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Development At 10th St. And Ashland St.


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Have to admit...I'm beginning to wonder if this is a loco firebug in the HFD, who has crossed over to the dark side.

Or does that only happen in the movies?

Not unusual at all.

There have been cases where Volunteer FD members would start fires where they would then be called out to put it out.

I would have no doubt that a firebug might be a member of HFD, however it would be difficult for him to slip away to light one if he's on duty.

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There are aout 5 engines and a ton of cops on West 15th right now

Lots of HFD, some HPD. Weird-ass duplex that faces Herkimer and Blair in the 1500 block. I'm hearing potential electrical. (It's recently been - hem - remodeled). Arson investigators are on the scene.

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HFD and ATF are looking into this recent event a bit further. The Chronicle

i could very well be wrong, and i would hope i am because i would love this to be done with BUT i really don't think the guy they caught is the arsonist. the news was making a big deal of his petty criminal record. well, arsonists aren't petty criminals. arson is a compulsion- there is a thrill for the arsonist lighting the fire and watching it burn. serial arson isn't criminal mischief, it's a mental thing. anyway, this guy might be a crackpot who torched one building as part of a scheme with the arson stuff going on but i think we (obviously) haven't seen the end to the fires

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i could very well be wrong, and i would hope i am because i would love this to be done with BUT i really don't think the guy they caught is the arsonist. the news was making a big deal of his petty criminal record. well, arsonists aren't petty criminals. arson is a compulsion- there is a thrill for the arsonist lighting the fire and watching it burn. serial arson isn't criminal mischief, it's a mental thing. anyway, this guy might be a crackpot who torched one building as part of a scheme with the arson stuff going on but i think we (obviously) haven't seen the end to the fires

I would tend to agree. Did they actually "catch" the guy or did he confess to it on his own? Here' a guy who is homeless, maybe strung out (looking at his history) and looking to get in out of the upcoming cold weather and maybe get some of what's left of his health back. Maybe I watch too much TV, but isn't that something lifelong criminals supposedly do when things get too tough on the street? Confessing to a crime that actually has a relatively minimal penalty attached to it may be an easy ticket.

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Lots of HFD, some HPD. Weird-ass duplex that faces Herkimer and Blair in the 1500 block. I'm hearing potential electrical. (It's recently been - hem - remodeled). Arson investigators are on the scene.

Actually, I believe it is a stand alone, little old house next to a couple of big new homes. There is a disabled gentleman living there who was unable to get out on his own. The HFD guys didn't hesitate in going in to the burning house and bringing him out. They are ROCK STARS.

A scary thing occurs to me. Don't serial arsonists have a tendency to escalate the nature of their crime? For instance, the first fires were in unoccupied, empty residencies (Read: an arsonist sees a home with no one living in one side and doesn't realize it was a dual family residence.) They get whatever rush they get from that type of fire and want more. Next they graduate to burning unoccupied buildings with belongings in them (the next fires were in homes that had belongings in them, but no one home for an extended period of time.) Next, they want to go to a home with someone living in it. What if they knew the guy living in it was disabled and may not have the ability to get him self out quickly enough to save his own life should the home become engulfed?

A friend in HFD tells me they believe it is a series of copycat arsons. These idiots better not be trying to out-do one another!

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While this may or may not be arson, I don't think it was done by "the arsonist". This was during primetime. Weren't all the other ones set in the wee early hours of the morning. Also, I read somewhere that the guy they arrested confessed to the one but said that there are others also setting the fires. My take: Is somebody paying these guys to start these fires?

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While this may or may not be arson, I don't think it was done by "the arsonist". This was during primetime. Weren't all the other ones set in the wee early hours of the morning. Also, I read somewhere that the guy they arrested confessed to the one but said that there are others also setting the fires. My take: Is somebody paying these guys to start these fires?

I doubt it. I think it's a simple, scary case of someone(s) getting their rocks off by starting fires. If it were a builder, there are plenty of areas of the Heights where there are multiple properties adjacent to each other in what they might consider to be in tear down condition. The builders are buying properties adjacent to each other, and where there was once one home, there are now multiples so they can make their money back on the high land prices. Burning one house down so you can pay $250k plus for land value alone, and then be allowed to build only one home on it due to property set back rules wouldn't be a great investment on their part. Now, if the crappy half built condos at the end of Nicholson Street burned due to arson, then I might suspect a builder underwriting the efforts.

