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Guessing Game XVI


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The last one was a good one. Had me stumped until I saw the Anchor Bar.

This one should be fairly easy. If you have been here it's a snap. If you have not you should visit.


If you 100% know the answer, answer in a way that doesn't indicate you know 100% to allow others to keep guessing for a few days. (Either just state the answer without backing it up, throw out misleading clues to throw off the others, Etc..)





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I didn't want to say Milan... I wanted to say somewhere in France ( with the latest picture, even doubly so) .. but the Benvenuto in the top picture swayed me back into the Italy camp. But it just occurred to me.. maybe you'd be sneaky enough to show an italian restaurant in someplace other than Italy.

I'm going with Lyon, Fr.

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I think Mr. Porchman has got it, but I've got a funny-gut feeling about this one. Something about China, maybe? No, wait, isn't there a series of books about a magical private-eye in Chicago? Sorry, I'm rambling. :)

Florence was one of the earliest ones, by the way.

Edited by marmer
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Naples it's not. This city I guarantee you would not want to have been there when they were "visited". I have an hour long MP3 from a woman that was there when it happened and let's just say she saw things that no human should ever have to see. Think Christmas tree markers.



Edited by SchwinnChopper68
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I figured as much.. but looking up all the european cities have been bombed seemed pretty daunting.

Street signs are Italian. Most bombed italian city was Naples, but that's not Naples.

Really? When you think "European cities" and "aerial bombing" one doesn't immediately come to mind? Other than London?

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Really? When you think "European cities" and "aerial bombing" one doesn't immediately come to mind? Other than London?

Oh, I have it as of the last round of photos.. but no, because I was blinded by several indicators pointing me to another country.

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Naples it's not. This city I guarantee you would not want to have been there when they were "visited". I have an hour long MP3 from a woman that was there when it happened and let's just say she saw things that no human should ever have to see. Think Christmas tree markers.



This is fun, since I can't even see the photos thanks to the crack AIG firewall, but based on the commentary I'd have to say Dresden.

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Cats out of the bag! Dresden it is. Porchman was first with Da B.

If you believe the low estimates 18,000-24,000 lost their lives in a little more than 24 hours. If you believe the high estimates (due to massive undocumented refugees in the city at the time) then 200,000 to 250,000 souls perished in a little over 24 hours. Most incinerated, suffocated or boiled.

Memories of a woman that survived that night.


"My grandmother described the horrific firestorm that raged like a hurricane and consumed the city. It seemed as if the very air was on fire. Thousands were killed by bomb blasts, but enormous, untold numbers were incinerated by the firestorm, an artificial tornado with winds of more than 100 miles an hour that “sucked up its victims and debris into its vortex and consumed oxygen with temperatures of 1,000 degrees centigrade.”

Many days later, after the fires had died down, my grandmother walked through the city. What she saw was indescribable in any human language. But the suffering etched on her face and the depths of anguish reflecting in her eyes as she told the story bore witness to the ultimate horror of man's inhumanity to man and the stark obscenity of war.

The Dresden experience has stayed with me very vividly through my entire life. The media later released that the number of people who died during the bombing was estimated in excess of two hundred and fifty thousand -- over a quarter of a million people. This was due to all the refugees who came fleeing from the Russians, and Dresden's reputation as a safe city. There were no air raid shelters there because of the Red Cross agreement."




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