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Recently, I've been making some...admittedly pretty bad threads and accusing some of you where I shouldn't have been. For that, I'm sorry.

But in the process, I've learned a few things about HAIF and about myself. Here they are.

1. Good ideas can be badly written

This is what I hold true to many of my topics, including the HAIF/Alcohol Paradox, and some of my ideas on light rail. Sometimes, it's just better to mention that off-handedly in another thread, or not at all. The HAIF is not live, and it's very hard to edit your work (or not at all after the two hour limit). I can spellcheck before I post but I don't have an English teacher looking over my side. happy.gif

In the case of the "Jerk Meter" post it really didn't mean to come off as whining (it was more of a general talk), but it apparently did. Sorry.

2. Know your audience

Every forum has a different audience. I've been in forums where the "population" was mostly British college students. What's true for one group isn't necessarily true for another. A conversation could you cheers and applause in one forum, while in another in can get your throat ripped out.

3. I go to HAIF to enjoy myself

Work (or school/college in some cases) is hard. So we go to HAIF to entertain ourselves. Unfortunately, while you go to the HAIF to blow off steam related to politics, I go to HAIF to entertain myself and maybe learn something new about Houston I didn't know before. However, I can also blame myself because I didn't...

4. Stay in the zone

My mistake was that I attempted to be a "regular" in the HAIF, while my original intent was to almost exclusively Historic Houston and College Station-Bryan. This was difficult as I was not living in Houston and a good deal younger (about five-ten years) than the rest of the you, putting a handicap on being "accepted". Furthermore, I did not like most of the political and social views of the HAIF and I don't like debating. I really find it pointless. Both of you firmly believe in whatever you're debating, thinks its truly the right thing in the world, the other side thinks your wrong, and in the end, you don't like the other person but secretly hope they'll join your side eventually.

To repair my reputation and not get in debates, I will no longer be a regular of HAIF, instead, only reside in a few forums within HAIF.

And finally...

5. I do have a chip on my shoulder against points

I was once a member of a SimCity 4 website called SimCity 4 Devotion. But one day I screwed up and insulted someone. The admins ranked me down a few points. Unlike HAIF, points were a big deal. They were only given out by admins, and your "reputation" was attached to every post. I felt like they were ignoring me after that. None of my posts were ever responded to. I then made a post about what I felt, and left. Unfortunately, without saying a word, they blocked my IP, leaving me unable to view the site. Promises to lift my ban were never fulfilled, and I am still trying to make contact. The "-"s on my profile, all being unable to view who did it, was...painful. I've mostly gotten over it, but it has left me with a permanent animosity to point-rating.

Well, that's all. I'll be in the "Historic Houston" and "Bryan-College Station" forums if you need me.



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Well i don't know if you will still check this thread, but i gave you a "plus 1".

I don't want to make it seem like i feel sorry for you or anything, so ill just state what i wanted to say.

I completely agree with your 1st two statements.

1. I'd add that, sometimes what you had said before alters someones views of what you said right now. I know this first-hand, from other forums. So good ideas, can be badly-written and perhaps even badly read.

2. Again, i had posted something in 1 forum, and the same thing and another and got seemingly opposite responses, and opposite results. The Forums were on different subjects, but i thought both would have similar people on them. Boy, was i wrong.

It saddens me, that this forum has changed, along with the people on it. And i think most people have realized this, as evident by the lack of activity.

Edited by citizen4rmptown
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