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What's up with the Entertainment Industry in Texas?


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Is this about all the asian modeling agencies? If so, I vote yes.

I thought they were called massage parlors? I guess "modeling agency" is the newest front. There's one next to and one across the street from the shop where I take my car to get fixed. This is on Star Lane off of Fountain View. That area seems to be a big spot for those establishments. One has a sign on the door that tells customers that they specialize in "stress relief". :lol: While the car is getting worked on, you can get entertainment by sitting outside and watching and counting the cars coming in and leaving the parlors. Most of the customers I observe walking in fit the same profile, pickup truck driving (they like Toyotas and Ford Rangers a lot) white males donning cheap sunglasses aged from about 30 to 50. Yeah, like the sunglasses will fool anyone. Blue Moon Investigations can still see your license plate. :lol:

Edited by JLWM8609
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After consulting with the moderators, I'm going to make one last statement in this thread and then close it.

RedScare is gone of his own free will. He was not pushed out. He was not coerced. Red was a good member of this community for a long time, but that doesn't make him above the rules.

In an e-mail exchange, RedScare told me the reason he left. It wasn't because of what I wrote, or what I think, or the admonition I gave to the can't-dos in the audience. It was because I dared to edit one of his posts.

For some reason Red believes his writing is sacred and should not be tampered with. He specifically talked on his large intellectual capacity compared to the rest of the HAIF members. The line I removed from his post was an attack on another forum member. I don't find name-calling particularly intelligent.

Since Red's tantrum, I have received several e-mails from HAIF members that were very supportive, and I thank you all for those. I received one message concerned that "censorship" is "rampant" on HAIF. That may be one person's perception, but the facts don't bear it out. The moderators make fewer than 20 post edits per month (mostly fixing image inserts and bad URLs), and the average month has tens of thousands of new posts. That doesn't sound like rampant to me.

As always, if anyone has concerns about HAIF, send a message to a moderator or to me. As I've stated before, you can e-mail me directly at editor@houstonarchitecture.com.

It's a shame that RedScare chose to leave, but no member of HAIF is above the rules. Not even me, which is why I put the resolution of this in the hands of the moderators. They have decided that I do not need to be suspended even though it was an option I specifically offered them.

For a community to work best, everyone has to treat everyone else with respect. We're not all perfect and we all have our mood swings and stressful moments in life, so occasionally blow off steam in a public forum like HAIF. That happens. But it is the job of the moderators to moderate, and that includes removing personal attacks from posts. If someone believes anything they've written on HAIF is above scrutiny, then an interactive web forum is not what they're looking for. They'd be better served publishing a one-sided blog.

HAIF is about interaction. It is an evolving organism. We all learn from our mistakes and move on to create a better forum tomorrow.

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