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i heard the head guy from Metro speak at Neartown-- and he confirmed that the Galleria train route will have grass between the tracks-- i think their management district is paying for the upkeep so the University line might not be so lucky--sigh

Edited by trymahjong
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They should all have grass between them. Ugh.

I'm thinking the only route that has a management district able to pay for upkeep for grass between the tracks is the Galleria one--the Metro Guy seemed to think that was the only way to get it-- someone besides Metro had to pay upkeep

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i heard the head guy from Metro speak at Neartown-- and he confirmed that the Galleria train route will have grass between the tracks-- i think their management district is paying for the upkeep so the University line might not be so lucky--sigh

i made a few notes about University Line-- Mid January the "record of Decision" allows for Fed money to be spent and the next day Metro will appraise and begin to buy property.

Apparently the physical activity of building the Line is one year away

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Perhaps more interesting --

Metro claims most of the property it buys isn't eminent domain but voluntary--at the same time acknowledging that after 2 properties are bought --they have established the prevailing worth of the real estate in that area-----

We MUST put a stop to their buffoonery. This is getting to be too much.

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Perhaps more interesting --

Metro claims most of the property it buys isn't eminent domain but voluntary--at the same time acknowledging that after 2 properties are bought --they have established the prevailing worth of the real estate in that area-----

Of course. The same is true for every highway project, and every other public project. First, they go in with offers, sometimes followed by negotiations, and then only if necessary proceed with eminent domain.

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another interesting thing mentioned by the Metro guy-- the width of the lanes-- most proponents want the legal minimun width-- (perhaps addressing the hope of a bicycle lane)

the width of the sidewalk -- most proponents want the maximum width(to allow tree plantings) the Metro guy said that it all depended what property was bought and how close to the curb it was--but probably it would be a checkerboard type reality-- wide where the propery had plenty of frontage-- not-so-wide where the existing building was closer to curb--that just sounds peculiar to me

also apparently there will be tiny Metro business offices located along the route during construction (this is one year away) where locals can do Q&A with a Metro representative

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Why should buying two properties set the "fair" market rate for an area? Its absurd.

Let's not be putting TOO much weight on a forum poster's interpretation of what one unknown Metro staffer allegedly said.

Having said that, the purchase of two properties certainly provides evidence of fair market value. It's absurd to suggest otherwise.

At the end of the day, whether for negotiated purchases or for eminent domain purchases, Metro does not have the ability or the power to "establish" the fair market value on its own. In negotiated purchases, the seller has a lot to say about it. In eminent domain purchases, the court decides.

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Let's not be putting TOO much weight on a forum poster's interpretation of what one unknown Metro staffer allegedly said.

Having said that, the purchase of two properties certainly provides evidence of fair market value. It's absurd to suggest otherwise.

At the end of the day, whether for negotiated purchases or for eminent domain purchases, Metro does not have the ability or the power to "establish" the fair market value on its own. In negotiated purchases, the seller has a lot to say about it. In eminent domain purchases, the court decides.

I'm not sure how much weight you should put on my interpretation but the information was present by Frank Wilson at last months Near town meeting-- and the minutes of those meetings are posted on their website

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  • The title was changed to METRO Line

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