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Trucks, SUVs and V8s Most Popular in Houston

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Dearborn, Mich., Oct. 13, 2009 – Shopping for a blue Ford in Philly? An F-150 in Houston? A Super Duty diesel in Denver?

You're not alone: According to Ford sales data, Philadelphia is the company's top market for blue cars, Houston leads the country in percentage of pickup truck sales, and Denver is the top market for vehicles equipped with diesel engines and four-wheel drive.

When it comes to vehicle size, Seattle customers choose the highest percentage of smaller cars such as the Focus, while Houston is at the other end of the spectrum as the leader in both pickup and sport utility sales. In fact, all five of the top markets for trucks are also the largest markets for SUVs, with Memphis, Dallas, Denver and Minneapolis/St. Paul rounding out the list.

When it comes to conventional gasoline engines, the top V-8 markets are Houston, Memphis, Dallas, Denver and Minneapolis/St. Paul. On the other end of the spectrum, Boston, Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia all are among the top four-cylinder markets. Despite its reputation for V-8 power, Detroit is the top market for V-6 engines.

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This should go in the "Embarrassed to be a Texan" thread.

When it comes to vehicle size, Seattle customers choose the highest percentage of smaller cars such as the Focus, while Houston is at the other end of the spectrum as the leader in both pickup and sport utility sales.
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A friend of mine was recently in a fender-bender. She was driving a Mazda Protege, just your average, four-door car. She was backed into by a lady driving a Ford Expedition. The woman apologized, and took responsibility... sort of. She actually had the nerve to say, "It's just that your car is so small! I couldn't see it!"

I think I might have gone postal on someone who had the nerve to say that after hitting my car with her big-ass, can't-see-out-of-the-back SUV. Other things that are small, that she presumable can't see while going backwards: bicycles, animals, CHILDREN....

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I heard on one of those weekend radio shows that Toyota will cease promoting the full size Tundra truck. They intend to use up existing materials and commitments, then re-tool the San Antonio plant for another vehicle. I guess the "Bubba" market was too hard to crack.

When your Daddy drove a Chevy and your Grandpa drove a Chevy and his father's father drove a Chevy,(or Ford) it's hard for junior to justify saying "I'm gunna go buy one of those Toyota's 'cause those guys didn't know crap! and I'm smarter than them!" Yeah right!

Toyota's market research was flawed, and their timing sucked. The San Antonio business community promised them the world and told them what they wanted to hear, but couldn't deliver on either. The economy did the rest.

Also.........talking about SUV's, the Toyota Land Cruiser gets the worst gas mileage out of any SUV. Most people would have guessed the Hummer, I'm thinking?

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I dont think people buy Honda or Toyota for their gas mileage... I think most buy them for their reliability. I've seen those chevy commercials where the ex-footballer comes on the telly yammering about how it's a new chevy and how they have 19 models that get better gas mileage than toyota. I think to myself "it's not the gas mileage... it's how often they break down. TCO. " ugh.

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I dont think people buy Honda or Toyota for their gas mileage... I think most buy them for their reliability. I've seen those chevy commercials where the ex-footballer comes on the telly yammering about how it's a new chevy and how they have 19 models that get better gas mileage than toyota. I think to myself "it's not the gas mileage... it's how often they break down. TCO. " ugh.

And how they drive. My new company car is a Chevy and my last one was a Nissan. They're worlds apart in terms of driving experience. The Nissan was obviously built to be enjoyed while this Chevy is just... eh.

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I dont want to take the time to copy/paste all the replies, so Ill just send this one out, and say Im not singling any ONE of the replies out, Im saying each and every reply is awful. Large vehicles have a place in society whether or not you in particular have a use for one. A family of 6 can NOT fit in a stupid loser prius. (which is worse for the environment than a hummer). Suppose you have a boat...only a larger vehicle can tow that boat. I would love to see a prius or a camry get a boat off a boat ramp.

Suppose your job requires that you tow things...say cattle to market or the vet, or hay to the cattle...lets see you do that with a little car.

