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Steve Hotze


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Look what Dr. Hotze sent me! (The joy I experience from list sharing and supporting candidates according to office, not political affiliation).

Look carefully at the left column. Apparently Dr. Hotze knows whom he hates better than whom he supports.


Edited by Porchman
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Big fan of successful attorneys in private practice, isn't he?

Karen Derr - "radical liberal"

Man, are conservatives so ignorant as to fall for an unsupported charge like that? And, doesn't Hotze know that Karen Derr supports demolishing old houses? That's supportive of economic development and job creation!

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That thing looks horrible. Did they create it in MS Paint?

Hotze is an idiot. You would think the DWI arrest in October of 2000 would've sent him into hiding as it would many other people in politics, but it didn't. Can someone find a rail so we can run him out of town? He must not know that Locke said that he supports undoing an amendment in the city charter which forbids the partners of city employees from receiving benefits while Parker says she has "no plans" to undo the amendment. Republican Paul Bettencourt has said this regarding Locke's position on the charter amendment, "That's not going to motivate us to come out and vote for somebody. You cannot get the positive good conservative turnout if you're trying to undo charter amendments. It's a line drawn in the sand."

I don't know how many remember this, but Hotze tried to sue Lee Brown back in 1998 because of Brown's 1998 executive order that prohibited discrimination based on sexual orientation. Like I've said before, the only reason he's supporting Locke is because Locke is not gay, and that's the biggest deciding factor in this race in that bigoted brain of his. Knowing Hotze's history, do you really think he wants to support someone who's a member of one of the more historically liberal churches in the city and endorsed by groups with names such as the Houston Police Organization of Spanish Speaking Officers? If this race was Locke vs. someone other than Parker, Locke wouldn't get his vote and Hotze would be sending out anti-Locke mailers with statements about affirmative action and support of gay rights by wanting to undo the charter amendment and even somehow tie him in with Obama and Pelosi and send the mailers to the west side.

Oh, and it's funny that he criticizes Parker for being supported by the "scary" unions when Locke is supported by many unions himself including the AFL-CIO and IBEW.

If I were Locke, I wouldn't have courted Hotze. If Locke wins and pushes a liberal agenda, Hotze and friends will attack him in the next election. That's how politics is, one day they're shaking your hand, the next they're ready to cut you down.

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Look what Dr. Hotze sent me! (The joy I experience from list sharing and supporting candidates according to office, not political affiliation).

Look carefully at the left column. Apparently Dr. Hotze knows whom he hates better than whom he supports.

Hmmmm....Guess Hotze doesn't really know whom he endorses. Steve Costello is a successful Engineer not a lawyer. He also was quick to point out he did not seek Hotze's endorsement nor did he welcome it.

Edited by west20th
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Wow! Looks like we need to vote for Annise Parker, Lane Lewis, Mike Laster, and Karen Derr. That sure was easy! Thanks Steve Hotze!

In defense of Steve Costello (who's running against Karen Derr), he stated that he specifically requested that Steven Hotze NOT endorse his campaign. Sounds to me like Costello doesn't agree with Hotze's views.

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The Hotze family went to our church back in the 50's and 60's. My mother could not stand Margaret Hotze, Dr. Hotze's mom. Mrs. Hotze was always spouting off the latest John Birch Society's view of the world. This may explain why Dr. Hotze is the way he is. According to my mom and her friends, Mrs. Hotze was always butting in on what was being taught at our catholic school. She had several boys enrolled. We we all involved in sports, scouts and alter boys together. I didn't have much of an opinion on the brothers back then, except that they were rich and lived in Tanglewood. Don't blame them....blame it on

their mother.

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You all can take this for what it's worth.

A number of years ago, Stephen Hotze's son died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. He got his father's gun from the closet, shot himself, and then put the gun back in its holster before he died. According to the police report, it was an “accidental shooting”.

After the funeral, when thank you cards were sent out to those who expressed their condolences, a copy of the police report was sent along with the cards. Many have asked, why would the Hotzes do that unless they were trying to convince skeptics as to the actual cause of death?

Considering the possibility that suicide was the motive, and there is no “proof” it actually was suicide, one would also consider the son's motive for killing himself. There are many who believe it was because Hotze found out his son's lifestyle was of a nature he could not tolerate. But that is strictly speculation and hearsay and not a declaration or accusation.

My personal opinion of Stephen Hotze is that he is a serpent, and a most venomous one at that. His actions as the head of the Harris County Republican Party even had many Republicans ashamed and angry. He is Hate personified. But, as I said, this is just my personal opinion.

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