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Alley Drainage Issues

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We recently bought one of three new-construction houses built mid-block on a street with alley access. However, the alley doesn't run for the whole block; it "ends" behind these three houses. Apparently the builder extended the alley in order to provide access to the detached garages. The alley surface is dirt (un-paved, no gravel).

The issue we have is that the alley is not draining properly after a rain. We're now getting significant areas of standing water that take several rain-free days to dry up. This was not the case when we closed; apparently some re-grading was done between then and now. I suspect that the re-grading happened because, instead of draining to the street like it's supposed to, it was draining to neighboring property.

The question I have is who is responsible for correcting the issue, the city, the builder, or me and my two neighbors? If the latter, what kind of permitting needs to be done?

Edited by Angostura
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We recently bought one of three new-construction houses built mid-block on a street with alley access. However, the alley doesn't run for the whole block; it "ends" behind these three houses. Apparently the builder extended the alley in order to provide access to the detached garages. The alley surface is dirt (un-paved, no gravel).

The issue we have is that the alley is not draining properly after a rain. We're now getting significant areas of standing water that take several rain-free days to dry up. This was not the case when we closed; apparently some re-grading was done between then and now. I suspect that the re-grading happened because, instead of draining to the street like it's supposed to, it was draining to neighboring property.

The question I have is who is responsible for correcting the issue, the city, the builder, or me and my two neighbors? If the latter, what kind of permitting needs to be done?

if the builder didn't care to do it correctly in the first place, most likely you'll be stuck with the burden. if the regrading was done due to neighbor complaints, the same people will complain if it's modified to create a similar situation. i personally would try and push it back on the builder.

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I can't verify this information so I'd appreciate anyone chiming in, but this is what I was told when asking about paving the alley behind my house. Apparently alley drainage is a common problem to the point that you're not allowed to pave the alley without providing full drainage that carries the water out to the end of the alley. That means surveying, engineering, etc. What I don't know though, is how much this actually costs?

But I was riding my bike down the new bike trail the other day and I saw a great alley around Courtlandt. It was brand new concrete from the end about four or five houses deep into the alley. Awesome. If anybody knows any information about that project or what company did the work, please post.

Or in general, what should driveway quality paving cost for say a 13 x 150 (1,950 ft2) strip.

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But I was riding my bike down the new bike trail the other day and I saw a great alley around Courtlandt. It was brand new concrete from the end about four or five houses deep into the alley. Awesome. If anybody knows any information about that project or what company did the work, please post.

I think that was done at the same time by the same company doing the path and was somehow included in the plans/costs.

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We recently bought one of three new-construction houses built mid-block on a street with alley access. However, the alley doesn't run for the whole block; it "ends" behind these three houses. Apparently the builder extended the alley in order to provide access to the detached garages. The alley surface is dirt (un-paved, no gravel).

The issue we have is that the alley is not draining properly after a rain. We're now getting significant areas of standing water that take several rain-free days to dry up. This was not the case when we closed; apparently some re-grading was done between then and now. I suspect that the re-grading happened because, instead of draining to the street like it's supposed to, it was draining to neighboring property.

The question I have is who is responsible for correcting the issue, the city, the builder, or me and my two neighbors? If the latter, what kind of permitting needs to be done?

Call Bob Hempler at City Engineering 713-837-7335. He is the alley city czar and will explain your options.

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Someone told me (can'tremember who) the reason the city is so hesitant to pave the alleys is because of the old infrastructure underneath. Apparently there are ceramic pipes for water (not sure if it is fresh water or more likely sewage) in most of the alleys, and adding too much weight could force them to collapse.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Also, does anyone know what I need to do if I want to 'black top' the Alleyway. Ours in a bad condition too and I think we would just prefer to invest in a more long term solution than just adding gravel every few months. Do I need to get a permit from the city ?

You must contact Bob Hempler: Houston City Engineering 713-837-7335

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Also, does anyone know what I need to do if I want to 'black top' the Alleyway. Ours in a bad condition too and I think we would just prefer to invest in a more long term solution than just adding gravel every few months. Do I need to get a permit from the city ?

Check to make sure no one has their City of Houston water meter in the alley. There are random water meters still in alleys. Our alley has at least two that the city (or resident) did not move to the front.

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