There are LOTS of people who have big vehicles who need them, regardless of whether yall need them. I have a large diesel truck, I love it, I use for both my hobbies and my job, I could not use a tiny little car at all....it could get me to my job and that is it.

Also, a huge percentage of those new large vehicles not only have back up cameras, but they also have back up beepers and other safety devices to prevent accidents.

I wont even get into the issue of national pride...mostly b/c everything is made over-seas anyway.

Bottom line, each and every one of you has judged the people who drive the vehicles that you disapprove of, without any knowledge of why they drive them. You dont know what they do, and you judge, which is at least IMHO pathetic.

Just b/c you dont have a use for a large vehicle does not mean that others dont...lots of folks do drive the big trucks just b/c they can - but not all - and frankly I would not care if everyone did...the only thing its doing is driving the price of fuel up - global warming...I mean Climate Change is a huge international scam...

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I dont want to take the time to copy/paste all the replies, so Ill just send this one out, and say Im not singling any ONE of the replies out, Im saying each and every reply is awful. Large vehicles have a place in society whether or not you in particular have a use for one. A family of 6 can NOT fit in a stupid loser prius. (which is worse for the environment than a hummer). Suppose you have a boat...only a larger vehicle can tow that boat. I would love to see a prius or a camry get a boat off a boat ramp.

Suppose your job requires that you tow things...say cattle to market or the vet, or hay to the cattle...lets see you do that with a little car.

There are LOTS of people who have big vehicles who need them, regardless of whether yall need them. I have a large diesel truck, I love it, I use for both my hobbies and my job, I could not use a tiny little car at all....it could get me to my job and that is it.

Also, a huge percentage of those new large vehicles not only have back up cameras, but they also have back up beepers and other safety devices to prevent accidents.

I wont even get into the issue of national pride...mostly b/c everything is made over-seas anyway.

Bottom line, each and every one of you has judged the people who drive the vehicles that you disapprove of, without any knowledge of why they drive them. You dont know what they do, and you judge, which is at least IMHO pathetic.

Just b/c you dont have a use for a large vehicle does not mean that others dont...lots of folks do drive the big trucks just b/c they can - but not all - and frankly I would not care if everyone did...the only thing its doing is driving the price of fuel up - global warming...I mean Climate Change is a huge international scam...

and before everyone tries to debunk the dust to dust study...there are multitudes of studies debunking it which, I have read, and another multitude reinforcing it...much like global warming, there is not yet a RIGHT or WRONG answer, just one each of you wants to believe, and one that apparently is deeply emotional to those who have signed on. Despite its MPG's a jeep is still the most environmentally friendly vehicle a person can buy.

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I dont want to take the time to copy/paste all the replies, so Ill just send this one out, and say Im not singling any ONE of the replies out, Im saying each and every reply is awful. Large vehicles have a place in society whether or not you in particular have a use for one. A family of 6 can NOT fit in a stupid loser prius. (which is worse for the environment than a hummer). Suppose you have a boat...only a larger vehicle can tow that boat. I would love to see a prius or a camry get a boat off a boat ramp.

Suppose your job requires that you tow things...say cattle to market or the vet, or hay to the cattle...lets see you do that with a little car.

There are LOTS of people who have big vehicles who need them, regardless of whether yall need them. I have a large diesel truck, I love it, I use for both my hobbies and my job, I could not use a tiny little car at all....it could get me to my job and that is it.

Also, a huge percentage of those new large vehicles not only have back up cameras, but they also have back up beepers and other safety devices to prevent accidents.

I wont even get into the issue of national pride...mostly b/c everything is made over-seas anyway.

Bottom line, each and every one of you has judged the people who drive the vehicles that you disapprove of, without any knowledge of why they drive them. You dont know what they do, and you judge, which is at least IMHO pathetic.

Just b/c you dont have a use for a large vehicle does not mean that others dont...lots of folks do drive the big trucks just b/c they can - but not all - and frankly I would not care if everyone did...the only thing its doing is driving the price of fuel up - global warming...I mean Climate Change is a huge international scam...

