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White wants taxpayers to help boost home sales in poor areas


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Mayor White's asking Houston taxpayers to subsidize realtors' incomes & the poor's down payment for a home. Isn't this similiar to what got us in the housing crisis in the first place?

No, banks making risky loans got us into the housing crisis. But I do agree this isn't the best use our tax dollars.

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well i'm poor and i think this was a terrible idea! they already have "houston hope homes" or some other such nonsense but when i went to har.com the areas of town were so bad you could not pay me to take my kids there! i've rented the same dump of an apartment since 2002 which now rents for $736 per month, over half of my monthly fixed income. it does seem messed up that someone could spend 50% of income on throw away rent but not get a house payment for the same AND acquire some equity. if i ever paid my rent late (never have, not once) it's a $50 late charge. but i know many people out in the burbs with $2,000 home mortgages who went through a job loss/change or stock market crash, then went a year without even making a house payment. all of these same people "worked it out" with various lenders and eventually restarted their mortgages, but if i missed a monthly rent payment it would have been straight to eviction court, as many of my neighbors went in the last year. each time the management recycles a unit, rent goes up around $25 until my lease comes up again and mine goes up around $50 to $75 to keep up with their "market" rate. pretty impressive racket for the partnership who owns it, long timers to give the place stability in marketing and turnover to get the price up. i'm philosophical about it, but no doubt home ownership eludes many people. and the words "affordable housing" are really just that, words in my experience, that no mayor in my voting lifetime ever cared about. i think white is fishing around for publicity to assist him in his senate bid, because his "low income" housing ideas have come up before and their just bs to get attention.

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