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A bad week for the Taliban


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After a leader was killed recently, there appears to be a bit of a power struggle within: Link

There seems to be multiple reports on the matter.

Can't they can't get along with ANYONE? :)

Every time a major Taliban/Al Qaeda leader gets off'ed, I celebrate eating a heavily bacon or pork related product.

I hope to see my Cholesterol levels jump this week. :)

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After a leader was killed recently, there appears to be a bit of a power struggle within: Link

There seems to be multiple reports on the matter.

Good news!

I celebrate eating a heavily bacon or pork related product..

Bigot...nice. Have you considered a white hood for your pic?

Edited by Porchman
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Good news!

sidered a white hood for your pic?

I can't wear the white hood, and they told me so after I tried joing the KKK and they wouldn't accept me.

Besides, I didn't know Taliban was a race.

Edited by ricco67
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Ricco, point of order........I don't know that it is ever a "GOOD" week for the Taliban, or "GOOD" to ever be in an extremist organization such as ??? Was it a "BAD" week for LULAC, or a "BAD" week for the Ku Klux Klan and Black Panther Party also ? I'm just sayin' my friend, but good riddance to those Taliban jerks anyways. :ph34r:;):D

BTW, Porchman, he was referring to an extremist group, not the people within the group, just as I have here. You have to remember that there have been other races associated with Taliban/Al Queda, most foreign some domestic.

Edited by TJones
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You are correct. Islam is a religion and a culture. Now, if you can understand that making swipes at an entire culture is bigotry, there's hope for you.

Consuming pork is entirely within his rights and religious freedoms, and most level headed Muslims would not bat an eye to an outsider doing that. Only such religious fanatics like the Taliban would be infuriated by the dietary practices or other actions done by others.

If "normal Muslims" had issues with other folks consuming pork, then their bigotry against all of swine-gobbling humanity shows.

Edited by UrbaNerd
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Consuming pork is entirely within his rights and religious freedoms, and most level headed Muslims would not bat an eye to an outsider doing that. Only such religious fanatics like the Taliban would be infuriated by the dietary practices or other actions done by others.

If "normal Muslims" had issues with other folks consuming pork, then their bigotry against all of swine-gobbling humanity shows.

I agree in this context. I read the comment differently.

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You are correct. Islam is a religion and a culture. Now, if you can understand that making swipes at an entire culture is bigotry, there's hope for you.

Okay. You got yourself riled up because I'm eating to celebration of the Taliban.

The same people that is known to kidnap and torture children, and also have declared that they want nothing short of Sharia Law imposed in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Let's not forget, they have a tendency to murder people in mass (which is also mention in the second story) for not agreeing with their viewpoints.

Yeah. I'm a bigot.

Excuse me while I celebrate by eating more pork.

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Okay. You got yourself riled up because I'm eating to celebration of the Taliban.

The same people that is known to kidnap and torture children, and also have declared that they want nothing short of Sharia Law imposed in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Let's not forget, they have a tendency to murder people in mass (which is also mention in the second story) for not agreeing with their viewpoints.

Yeah. I'm a bigot.

Excuse me while I celebrate by eating more pork.

To be clear, I love ham sandwiches and I hate the Taliban. In reading your original post, it echoed the story about the people in Katy who decided to take up pig racing because they didn't want a mosque in their neighborhood. Or, to use another analogy, I read it like making a crack about doing "rope tricks" in a thread about Quannell X. If you had contexted the comment the way UrbaNerd has...

Only such religious fanatics like the Taliban would be infuriated by the dietary practices or other actions done by others.

I would have been more understanding. Perhaps, I read too much in your post. I apologize if I misspoke.

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Then perhaps, with all due respect, not to read more than what is in the post.

I thought I had the post fairly simple to understand when three other users understood my meaning. I mean, even TJ understood. :)

Taliban leader + Death = Pork Meal + Celebration.

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After a leader was killed recently, there appears to be a bit of a power struggle within: Link

There seems to be multiple reports on the matter.

Can't they can't get along with ANYONE? smile.gif

Every time a major Taliban/Al Qaeda leader gets off'ed, I celebrate eating a heavily bacon or pork related product.