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I doubt it. I think it's a simple, scary case of someone(s) getting their rocks off by starting fires. If it were a builder, there are plenty of areas of the Heights where there are multiple properties adjacent to each other in what they might consider to be in tear down condition. The builders are buying properties adjacent to each other, and where there was once one home, there are now multiples so they can make their money back on the high land prices. Burning one house down so you can pay $250k plus for land value alone, and then be allowed to build only one home on it due to property set back rules wouldn't be a great investment on their part. Now, if the crappy half built condos at the end of Nicholson Street burned due to arson, then I might suspect a builder underwriting the efforts.

This is correct. There is an outsized risk compared to the miniscule gain. A builder burns a house, committing a 2nd or 1st degree felony in the process, on the outside chance that the homeowner does not rebuild and then decides to sell to him? With all the lots and homes already for sale in the neighborhood? In this market? This is as silly as the accusations of "widespread voter fraud". The number of felonies that must be committed to get a number of votes large enough to affect an election is astronomical compared to the net gain achieved. It is far easier and cheaper to simply have drivers go around and pick up voters to take them to the polls than to orchestrate the commission of hundreds or thousands of felony votes.

As for this guy, he doesn't fit the mold. It is not uncommon for crackheads to set the vacant house they are using on fire while trying to light up, or more commonly, while trying to stay warm. Crackheads have only one goal...to score more dope. They aren't usually interested in arson for the "fire and sirens". While the initial spate of fires was likely one person, many of the later ones likely are committed by others. Some could even be the property owner himself, using the "serial arsonist" as cover for his own insurance grab. Many of these cases, like arson cases in general will never be solved. The number of fires will simply drop back down to historical levels, and life will slowly return to normal.

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So, I get up to have a glass of water. I look outside and think "My, it's foggy". Then I hear numerous sirens approaching the area. Now, I'm thinking "Is that really fog?" (!)

Fire in the western section of Heights Annex.




11/24/2009 03:13

House on Fire

1A011, D006, D031, E011, L006, L031, SQ062, E062, E015, HR011, E031

Oh, BTW, I stuck my head outside. It's fog. Be careful driving this morning, all.

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Couple escapes from fire at Heights home

Firefighters extinguished this morning's fire about an hour after it started.

A man, who uses crutches, and his wife escaped the flames uninjured. No one else was in the home at the time of the blaze and no injuries were reported.

The fire apparently started in the couple's bedroom, fire officials said. It climbed into the attic, but firefighters soon got the upper hand on it.

The homeowner said he couldn't talk about the fire, but his family said the couple was sleeping when they woke up to the smell of smoke and hurried outside.

Fire officials said the man told them he thought an electrical problem may have sparked the fire, but investigators had not determined the cause of the blaze a few hours after it was put out.


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Another new one... Ghetto Bird woke us up...





Building Fire

1 Alarm

A031, D004, E019, D034, E058, E550, L019, L067, SQ006, HM2022, HM1022

One hour and 5 minutes apart... He's heading east!

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i hope the HPD/HFD are embarassed. this is crazy. all we've got is one petty criminal on the ropes for one fire that was probably started by his crack pipe or used as a cover for another crime, while a serial arsonist is burning home after home. these 2 strike me as the original guy, assuming there are copy cats.

i am surprised i haven't seen this in the national news. you would think a string of 20 fires in a historic and expensive neighborhood in the country's 4th largest city would get some national attention. of course, our cold weather yesterday made it on msnbc...

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i hope the HPD/HFD are embarassed. this is crazy. all we've got is one petty criminal on the ropes for one fire that was probably started by his crack pipe or used as a cover for another crime, while a serial arsonist is burning home after home. these 2 strike me as the original guy, assuming there are copy cats.

i am surprised i haven't seen this in the national news. you would think a string of 20 fires in a historic and expensive neighborhood in the country's 4th largest city would get some national attention. of course, our cold weather yesterday made it on msnbc...

Beginning 3 or 4 years ago there were a series of arson fires over several months in apartments and condos in Clear Lake, and there were several entire buildings taken down along Eldorado Boulevard over a period of several months, including a tire dealership. For some reason the fires in Clear Lake didn't get much publicity, but I know that the residents in the area were scared for their safety and property. Last year I remember a series of apartment and condo arsons in SW Houston. Now this year it is the Heights. As far as I can tell, they have never caught the arsonists, and a quick research on the web shows little information about these. Has there been any investigation as to whether there could be some relationship between these events? Are there other arson clusters that are occurring but not being reported?

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