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but the muslims you are talking about aren't living in a country were Islamic law and fundamentalist are in rule.

American democracy and freedom allowed them to open there stores and be successful.

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Funny that the thread took this turn. Fareed Zakaria is the editor of Newsweek International.


He appeared on The Daily Show a few weeks ago talking about the British Tube bombing. He pointed out that in Europe, muslims have had a hard time assimilating and, therefore have gathered in large poor neighborhoods. They have high unemployment in these slums, making it a prime recruiting area for disaffected youth by extremists.

By contrast, muslims in the US have assimilated very well. There are no muslim slums. Extreme rhetoric in the US would ring comparatively hollow to the better educated, better paid US muslims. Zakaria felt that this explained to a large extent, why there are no US born muslim terrorists. The US does a far better job of assimilating and accepting people of different backgrounds than even we believe.

Food for thought.

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As long as we continue to be a melting pot and not a multicultural tossed salad like some people want, we'll be fine.

People should come to the USA to become americans and not stay their nationality. This doesn't mean giving up there ethicity or culture.

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And speaking of 'on drugs', anyone else catch this priceless W quote from a press conference a couple of days ago?

"I understand the anguish that some feel about the death that takes place."

What a lovely sentiment - but I don't see it on a Hallmark card anytime soon.

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Here is a great article about how the President deals with families who have lost loved ones in Iraq. May I remind you he has had to comfort greiving families since the ninth month of his administration.


I truly dont understand why some of you guys feel the need to demean him or make out to be someone who doesnt truly care. I happen to support our efforts over seas, I believe they are very important for our future. If you disagree thats great, this is America. But you win no sympathies from me when you try to make this man out as a liar, or someone who didnt really care enough to put forthought into his decision to go to war. I truly believe that he made the decision he did, because he felt it was important for our future security. He's not some man who carelessly wages war.

And on a final note, the president has treated Cindy Sheehan with great respect. He has already met with her once and after reading some of the really off the wall comments of Cindy Sheehan I would not meet with her either. Mrs. Sheehan is doing what she is doing because of her long held political views, the death of her son gave her a greater voice. But when she says the President is the worlds greatest terrorist and attacks him and Israel as the reason for our problems, I take issue with that.

God Bless her son and those still overseas.

Just my Opinion

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Here is a great article about how the President deals with families who have lost loved ones in Iraq. May I remind you he has had to comfort greiving families since the ninth month of his administration.


I truly dont understand why some of you guys feel the need to demean him or make out to be someone who doesnt truly care. I happen to support our efforts over seas, I believe they are very important for our future. If you disagree thats great, this is America. But you win no sympathies from me when you try to make this man out as a liar, or someone who didnt really care enough to put forthought into his decision to go to war. I truly believe that he made the decision he did, because he felt it was important for our future security. He's not some man who carelessly wages war.

And on a final note, the president has treated Cindy Sheehan with great respect. He has already met with her once and after reading some of the really off the wall comments of Cindy Sheehan I would not meet with her either. Mrs. Sheehan is doing what she is doing because of her long held political views, the death of her son gave her a greater voice. But when she says the President is the worlds greatest terrorist and attacks him and Israel as the reason for our problems, I take issue with that.

God Bless her son and those still overseas.

Just my Opinion

I can't say I agree with you but your opinion was very well expressed. The only part I don't understand is why Bush thought invading Irag was important to our future security. Afganistan I understood. Iraq? I just don't get it.

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I happen to support our efforts over seas, I believe they are very important for our future.

perhaps; since we (and when i say "we," i mean bush and his administration) so royally &*#%$ things up, to not try and clean up our mess a little would be...let's just say, inhospitable...

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Islam is the root cause of the backwardness of the Muslims.

If that were not the case, we would not be having this conversation. Take the USA out of the equation, and the Muslim rage is still there.

And if the Islamisists win, they still have no solutions.

No money, no jobs, no hope, no peace.

Violence is their only hope. Just ask Hammas.

Midtown, since we're talking the Iraq War here, let's be clear about something: of the many titles one can place on Saddam, Islamic Fundamentalist was not one of them. For all the evil that defined his regime, it was at the root a secular government. Although no doubt there were Islamic fundamentalists in his government, Saddam himself could care less about religion; in fact one of his right-hand men (Aziz) was a Christian.

