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Wilshire Village Apartments At 1701 West Alabama St.

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Cohen was the previous owner. all the taxes must have been brought current after the sale I guess. Anyway, I don't oppose dense development if the infrastructure is there to support it. In the case of WV it plainly isn't. I live three blocks from WV and have seen what even a modest amount of rain does in terms of flooding. add the narrow, two lane streets on three sides,and contraflow west alabama on the fourth, and it is incumbent on the city to scrutinze the number of units in any new development very, very closely. As a property owner I'm invested in the area and want only to see sensible, forward looking development.

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Since it is beyond ridiculous to assume it will be saved, I am now hoping it will became a high end enclave of single family homes. West Alabama is a lovely street. I'd hate to see some Gables thing plopped down on that site with a massive parking garage, few trees, and beige stucco.

$1 million dollar plus homes are popping up all over that area these days. It isn't too far fetched to think that a neighborhood with 50 homes on 6,000 square foot lots (about average for that hood assuming the 300,000 sq foot lot is accurate) could bring in quite a bit of money.

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sidegate is absolutely right about the flooding and traffic concerns. It's a river even with the sdeep ditches along West Alabama and all the green space at WV. I don't even want to imagine what more concrete and a midrise would do. :blink:

KA, that could be very nice. A plan like that could also save a number of the gorgeous magnolia trees! Maybe even some of the neat property entrance walls.

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Yeah, the first thing I thought about when visualizing the high-end home enclave was saving as many magnolias and oaks as possible. It is such a beautiful lot and being a native Houstonian, I fear for the worst... it's gonna get clear cut ala Astroworld and sit vacant for years and be a visual blight to the entire Menil district.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Report from Nancy Sarnoff

A hotel flanked by two 2-lane streets, one 3-lane contraflow and a dead-ender??? Lord have mercy....or does he mean something like La Colombe D'or? Is this going to be the Lilliputian City Centre? :blink:

I've said all along and I'll say it again. I live in the hood and I'd rather see a high rise with 300 units than a nasty mid-rise Gables thing. I have a bad feeling about this one. I'm afaraid we are in for a big vacant lot for a long time, followed by something gross. I've heard nothing about the Dillick guy that gives me any confidence to think he understands anything about the neighborhood and what would fit there. That, and it's too easy to come up with disparaging anagrams with his name.

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This could be made into (unfenced) park space after demo and prior to construction. I hope the city learned its lesson with the delayed project in the Rice Village (Sanoma?).

A temporary park would be very beneficial to the hood with mature trees and all. They better not touch those trees! :angry2:

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I've said all along and I'll say it again. I live in the hood and I'd rather see a high rise with 300 units than a nasty mid-rise Gables thing. I have a bad feeling about this one. I'm afaraid we are in for a big vacant lot for a long time, followed by something gross. I've heard nothing about the Dillick guy that gives me any confidence to think he understands anything about the neighborhood and what would fit there. That, and it's too easy to come up with disparaging anagrams with his name.

Not sure if it would help, but those interested in the final product could email him. I can't find his company's website though.

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i saw matt's original designs and didn't think his concept was compatable with the surrounding neighborhood.

today, i seriously doubt he can get financing. i believe that hes just getting his ducks lined up for when things turned around.

while he demolishes an income producing stream (what little there was), IMO, he more than makes up for it by reducing taxes and cutting out on going maintenance, insurance, etc.

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i saw matt's original designs and didn't think his concept was compatable with the surrounding neighborhood.

today, i seriously doubt he can get financing. i believe that hes just getting his ducks lined up for when things turned around.

while he demolishes an income producing stream (what little there was), IMO, he more than makes up for it by reducing taxes and cutting out on going maintenance, insurance, etc.

Still, I hope it's not just left as a fenced off demo site until construction does begin. That would be very unappealing to the neighborhood. I wonder if the city would be interested in leasing from him for a temporary greenspace site.

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Still, I hope it's not just left as a fenced off demo site until construction does begin. That would be very unappealing to the neighborhood. I wonder if the city would be interested in leasing from him for a temporary greenspace site.

seriously?? i really don't understand why any resident in this area would prefer these disgusting projects to remain standing as opposed to an empty lot....anything new that is erected on this plot is an upgrade compared to Wilshire Village so at least an empty lot holds this potential

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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

IMO, Wilshire Village holds SO much damn potential. It has a beautiful park-like setting with mature live oaks and magnolias. It's scale/massing fits in nicely with the surroundings. Clean lines from the 40s (look at those stunning windows!!!). Parking that isn't the first thing you notice.