Based on the survey, I would guess that most of those folks driving big trucks and SUVs do so because they can, not because they need them. Most people are not hauling boats or bales of hay or other large payload.

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I would agree that most people driving mega-trucks aren't doing it for safety reasons, or because they have ginormous loads to haul. They drive them because they think they're cool and because it's a Texas thing. The safety excuse always sounds like an afterthought, especially since SUVs have never been especially safe in design. And dDoesn't it seem like almost every pick-up you see has an empty bed? I'm not saying there's anything wrong with driving something because you think it's cool, only that the hauling and safety lines always sound a bit like ex post rationales.

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I would agree that most people driving mega-trucks aren't doing it for safety reasons, or because they have ginormous loads to haul. They drive them because they think they're cool and because it's a Texas thing.

Last year, my brother bought his first pickup, a 2008 Silverado. Only a few days after he got it, he decided to haul a load. His neighbor asked him "you're going to haul something in your new truck?" My bro said "yeah, it's a truck, that's what it's for." His neighbor's comment leads me to believe and side with you that many folks just view a pickup truck as a big cool car to shine up and nothing more. No trailer pulling or dirt hauling for them! :rolleyes:

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Last year, my brother bought his first pickup, a 2008 Silverado. Only a few days after he got it, he decided to haul a load. His neighbor asked him "you're going to haul something in your new truck?" My bro said "yeah, it's a truck, that's what it's for." His neighbor's comment leads me to believe and side with you that many folks just view a pickup truck as a big cool car to shine up and nothing more. No trailer pulling or dirt hauling for them! rolleyes.gif

I will say this about big trucks, when you need one, the guy you know who has one automatically becomes your best friend.

They're working on making the SUVs cleaner, so one day the environmental thing won't matter much anyhow, regardless of whether or not Marksmu agrees with 999 out of every 1000 scientists. Hell, one of these days, vehicles will probably all be electric, even the trucks. But for now, the nice thing about trucks and SUVs, the reasons I think most people actually buy them, has less to do with utility and more to do the the perception of safety and the simple fact they give drivers a better view of the road. Considering so many AWPs spend much of their driving time with their cell phones glued to their ears, not paying too much attention to the road, it's good for them to have as many perspective advantages as possible to ensure my safety. I don't begrudge anyone's use of an SUV or a truck as I myself have owned them both through the years, but I do snicker when I see someone in an SUV with zero utility capabilities, that's big for the sake of being big and guzzles gas like Republicans ignore civil liberties (ie. the Hummer). Those things are dumb and wasteful.

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I will say this about big trucks, when you need one, the guy you know who has one automatically becomes your best friend.

They're working on making the SUVs cleaner, so one day the environmental thing won't matter much anyhow, regardless of whether or not Marksmu agrees with 999 out of every 1000 scientists. Hell, one of these days, vehicles will probably all be electric, even the trucks. But for now, the nice thing about trucks and SUVs, the reasons I think most people actually buy them, has less to do with utility and more to do the the perception of safety and the simple fact they give drivers a better view of the road. Considering so many AWPs spend much of their driving time with their cell phones glued to their ears, not paying too much attention to the road, it's good for them to have as many perspective advantages as possible to ensure my safety. I don't begrudge anyone's use of an SUV or a truck as I myself have owned them both through the years, but I do snicker when I see someone in an SUV with zero utility capabilities, that's big for the sake of being big and guzzles gas like Republicans ignore civil liberties (ie. the Hummer). Those things are dumb and wasteful.

The secret to not having to loan your truck out consistently is actually using it yourself! If its always full of stuff, they dont want to take the time to unload it and wash it out before they use it...they just go to the next friend with a truck who has it for show.

Also, being up high and having a better view is safer than being low - its just that when everyone is up high, its pointless. I can see people braking way before the normal car can and I can adjust it for....I have to, the little cars think they own the road and cut off the trucks without any thought of how long it takes us to stop vs them. I havent been in an accident, but there have been times it was close, and not because I was following too close, but because they cut in then slam on the brakes...its easy to cut in on on a big truck b/c we leave extra room stop for a reason....we need it.

