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HAIF NCAA weekly pickem challenge


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Games are posted.. Go make your picks.. That means you too ProHouston.

Although you've missed a week, you're not that far out of it... the season is still young.

Also, there is a Friday night game included in this week's slate of games.... I don't want to see half the group sitting out for the week because you didn't get your picks in on time.

Go get em...

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1st game, Boise St. vs Fresno St, is tonight at 7pm....

Lockmat.. Redscare.. Prohouston.. Sunstar.. you 4 still need to get your picks in... or you will face defeat, ridicule, and general bad luck for the remainder of the weekend.

Do it. http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/college/7873/

Edited by Highway6
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I send each of you four slackers a personal invitation to fill out your weekly selection.... and with a little over 2 hours left till deadline... we still have 4 uncompleted ballots.

It's just not that hard people... We should have put money on this so that you guys would be a little more motivated.

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I send each of you four slackers a personal invitation to fill out your weekly selection.... and with a little over 2 hours left till deadline... we still have 4 uncompleted ballots.

It's just not that hard people... We should have put money on this so that you guys would be a little more motivated.

that's silly, I don't want all yalls money, especially in this economy ;)

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Austin's aggregate net worth has plummeted in the last 15 days as the stinkin' longhorns haven't covered a spread yet this season. On a brighter note, for all of Jerry Jones' bragging that his new Jerry World stadium is the biggest in Texas, he has forgotten that Texas' newly expanded palace now seats in excess of 100,000 (Jerry World 'seats' only 80,000, relying on standing room tickets to potentially get to 100,000), and the horns have set 2 consecutive Texas attendance records of over 100,000, while Jerry World hasn't even hit 80,000 yet for a football game.

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Austin's aggregate net worth has plummeted ......................

....says the football expert in last place :) I kid.. i tease.

I feel for Nebraska.. they looked great and played hard all game until that blown assignment in the secondary at the end. Great game though. Tough loss for the big xii.

Sucks seeing Utah and Byu go down... it always makes it more interesting to have them in the mix... but they wont get a 2nd chance since they're not from BCS conferences... esp. BYU.. they are gonna plummet come monday.

USC... love watching them get embarrassed.

Both tex and tt looked normal...beatable...in the first half.. maybe colt was just having a bad day. it almost gave this poor aggie a glimmer of hope... until i realized our first week was obviously a fluke because our D was awful. To let the Utah St Nobodys come back, recover an onsides kick, and get within one score .. AT Kyle Field..... inexcusable... ehhh, We suck again. Thank god we at least have an offense so far.

I wish the Aggies weren't playing Arkansas at Jerry World.... our record at neutral sites has been downright pathetic the past decade.

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Sunstar, you had a great 2nd half last week. See if you can do it again.

Brijon, thanks for getting in your picks already.

There are some tough picks this week, people...

Miami @ VT... gonna be a barn burner.

Texas and PSU... have yet to cover the spread once this year, yet the majority of us have been repeatedly burned. Is this the week they do their jobs?

Is this this week I let my disdain for longhorns overrule my common sense only to see them actually cover the spread for once and get burned even harder ?

How will TT recover and play against UH? Do i even want TT to lose if it makes the big xii look weak... no brainer.. hell yeah.

USC? Are they gonna come out pissed and put a fifty on Wash St, or are they even capable of of a win that big at this point ?

So many questions! So much drama ! Get your picks in people. http://football.fant...om/college/7873


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Brijon, thanks for getting in your picks already.

How will TT recover and play against UH? Do i even want TT to lose if it makes the big xii look weak... no brainer.. hell yeah.


You can't be nice to me and then throw that in my face, that's just sending mixed messages... :D I have a feeling this will be a good weekend for us, just a feeling though.

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You can't be nice to me and then throw that in my face, that's just sending mixed messages... :D I have a feeling this will be a good weekend for us, just a feeling though.

Oh snap ! Who invited the red raider to play ? ^_^

It's gonna be a good game, thats for sure. The Chron reported this morning that this is the first game in 22 years that students have been lined outside for tickets. Ok.. Not really. Still... gonna be a good one.

I hope your feeling that TT will win is as good as your Fresno St over Boise St feeling you had last week :/

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Oh snap ! Who invited the red raider to play ? ^_^

It's gonna be a good game, thats for sure. The Chron reported this morning that this is the first game in 22 years that students have been lined outside for tickets. Ok.. Not really. Still... gonna be a good one.

I hope your feeling that TT will win is as good as your Fresno St over Boise St feeling you had last week :/

When the Red Raiders come to town, people want to see it! Simple as that :) But yeah, I was trying to give Fresno some (undeserved) credit I guess...always liked them.

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Congrats to Lock, Red, and Sun for not requiring personal invitations to submit their picks this week.

20thstdad... since Pro has already come to me to tell me he really doesnt have the access to participate regularly... you get the Goat of the Week Award for being the last to get your picks in.

Here's your prize....


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I thought about sending you an additional engraved invitation personal message this morning to get your picks in... but then i remembered, we're all adults... and if people cant get their picks in, then thats just less competition.

But don't sweat it 20thstdad....you won't be too far behind.

So far, we're all sucking. Red only got 1 of the first 6 right and Sunstar missed them all.

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I thought about sending you an additional engraved invitation personal message this morning to get your picks in... but then i remembered, we're all adults... and if people cant get their picks in, then thats just less competition.

But don't sweat it 20thstdad....you won't be too far behind.

So far, we're all sucking. Red only got 1 of the first 6 right and Sunstar missed them all.

Usually your reminders here are good enough, but I had limited internet time this week and HAIF was one of the cuts. Based on the results of today so far, I am pretty sure I would be doing really badly.

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It wasn't a dumb pick in the 1st quarter. Looking pretty lame now.

HUGE stop at the 1 by the Coogs.

I just think you gotta be leery of a spread that huge no matter who the players are. Any given saturday, never know how an underdog will step up and how a heavy favorite will play down to their opponent.

Obviously Nebraska and Texas can ignore that sage lesson.

That penalty that took away the Coog's interception was BS.

and #&^#^# ... interception

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sunuvab!tch... i dont have cable... was watching the game on my laptop on espn360...

firefox crashed right after the touchdown.... missed the extra point conversion and whatever TT had time to try to do.

Anyways... great game.. good for uh... good for all us tech hating aggies... life is good.

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THAT was a good game.

It's probably just that I'm the 'sunshine soldier' type of alum and football spectator, but this ranks among the most entertaining games that I've ever watched. How I wish that this were the beginning of a decent football legacy! It'd do wonders for the value of my degrees.

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