effects from the switchover to dotcomdom.

What is this "DOTcom" you speak of ??? :mellow:



Edited by TJones
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That pic cracks me up! :lol:

Of course, for those who prefer the John McCain version...



Of course, in Tehran, they say it a little differently...

Hey, you kids! Get off my sand!


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TheHAIF still needs more diversity, you're right. A disproportionate amount of people come from The Heights, Montrose, and other inner Houston neighborhoods, and maybe a Pasadena-ite, Katyian, or Baytownee lurks.

I've never seen a The Woodlands HAIFer. Ever. Maybe because everyone here hates The Woodlands (which ties in with collective hate for McMansions).

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TheHAIF still needs more diversity, you're right. A disproportionate amount of people come from The Heights, Montrose, and other inner Houston neighborhoods, and maybe a Pasadena-ite, Katyian, or Baytownee lurks.

I've never seen a The Woodlands HAIFer. Ever. Maybe because everyone here hates The Woodlands (which ties in with collective hate for McMansions).

We used to have a lot of Woodlands HAIFers. One of the moderators is from The Woodlands. I'm not sure why they've been quiet lately.

I'd like to see more Galveston participation, but that's just because I have a soft spot for the island. It's been explained to me that Galveston people are somewhat adverse to the big fat "H" at the beginning of HAIF.

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