I hope to see my Cholesterol levels jump this week. smile.gif

Every time I hear of a U.S. soldiers' death (think we're at 699 and counting...) I wish someone would put a fuggin' bullet in the head of the retard that used to be Prezdunt, and someone shoot an arrow through the skull of his co-partner in death Pacemaker Cheney. Oh... and on every soldiers' death I also wish a drunk driver would find Rumsfeld like a magnet.

I mean please.... the nutballs who salivate over what is happening "within" the Taliban are a damn shame. Do you keep abreast of what is happening "within" the leadership of Cuba? Elsewhere?

What do you eat for every U.S. soldier that dies? Or have you forgotten about them... and just shoot a wad every time some dirtbag in the desert across the world dies or has a fight with another dirtball within his clan?


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The taliban should be made to pay for their sins.

And I concur it is terrible when a US soldier dies over there. Not good at all. Sad.

Made to pay for their sins by whom? By us? By the U.S.? Who are we to make them pay for their sins?

It's pathetic to hear people over here, in our Country, support a war against such a weak group of scum. Pathetic that people over here equate 9-11 to Pearl Harbor or think the Taliban threatens our way of living. That's simply a sickness within the sheeples here in America.

What a joke. Every time I think about us over there in what we over here call a "war".... I wish a meteor hits Washington D.C.

That is not a "war". Nothing of the sort. The Taliban. What a damn joke. You got white guys without diapers on their head in this Country that are more dangerous than the oh so scary TALIBAN.

Sad. Sad. Sad.

Oh... by the way... what are those "sins" that must be paid for, on behalf of America (versus God)?

Edited by spiderroller
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Made to pay for their sins by whom? By us? By the U.S.? Who are we to make them pay for their sins?

It's pathetic to hear people over here, in our Country, support a war against such a weak group of scum. Pathetic that people over here equate 9-11 to Pearl Harbor or think the Taliban threatens our way of living. That's simply a sickness within the sheeples here in America.

What a joke. Every time I think about us over there in what we over here call a "war".... I wish a meteor hits Washington D.C.

That is not a "war". Nothing of the sort. The Taliban. What a damn joke. You got white guys without diapers on their head in this Country that are more dangerous than the oh so scar TALIBAN.

Sad. Sad. Sad.

Oh... by the way... what are those "sins" that must be paid for, on behalf of America (versus God)?

I totally agree with you. If we look around, we can see that we have it made in this great country of ours. Is it no wonder that he Taliban are living in ruins and are pretty upset about it that they have taken it upon themselves to try to convert anyone they can to their view of religion?

Some would say there is no war going on. I would tend to agree. To those of us who lived through WWII (old-timers such as spiderloller) this is nothing short of insulting - to call this a war. Ugh. This is merely a small disturbance. The real war will be with the giant to the east of us. Some would say it is already underway.

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Every time I hear of a U.S. soldiers' death (think we're at 699 and counting...) I wish someone would put a fuggin' bullet in the head of the retard that used to be Prezdunt, and someone shoot an arrow through the skull of his co-partner in death Pacemaker Cheney.  Oh... and on every soldiers' death I also wish a drunk driver would find Rumsfeld like a magnet.

I mean please.... the nutballs who salivate over what is happening "within" the Taliban are a damn shame.  Do you keep abreast of what is happening "within" the leadership of Cuba?  Elsewhere?  

What do you eat for every U.S. soldier that dies?  Or have you forgotten about them... and just shoot a wad every time some dirtbag in the desert across the world dies or has a fight with another dirtball within his clan?


Someone got up on the wrong side of bed this morning.  :rolleyes:

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I totally agree with you. If we look around, we can see that we have it made in this great country of ours. Is it no wonder that he Taliban are living in ruins and are pretty upset about it that they have taken it upon themselves to try to convert anyone they can to their view of religion?

Some would say there is no war going on. I would tend to agree. To those of us who lived through WWII (old-timers such as spiderloller) this is nothing short of insulting - to call this a war. Ugh. This is merely a small disturbance. The real war will be with the giant to the east of us. Some would say it is already underway.

