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1111-1201 Westheimer Rd.


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I was just in the Montrose and it looks as if the recently closed Cabo location there next to HollyWood Video is about to open again with a new identity. The Big Neon lights on the building displayed "The Montrose Cafe" and there were people on the inside working with chairs up on the tables.

I am so excited that this place is opening again because it is such a great location. It always hurt over the years to pass there and see that location not being utilized. I hereby curse the curse that is said to have such a strong hold on that location......CLAP, SNAP, SNAP, SNAP!!!!!! Curse begone.

On a different note, does anyone know what is happening on the northeast corner of Westheimer and Montrose across from Taco Cabana? I believe it's right there next to Prive'. There appear to be shelves in there. Does anyone have any info?

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Yep, think of all the things that have come and gone nearby.

Soundwaves, HEB, NooBeat Records, Crossroards Bookstore, the Movie Theatre, etc...

Soundwaves is still there. They just relocated temporarilly to Shepherd Plaza while they renovated the Montrose store. They've been back open on Montrose for about a month now.

I do miss Crossroads Market being in that location.

As for Cabo, I was never very impressed. The food was decent but there wasn't much selection, and drinks were way overpriced. $6 for a margarita in a tiny plastic cup? Why go there when I can get better food and a drink three times that size for the same price elsewhere.

That said, I hope the new restaurant makes it. The real problem, as others mentioned, is the parking. It's absolutely horrible during busy hours, and the center across the street where Blockbuster and Half Price Books are has, at times, been rather agressive about towing cars parked in their lot by people who walked across Yoakum to the other center.

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I don't think the coffee idea was a smart move. Too much local competition in the very near vacinity. In fact, I was just there on Monday and they were giving away coffee and muffins to people who were purchasing music. Most folks I saw, including myself (picked up the Killers cd), passed on the freebies.

By the way, I am sure it's just a mental/spatial thing, but it seemed to me as if there was actually less music in the store than before.

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  • 1 month later...

I am going to break out my crystal ball and make a prediction that this new place (Montrose Diner) won't be there long either.

The food is okay, and the prices are good, but it is chaotic disaster every time you go in there.

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I am going to break out my crystal ball and make a prediction that this new place (Montrose Diner) won't be there long either.

The food is okay, and the prices are good, but it is chaotic disaster every time you go in there.

I am fired up to try this place. I love diners. hoepfully you are wrong., but I predict you might be right. that place seems jinxed.

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I loved Crossroads and was a regular there a long time. Unfortunately the biggest complaint I heard about was not the parking but the buses and the cars that stunk up and polluted the patio area in front....and for a long time the loitering Covenant House kids were a problem...but that was remedied pretty quick. It was busy all the time but I never saw anyone buying any books. Did anyone else notice that? LOL!! :P

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I loved Crossroads ...  It was busy all the time but I never saw anyone buying any books.  Did anyone else notice that? LOL!!  :P

Actually I used to buy a lot of books, cards, and a few gifts in there. They definitely had the best selection of GLBT books in the city, and the store was always better stocked and merchandised than Lobo (also gone now) and the "replacement" Hollywood store, which I consider somewhat of a joke when it comes to buying books. And Crossroads held a nostalgic place in my heart, as it was the first gay business I ever set foot in back before I moved to Houston when one of my best friends and I were both coming out about the same time. I still miss that place and always make a trip to their Dallas store when I'm up there.

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They had a lot of great gifts, I do remember. Aside from myself I saw very few people buying. I loved their candle selection.

I can't believe Lobo is gone as well? Good lord, that was a Montrose institution. My roommate and I used to go get his porn there all the time, that store was so cool! It was like Porn and Gift/Bookshop in one. :D

See what happens when you get married and live outside the loop? *sigh*

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My roommate and I used to go get his porn there all the time, that store was so cool!

Okay, no offense meant here, but you are hereby officially crowned a "queen of the fag hags," a title reserved only for the striaght female roommates of gay men who help their gay roomie select his porn magazines and videoes. :P

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Okay, no offense meant here, but you are hereby officially crowned a "queen of the fag hags," a title reserved only for the striaght female roommates of gay men who help their gay roomie select his porn magazines and videoes. :P

Yes, now that you are in suburbia, I don't think that is a story I would share with the soccer mom set...


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OMG I am LMAO....yes, I daresay I hesitate telling the Memorial Moms about my sordid past...but truth be told, I have been a total fag hag most of my life :P At my peak it was JR's and Heaven almost every night of the week, then Rich's on Saturday nights. Vodka & 7 with grenadine...trips all the time, brunch at La Strada....OH, HOW TIMES HAVE CHANGED! :lol: But I was young, in my twenties, feeling quite fabulous. Now I'm not-so-young, in my thirties, and feeling more fat than fabulous, and just a little bit pregnant. :lol:


This is Key West's Fantasy Fest about four years ago. What a BLAST that was!! Yes that is me with the blue hair.....Scary, eh? What's truly scary is I met my husband-to-be less than two months after I got home, and I never looked back! I had some great times, saw some truly wild stuff, and I can't say I regret a thing. It was a total blast and I hope that when we get to heaven we are allowed to relive some of the very best times!!

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OMG I am LMAO....yes, I daresay I hesitate telling the Memorial Moms about my sordid past...but truth be told, I have been a total fag hag most of my life tongue.gif At my peak it was JR's and Heaven almost every night of the week, then Rich's on Saturday nights. Vodka & 7 with grenadine...trips all the time, brunch at La Strada....OH, HOW TIMES HAVE CHANGED! laugh.gif But I was young, in my twenties, feeling quite fabulous. Now I'm not-so-young, in my thirties, and feeling more fat than fabulous, and just a little bit pregnant. laugh.gif

Sounds like fun to me! We might have even run into each other at JR's or Crossroads or even Lobo at some point in the past and not known it.

Although I've never had a true "hag" myself, there have definitely been some straight female friends I've had a lot of fun with over the years. And, as I've gotten older, I've definitely outgrown the party scene... I think it's been about three months since I've even been in a bar that wasn't part of a restaurant or hotel. But that could be as much a factor of me being unemployed and having no disposable income (that's changing very soon!) as me getting older and tiring out of that stuff.

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LOL!! My husband died when I told him I put that pic on here! :lol: He asked if I put the one of me with the blue hair at the Halloween party and I said HE*L NO! I went as a hooker, does that tell you anything? Let's just say my toys I carried coordinated with my hair :P yes, they have an assortment of colorful items at DareWear LOL :lol:


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LOL!!  My husband died when I told him I put that pic on here!  :lol:  He asked if I put the one of me with the blue hair at the Halloween party and I said HE*L NO!  I went as a hooker, does that tell you anything?  Let's just say my toys I carried coordinated with my hair  :P yes, they have an assortment of colorful items at DareWear LOL  :lol:


He should be relieved that the photo at least cleared up any confusion as to which person in the marriage photo Parrothead is. At least now we know it wasn't him in the back of lobo...

or was it? ;)

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  • 1 month later...

Now, let's get back to the Montrose Diner. I see that they now have a sign that says under new management. Ya wanna know why?

If, like some of you here, had been there, the service SUCKS but the food is GREAT!

I have been there three times and will keep going but I will have to already be drunk and not too hungry to put up with sit down service instead of takeout.


Oh, and the Blue hair is pretty!

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