Fast forward to today, and the new Iraqi leaders are drafting a Constitution that states "Islam is a main source for legislation and it is not permitted to legislate anything that conflicts with the fixed principles of the rules of Islam".

So tell me Midtown, what exactly do you mean by your statement knowing that we are installing a government into Iraq whose Constitution will use the Koran as it's basis of law?

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Midtown, since we're talking the Iraq War here, let's be clear about something: of the many titles one can place on Saddam, Islamic Fundamentalist was not one of them. For all the evil that defined his regime, it was at the root a secular government. Although no doubt there were Islamic fundamentalists in his government, Saddam himself could care less about religion; in fact one of his right-hand men (Aziz) was a Christian.

Fast forward to today, and the new Iraqi leaders are drafting a Constitution that states "Islam is a main source for legislation and it is not permitted to legislate anything that conflicts with the fixed principles of the rules of Islam".

So tell me Midtown, what exactly do you mean by your statement knowing that we are installing a government into Iraq whose Constitution will use the Koran as it's basis of law?

and doesn't the Koran have something about women and their "place" in society?

I only want the men in this forum to answer. All women in this forum should not speak unless spoken to. And anyway, what are you women doing using a computer in the first place???

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Of course it's a bad idea framing a constituion around the laws of Islam.

Backwards, as a matter of fact.

Here is an editorial on Peace Mom.  I think she's about to meet her match.


My guess is that Bush won't appreciate the help. Competing parents of dead soldiers will just make sure that dead soldiers stay on the front page. And as tragic as the loss of your child is, parents of dead soldiers don't call the shots on whether to continue a war. Net result will be support for this invasion will stay at 34% or less.

As to the idea of using Islam as the basis for the constitution and the laws? You'll never guess who has been pushing that wonderful tenet...the US diplomats who are advising the Iraqi negotiators. Bush wants a constitution, any constitution, so badly that this is an acceptable compromise. It is also part of the Afghan constitution, by the way (as well as almost all other Middle Eastern countries).

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Of course it's a bad idea framing a constituion around the laws of Islam.

Backwards, as a matter of fact.

Here is an editorial on Peace Mom.  I think she's about to meet her match.


Met her match? I don't think she has a quarrel with other gold star families that do not agree with her or at least she shouldn't. I'm sure she thinks they have as much right to there opinions as she does. Her problem is with Bush and not them. The people at Camp Casey should however remove the crosses for the soldiers when the fallen soldiers families do not want them there.

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That editorial was written by the new Ann Coulter by the way......

There's a new Ann Coulter? You mean the Ann Coulter you don't see on the talking head news shows anymore? [well, except for that hannity guy who she seems to have some freakish obsession with]

I googled Kathleen Parker and found her to be a milder form of Coulter-but I can see what's coming. I'm always facinated by these far right extremists who seem hell-bent on killing anyone with whom they disagree:

Barbara Bush saying if you come after her family you're dead.

Kathleen Parker's Column quoting someone saying that Democratic candidates should be lined up and shot.

The wife of Maryland Governor saying Britney Spears should be shot.

Pat Robertson saying the State Department should be nuked.

Clear Channel DJs inciting drivers to pelt bicycle riders.

Bill O'Reilly saying Peter Arnett should be shot.

Ann Coulter saying liberals should be killed, and that it was too bad the terrorists didn't fly into the NYT building.

John Derbyshire of the National Review implying that Chelsea Clinton should be killed.

and now the leader of Venezuela [Pat-"Thou shall not kill but assasination is OK"-Robinson. These people are so bizarre but the scariest thing is they seem to have the people in power by the short hairs...but I digress...

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Don't forget about our constitution. The Bill of Rights came along a couple of years after the constitution was written and signed off on. Those popular rights we talk about were not part of our original constitution.

Also, it took us over 100-years to allow women to vote. Our constitution wasn't perfect either from the beginning.

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Chavez is loco.  Oil will do that to a person. 

If you think Chavez is normal, you don't know Hugo.

What is the story on Chavez? I really don't know much of anything about him. Pat Robertson I do know about. What a baffoon. The scary part is the thousands of like-minded followers he has. Wasn't he the one that blamed 911 on the ACLU, the feminists and the gays?

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