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Hi all,

Can anyone here share experiences with rewiring a house (to ground all outlets/bring up to code)? Just curious about the house size, number of outlets, and end cost.


Why rewire the entire house? In our old bungalow (no aluminum wires) we decided to ground the outlet for the computer and the one for the TV. No others were done until we gutted the kitchen for a remodel.

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I was just asking for figures for different situations, not mine (I don't have one...yet!). Partial may be an option.

Also, if a house has two-prongs throughout and several grounded sprinkled around (garage, kitchen, bathrooms, a couple in one bedroom, a couple in the living room, and none in the remaining rooms), would this be an inspection problem? Not sure about electrical + inspection issues.

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I did a rewiring job on an old house. It wasn’t all that difficult, but it was very time-consuming. I went through the entire house and traced and logged every single light fixture, switch and outlet and which breaker each one went to, as well as the order that the outlets ran along the line.

All I replaced were the outlets, as grounding the lights was not necessary. I cut the bottom 3 or 4 inches of wallboard along the bottom of the wall and ran my wire through the studs at that level. The replacement baseboard covered the access.

It was quite a job, but much better than paying an electrician to do it. There were no permits involved, of course, so I pretty much ignored the legalities of the situation.

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