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In-wall shelves below stairs

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I want to put some shelves in the wall below our stairs. It doesn't seem like it would be difficult to me. Any tips or things to avoid? I may or may not have to move an outlet, I think that would be the hardest part but I'm not worried about it. Obviously I don't want to hurt the support beneath the stairs, I figure there are ways to get around that.

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when you say "in the wall. guessing you have shiplap that needs to come out...shouldnt be a big deal, just dont cut into studs.Also try to figure out how your water is run and make sure the pipes do go thru the wall...that would be extra work to redirect the pipes, but not too much is your peir and beam

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Sheetrock - concrete foundation. So your suggestion is to not mess with studs at all and just keep individual shelf units between studs...I would think that is easiest but not sure how the overall look will work. I don't know about plumbing - there is a toilet right there but it shouldn't go too far behind the wall of the bathroom, right? I need a magical device that lets me see pipes and everything else behind walls. I'm sure they make these.

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they make such a device...a fist..haha...well if you want to cut the studs you will have to make a header, and reinforce everything...being under the stairwell, where I am guessing there is a large weight load, I wouldnt mess with it without asking a structural engineer.

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