As to the global warming....999/1000 ( I question this unbacked up statistic) receive money from one source or another to say it exists...if it didnt exist there would not be a problem to study and they would be out of a job.

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Sounds like someone with a large SUV is easily offended.   ^_^ Not surprised.  Like it or not people today look at big SUV drivers kind of like smokers. Having once had an Expedition, I realize there are needs for them. When my kids were little I had an RV and we used it frequently. It was the best vehicle in the world for that purpose. Pretty much sucked though when driving around town and especially trying to park. Got rid of it about 4 years ago after we sold the RV and I don't miss it at all. So yes, I sympathize with some big truck owners but I see way to many people buy them for the wrong reasons and try as you might you will not change public perception.  

ps: I was just trying to make a joke with the earlier lard ass comment. Thus the attached smiley face.

Most lard asses could not hoist themselves up into a big truck.  ^_^

Edited by LunaticFringe
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A friend of mine was recently in a fender-bender. She was driving a Mazda Protege, just your average, four-door car. She was backed into by a lady driving a Ford Expedition. The woman apologized, and took responsibility... sort of. She actually had the nerve to say, "It's just that your car is so small! I couldn't see it!"

I think I might have gone postal on someone who had the nerve to say that after hitting my car with her big-ass, can't-see-out-of-the-back SUV. Other things that are small, that she presumable can't see while going backwards: bicycles, animals, CHILDREN....

That would have set me off. Its kind of scary riding a bike knowing that there's fools like this out there and that the most she'd get for killing a cyclist is a traffic ticket.

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Sounds like someone with a large SUV is easily offended. ^_^ Not surprised. Like it or not people today look at big SUV drivers kind of like smokers. Having once had an Expedition, I realize there are needs for them. When my kids were little I had an RV and we used it frequently. It was the best vehicle in the world for that purpose. Pretty much sucked though when driving around town and especially trying to park. Got rid of it about 4 years ago after we sold the RV and I don't miss it at all. So yes, I sympathize with some big truck owners but I see way to many people buy them for the wrong reasons and try as you might you will not change public perception.

ps: I was just trying to make a joke with the earlier lard ass comment. Thus the attached smiley face.

Most lard asses could not hoist themselves up into a big truck. ^_^

Not easily offended - especially by the lard ass comment - Houston is generally full of lard asses - Priuses, trucks, motorcycles, it doesnt matter - lard asses everywhere.

As to the offended by the big vehicle. Ehh - it doesnt bother me...For one I would say the large majority of people do not look at SUV's and trucks disparagingly...There is a big group of people say 20% or so who think they are better than the people who drive them b.c they dont and they think they are "green", but they are still far from the majority...at least here in the US, especially Texas (god bless this state) I think most people just drive what they want, and what is most convenient without caring at all what the green hypocrites think. I dont have an SUV - but when I have kids I probably will get one. Wont get rid of the truck, but will add on with a SUV. I dont care about the perception of being "green" or what others think about it...I know that the things I do have a real impact on the environment, and not just a perceived one.

Not saying that driving smaller cars does not have an impact...it does, especially in the aggregate...but if you have to take 2 cars to do the same thing an SUV will do, your better off having the SUV....prius drivers everywhere will hate you and thumb their nose at you, but your still being more green than if you were in that goofy little hamster cart.

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So yes, I sympathize with some big truck owners but I see way to many people buy them for the wrong reasons and try as you might you will not change public perception.  

What the hell does that mean? Who are you to decide what is the right or wrong reason for a person to buy a large vehicle? Also, what public perception? I don't care what some East or West coast moron thinks about my big Houston truck (Ford F250 Diesel super cab). One of the things I always loved about Texas was that people here didn't seem to care what the rest of the world thought about them. I have adopted that attitude myself and will run over (figuratively speaking) any Protege owner that thinks otherwise.