Now, compare that to something like what was put up on the corner of Richmond @ Wesleyan or Sawyer Heights Village. In my opinion, a lot of new construction just looks cheap. Cheap materials. Cheap labor. Public space as an afterthought. Cheesy design cliches. YUCK.

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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

IMO, Wilshire Village holds SO much damn potential. It has a beautiful park-like setting with mature live oaks and magnolias. It's scale/massing fits in nicely with the surroundings. Clean lines from the 40s (look at those stunning windows!!!). Parking that isn't the first thing you notice.

Now, compare that to something like what was put up on the corner of Richmond @ Wesleyan or Sawyer Heights Village. In my opinion, a lot of new construction just looks cheap. Cheap materials. Cheap labor. Public space as an afterthought. Cheesy design cliches. YUCK.

i agree that the trees are beautiful. unfortunately, the rest is hideous and scares away potential buyers in the surrounding neighborhood.

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seriously?? i really don't understand why any resident in this area would prefer these disgusting projects to remain standing as opposed to an empty lot....anything new that is erected on this plot is an upgrade compared to Wilshire Village so at least an empty lot holds this potential

I can't agree that anything new is an upgrade. I'd rather have WV than a Tuscanized strip center with a Panera Bread and a Landry's. The reason I live in Montrose is to avoid that kind of crap.

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while he demolishes an income producing stream (what little there was), IMO, he more than makes up for it by reducing taxes and cutting out on going maintenance, insurance, etc.

Yikes... Per hcad, looks like the appraised value went up another $6 million this year. From $5.4 million to $16.7 million since 2005? The Wilshire Village shopping center across the street has shot up from $2.8 million in '06 to $7.5 million this year. Seems a little extreme considering that there hasn't really been that much change in this area the past few years

It would sure be nice to see Wilshire Village turned into a park and the land under the shopping center redeveloped instead :)

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Yikes... Per hcad, looks like the appraised value went up another $6 million this year. From $5.4 million to $16.7 million since 2005? The Wilshire Village shopping center across the street has shot up from $2.8 million in '06 to $7.5 million this year. Seems a little extreme considering that there hasn't really been that much change in this area the past few years

hopefully she runs hers better than her bro did wilshire village.

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Yikes... Per hcad, looks like the appraised value went up another $6 million this year. From $5.4 million to $16.7 million since 2005? The Wilshire Village shopping center across the street has shot up from $2.8 million in '06 to $7.5 million this year. Seems a little extreme considering that there hasn't really been that much change in this area the past few years

Southampton is encroaching from the south and River Oaks encroaching from the west. The area is changing, and the Dunlavy+Alabama intersection will be redeveloped in an "upscale" fashion at some point relatively soon. It's just a matter of when. The HCAD appraisers recognize this...

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Seriously! I mean how much longer can Fiesta and those other tenants hold on with appraisals going up like that? Not too long I think. Here's a scenario: Dilick waits it out to grab that property too, then petitions the City to close Dunlavy between Alabama and Richmond (see Sonoma), then the entire area turns into a biug mix-used development. Nancy's article did mention he thought shopping was appropriate for the site, but he's not known for building retail so conceivably will enter a partnership with someone else. So I would join those who say the lot will lie fallow for a while.

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Seriously! I mean how much longer can Fiesta and those other tenants hold on with appraisals going up like that? Not too long I think. Here's a scenario: Dilick waits it out to grab that property too, then petitions the City to close Dunlavy between Alabama and Richmond (see Sonoma), then the entire area turns into a biug mix-used development. Nancy's article did mention he thought shopping was appropriate for the site, but he's not known for building retail so conceivably will enter a partnership with someone else. So I would join those who say the lot will lie fallow for a while.

I think you might be on to something, but I find it hard to believe that the City would close Dunlavy. Especially since it goes several blocks farther north and has a fancy 59 bridge.

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Whoops a daisy, I meant just closing Dunlavy between Alabama and West Main. If you look at a map of the area, Sul Ross and Branard have already been cut off, dead-ending on the arse ends of both Wilshire Village and Fiesta. Presumably this was done when Wilshire was being developed in the 40s. The only private residences in that block of Dunlavy open out on to West Main. There's also that weird building just south of the Fiesta parking lot, who knows what that is.

As for the Fire Station you could have an exits on both the north and south end of this hypothetical development to accommodate emergency services. Even if it's not closed, it's conceivable that a developer would wait it out until the owner of the Fiesta complex sells out (only a matter of time), then integrate development on the two sides of the street. Anyway, I'm heartened to hear that mixed use is a possibility, fingers crossed it will be of the pedestrian-friendly variety.

Edited by sidegate
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