Ha... I'm not that old! Born a year before the Taliban shot JFK. Southwest Houston bub.

I've always wondered.... what country on planet earth.... what people on planet earth... deserve to be "free"... or "liberated".... (i.e. all the excuses used after my former party members Jorge, DICK and Rummy stuck a vibrator up America's arse)..... more than Cuba? Why was taking out Saddam more important than taking out the Castros in Cuba? Why would we take out Saddam to liberate the Iraqi people before taking out Castro to liberate the Cuban people?

Cubans die to come to America. Cubans have made a positive impact on America after coming here. Iraqis? They hate us. Gee.... if there was ever a Top 10 List of Countries who deserve to be Liberated by America.... I wouldn't put Iraq on it. Screw them. Screw those people. They're not worth 1 American life. Not ONE American life was worth saving 10,000 Iraqis from being gassed, poisoned or tortured by Saddam. Crap... there are dozens of Countries all over the world whose leaders, and actions, make Saddam look like Mother Teresa. Please.

And why are we fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan?

We won't fall in my lifetime.... but we will fall just like the Roman Empire.... it's inevitable with a government on the path of ours and a society made up of mostly sheep.

As a sidenote... I've wondered all my life how an entire society... aka Germany in WWII..... could succumb to such idiotic beliefs and eat propaganda like it were the fountain of youth.... but after watching the propaganda (terror level code fuscia pink), control of the media (I can't even see a body bag?), how quickly people become sheeple and how the government can scare 1/2 of society to accepting anything they say, do or propose without question....... which all have occurred in a few short years following 9-11..... I've actually come to understand how that happened.

9-11 was carried out by a dozen or so (give or take) crazy people that carried out the most brilliantly planned, and executed, terrorist attack in world history. That's it. There aren't warships coming. There aren't any armies about to invade us. That's it. That's what happened. It wasn't Pearl Harbor. It wasn't a War.

Now look at us.

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Ha... I'm not that old! Born a year before the Taliban shot JFK. Southwest Houston bub.

I've always wondered.... what country on planet earth.... what people on planet earth... deserve to be "free"... or "liberated".... (i.e. all the excuses used after my former party members Jorge, DICK and Rummy stuck a vibrator up America's arse)..... more than Cuba? Why was taking out Saddam more important than taking out the Castros in Cuba? Why would we take out Saddam to liberate the Iraqi people before taking out Castro to liberate the Cuban people?

Cubans die to come to America. Cubans have made a positive impact on America after coming here. Iraqis? They hate us. Gee.... if there was ever a Top 10 List of Countries who deserve to be Liberated by America.... I wouldn't put Iraq on it. Screw them. Screw those people. They're not worth 1 American life. Not ONE American life was worth saving 10,000 Iraqis from being gassed, poisoned or tortured by Saddam. Crap... there are dozens of Countries all over the world whose leaders, and actions, make Saddam look like Mother Teresa. Please.

And why are we fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan?

We won't fall in my lifetime.... but we will fall just like the Roman Empire.... it's inevitable with a government on the path of ours and a society made up of mostly sheep.

As a sidenote... I've wondered all my life how an entire society... aka Germany in WWII..... could succumb to such idiotic beliefs and eat propaganda like it were the fountain of youth.... but after watching the propaganda (terror level code fuscia pink), control of the media (I can't even see a body bag?), how quickly people become sheeple and how the government can scare 1/2 of society to accepting anything they say, do or propose without question....... which all have occurred in a few short years following 9-11..... I've actually come to understand how that happened.

9-11 was carried out by a dozen or so (give or take) crazy people that carried out the most brilliantly planned, and executed, terrorist attack in world history. That's it. There aren't warships coming. There aren't any armies about to invade us. That's it. That's what happened. It wasn't Pearl Harbor. It wasn't a War.

Now look at us.

Perhaps our desire to be more Politically Correct is a big driving force in this? What do you think?

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Perhaps our desire to be more Politically Correct is a big driving force in this? What do you think?