I am so tired of those that constantly judge those of us who don't meet their criteria for environmental sainthood.

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What the hell does that mean? Who are you to decide what is the right or wrong reason for a person to buy a large vehicle?

He has a right to his opinion just like anyone else.

I am so tired of those that constantly judge those of us who don't meet their criteria for environmental sainthood.

You poor persecuted soul.

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It is a case by case basis. I know people who have trucks and use the hell out of them (and you can tell!). I also know people who drive large vehicles just to drive a large vehicle. It's a vanity/utility ratio. And as long as they're available and they can pay the price tag, then so be it. We can't make decisions for other people.

I had a truck once and I have to admit, I like being up higher. I also liked the cargo space but since I rarely hauled tall items, covered cargo space was a much better thing for me. I ultimately got a car that isn't a low rider but is still a car and still has a large amount of interior cargo space (and the 28-30 mpg ain't too bad either). But the thing is, it fits my practical needs which happen to be that sized covered cargo space and other utility.

When I need a larger vehicle, which is seldom, I rent one.

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What the hell does that mean? Who are you to decide what is the right or wrong reason for a person to buy a large vehicle? Also, what public perception? I don't care what some East or West coast moron thinks about my big Houston truck (Ford F250 Diesel super cab). One of the things I always loved about Texas was that people here didn't seem to care what the rest of the world thought about them. I have adopted that attitude myself and will run over (figuratively speaking) any Protege owner that thinks otherwise.

I am so tired of those that constantly judge those of us who don't meet their criteria for environmental sainthood.

I'm going to take an unpopular position here and say that it IS my business. I have to breathe the dirty air those vehicles make, and so do my kids. I have to share the road with the drivers of those vehicles. Marksmu may think that small car drivers zip around inconsiderately, but it's my perception that often the drivers of big cars drive like bullies. My safety, and my kids' safety, is put at risk. Not to mention the backing-up issue, since I already have. So I will continue to view drivers of outsize vehicles as selfish bullies. And they can continue to see me as a tree-hugging communist.

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What the hell does that mean? Who are you to decide what is the right or wrong reason for a person to buy a large vehicle? Also, what public perception? I don't care what some East or West coast moron thinks about my big Houston truck (Ford F250 Diesel super cab). One of the things I always loved about Texas was that people here didn't seem to care what the rest of the world thought about them. I have adopted that attitude myself and will run over (figuratively speaking) any Protege owner that thinks otherwise.

I am so tired of those that constantly judge those of us who don't meet their criteria for environmental sainthood.

I'm not criticizing anybody.  As I explained I used to own a large SUV myself. Blame it on Al Gore if you want, there are people that do, so either get a smaller vehicle or learn not to take things personal. 

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I'm going to take an unpopular position here and say that it IS my business. I have to breathe the dirty air those vehicles make, and so do my kids. I have to share the road with the drivers of those vehicles. Marksmu may think that small car drivers zip around inconsiderately, but it's my perception that often the drivers of big cars drive like bullies. My safety, and my kids' safety, is put at risk. Not to mention the backing-up issue, since I already have. So I will continue to view drivers of outsize vehicles as selfish bullies. And they can continue to see me as a tree-hugging communist.

Your right its an unpopular position - at least with me - I dont just think the smaller cars whip into the small gaps, I know they do it - they do it to me every single day (so do other trucks and SUVs). I leave plenty of space because I am an active coaster, and I leave it so I can stop, and they fill it in, until they see another truck they can cut off. Im not even going to touch the "clean air" aspect of it, as there is nothing I can do to convince you, and nothing you can do to convince me. I will not ever drive a smaller vehicle than I do now....but I never, put the safety of others and their children in jeopardy with the way I drive....I am bigger, but I drive like I am bigger - much more defensively, and much slower...the size of my vehicle in comparison to yours does not make it more dangerous - your actions are the only thing that can put you in a dangerous situation around me.

Im willing to bet that your biased hatred of those bigger vehicles just makes you much more sensitive to the inconsiderate actions of those in bigger vehicles. You probably do not realize it but your most likely cut off and bullied just as much, if not more by the smaller cars...you only get more mad when its done by the bigger ones, because you blindly believe those people are destroying the earth, and forcing you to breathe pollution. Your holier than thou attitude causes you to be biased against those in bigger vehicles regardless of how they are actually driving. If trucks and SUVs were people, you would be called a racist. I would not doubt if you give disgusted glares at those people driving the big trucks and SUV's because you disapprove of their vehicle choice.

You think its selfish of us to have big vehicles and have the privilege to share the road with you - we think its selfish and outright ridiculous for you to think you get to tell us what to drive or how to live. So your right you will think Im a big selfish bully, and I will think your a tree hugging commy. I'm sure as heck not going to change, so the status quo shall continue.

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I'm going to take an unpopular position here and say that it IS my business. I have to breathe the dirty air those vehicles make, and so do my kids. I have to share the road with the drivers of those vehicles. Marksmu may think that small car drivers zip around inconsiderately, but it's my perception that often the drivers of big cars drive like bullies. My safety, and my kids' safety, is put at risk. Not to mention the backing-up issue, since I already have. So I will continue to view drivers of outsize vehicles as selfish bullies. And they can continue to see me as a tree-hugging communist.

Do you think that your car puts out less emissions than my diesel? The chances are that it does not since diesel is a cleaner burning fuel. If we're going to stay consistant then we need to remove the V8 sports cars as well.

The selfish bully comment is laughable.

I'm not criticizing anybody.  As I explained I used to own a large SUV myself. Blame it on Al Gore if you want, there are people that do, so either get a smaller vehicle or learn not to take things personal. 

Al Gore is a clown, and most that have dome their research know this. I don't take anything personally unless you start stereotyping those of us that drive big vehicles.

It is a case by case basis. I know people who have trucks and use the hell out of them (and you can tell!). I also know people who drive large vehicles just to drive a large vehicle. It's a vanity/utility ratio.

So your telling me that know one here has purchased a small car out of vanity? That ludicrous.

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Your right its an unpopular position - at least with me - I dont just think the smaller cars whip into the small gaps, I know they do it - they do it to me every single day (so do other trucks and SUVs). I leave plenty of space because I am an active coaster, and I leave it so I can stop, and they fill it in, until they see another truck they can cut off. Im not even going to touch the "clean air" aspect of it, as there is nothing I can do to convince you, and nothing you can do to convince me. I will not ever drive a smaller vehicle than I do now....but I never, put the safety of others and their children in jeopardy with the way I drive....I am bigger, but I drive like I am bigger - much more defensively, and much slower...the size of my vehicle in comparison to yours does not make it more dangerous - your actions are the only thing that can put you in a dangerous situation around me.

Do you think that your car puts out less emissions than my diesel? The chances are that it does not since diesel is a cleaner burning fuel. If we're going to stay consistant then we need to remove the V8 sports cars as well.

Despite what many people think, cars and trucks burn their fuel fairly efficiently. Sure, they don't burn 100% clean, but vehicles of today maximize their fuel consumption which in turn minimizes their waste (exhaust). A gas powered F350 of today gets better mileage than a toyota from 30 years ago, and it pushes out fewer emissions. Houston's air quality issues, those caused by automobiles, are less today than they were 30 years ago despite the exponential increase in the number of vehicles on the road. Even most of the factories and refineries have reduced their emissions too. Houston's air is far cleaner today than it was even ten years ago. This is no small feat considering our environment and climate. By the way, these cleaner standards were brought about by changes in the law championed by Al "Republican Punching Bag" Gore and people like him. If it were up to lassaiz-faire "let the market sort itself out" Republicans, we'd probably all be breathing lethal, or at least cancer-causing, levels of toxic fumes.

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The statements about emissions here are really misleading. All you have to do is look up a variety of vehicles, and their tested emissions, to see that there are vast differences between a regular car and a truck or SUV.

Just one example:


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