I think "political correctness" is a side show to the fact that our government controls more than we know. What they don't want us to know, we won't know. What they don't want us to see, we won't see. And Lord knows how they can convince a clueless public to follow the rat into the sewer.

Freedom of the press? B.S. And B.S. to those who think "there's some things we shouldn't know". Hogwash.

The years since 9-11 has proven that our government isn't much different than others around the world. As citizens we are "free", so don't pay much attention to it.

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I think "political correctness" is a side show to the fact that our government controls more than we know. What they don't want us to know, we won't know. What they don't want us to see, we won't see. And Lord knows how they can convince a clueless public to follow the rat into the sewer.

Freedom of the press? B.S. And B.S. to those who think "there's some things we shouldn't know". Hogwash.

The years since 9-11 has proven that our government isn't much different than others around the world. As citizens we are "free", so don't pay much attention to it.

The general state of the public's "cluelessness" is a function of our school systems wouldn't you say?

Sure there is freedom of the press. They just serve up what the clueless public wants to know: American Idol updates, Dancing with the stars stats, and the latest in the celebrities' wardrobe updates.

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The general state of the public's "cluelessness" is a function of our school systems wouldn't you say?

Sure there is freedom of the press. They just serve up what the clueless public wants to know: American Idol updates, Dancing with the stars stats, and the latest in the celebrities' wardrobe updates.

I want to see body bags. Show Americans' body bags. Perhaps if they can relate to real War instead of TV War they might have a different opinion on War.

But of course.... that is true.... the American Public, for the most part, is just one large mass of robots.

That's why I always say THANK GOD we have two oceans on each side of us. Because, quite honestly, I do not think we could defend ourselves if we had to fight on our own soil. THANK GOD we don't have countries on our borders that want to kill us. If we did, 1/3 of the country's citizens would run back to their homeland in Mexico, 1/3 of the country's citizens won't do crap but sit on their ass like they do now, and the other 1/3... well.... THANK GOD for the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

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That's why I always say THANK GOD we have two oceans on each side of us. Because, quite honestly, I do not think we could defend ourselves if we had to fight on our own soil. THANK GOD we don't have countries on our borders that want to kill us. If we did, 1/3 of the country's citizens would run back to their homeland in Mexico, 1/3 of the country's citizens won't do crap but sit on their ass like they do now, and the other 1/3... well.... THANK GOD for the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

Yes, because history demonstrates that Americans will never unite in order to win a war.

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I want to see body bags. Show Americans' body bags. Perhaps if they can relate to real War instead of TV War they might have a different opinion on War.

But of course.... that is true.... the American Public, for the most part, is just one large mass of robots.

That's why I always say THANK GOD we have two oceans on each side of us. Because, quite honestly, I do not think we could defend ourselves if we had to fight on our own soil. THANK GOD we don't have countries on our borders that want to kill us. If we did, 1/3 of the country's citizens would run back to their homeland in Mexico, 1/3 of the country's citizens won't do crap but sit on their ass like they do now, and the other 1/3... well.... THANK GOD for the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

What good would seeing body bags on TV do? It would only freak out those are are too freaked out to see that sort of thing on TV anyway. And who's god are you invoking? :)

Yes, because history demonstrates that Americans will never unite in order to win a war.

Just a side note:

I'm tempted to say most Americans failed their history courses... But I'm unsure.

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Yes, because history demonstrates that Americans will never unite in order to win a war.

Uniting is one thing. Having the intellectual military capacity is another. By the looks of Iraq and Afghanistan.... uh.... "uniting" in and of itself wins nothing.

Gee... I guess we can carpet bomb our own land..... but that hasn't worked on others' lands now has it.

And what was the last ground war we won? Anywhere? That we REALLY won?

My father's America and my grandfather's America doesn't exist anymore.

We were safer and more secure back when I was a child.... when we used to have bomb drills in elementary school.... when we'd get under our desks and put our hands over our heads.... in preparation of the INEVITABILITY of a nuclear attack by the Russians.

How is it that we defeated Communism.... but I felt safer as a child 30 years ago than today?

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